John E. Hintz, CFA
Financial Services Performance
A keen eye toward top- and bottom-line performance drives Mr. Hintz’s
practical, fact-based approach to profitability. Over the course of nearly
20 years with Thrivent Financial, he consistently achieved success in a wide
array of positions with increasingly significant responsibilities.
With $82 billion in assets under management, Thrivent entrusted $1.5 billion
to his strategic-, analytical- and value-driven leadership. Highly respected for
his extensive business acumen across asset management, life insurance and
Financial Expertise
financial services sectors, John is a seasoned executive who builds teams and
Equity Research & Valuation
evolves companies to outperform competitors through proven financial
Portfolio Management principals and sound management processes. He leverages deep financial
Financial Modeling experience to identify and capitalize on opportunities across operations,
Financial Analysis marketing, sales, and management.
Asset Allocation Strategies
His intimate knowledge of the financial services industry coupled with an
Credit Analysis & Management
effective leadership style has produced significant value for Thrivent
Mergers & Acquisitions
Financial. A Fortune 500 firm, Thrivent was created through the 2001 merger
Alternative Investments of Lutheran Brotherhood and Aid Association for Lutherans. John played a
Bond Markets significant role in integrating the two groups, and, over the course of his
International Investing career, he has generated hundreds of millions in shareholder value while
serving in various roles and responsibilities outlined below.
Management Skills
Professional Experience & Results
Leading Cross Functional Teams
Thrivent Financial, 1993-2012, Appleton, WI
Budget Management
Positions Held 1997-2012: Senior Equity Research Analyst II, Senior Equity
Talent Recruitment & Retention
Research Analyst I, Director of Equity Research, Senior Equity Port folio
Research Process Development
Manager II and Senior Equity Portfolio Manager I
Talent Mentorship
Vendor Oversight Areas of Responsibility
Merger Integration Senior Equity Research Analyst
Cost-Cutting Recommended individual equity investments to Senior Equity Portfolio
Managers of the Thrivent Financial mutual fund portfolios
Provided investment research across all market capitalizations and all
Certifications & Licenses investment management styles
CFA #230706 Developed proficiency in equity-focused financial statement analysis,
FINRA Series 6 valuation analysis, financial analysis, risk/reward analysis and performed
due diligence with senior management teams
Wisconsin Life & Accident
Developed, implemented and maintained an equity analysis model
widely adopted by other Senior Equity Research Analysts
Selected by Senior Management to introduce and present the strategy of
the new Thrivent Natural Resources Fund at a convention comprised of
the top performing sales representatives
Solicited frequently by sell-side analysts for his industry research models
Director of Equity Research
Contact Information
Assembled and maintained a team of 10 Senior Equity Research Analysts
34 Fiesta Court
all holding an MBA and CFA
Appleton, WI 54911
Managed the Senior Equity Research Analyst and Senior Equity Portf olio
Manager relationships
Residence: 920-***-****
Developed processes and procedures to improve the flow of information
Mobile: 920-***-****
and equity risk/reward analysis Continued on next page
Email: ****.*.*****@******.***
Positions Held 1993-1997
John E. Hintz, CFA Direct Private Placement Loans/Public Bonds:
Investment Assistant, Investment Associate, Investment
Co-managed $20 million soft-dollar budget with the Specialist, Investment Analyst, Senior Investment Analyst
Head of Equity
Senior Equity Portfolio Manager Areas of Responsibility
Co-managed over $1.5 billion of assets in the Credit Analyst
Thrivent Financial Midcap Mutual Fund, Variable Led private placement loans with borrowers
Annuity Fund and Index Fund. Managed quality of private placement loan portfolio,
Enhanced portfolio management expertise and as well as meeting quarterly loan commitment goals
substantially increased knowledge of global Detailed financial statement analysis, financial
economy modeling, financial analysis, valuation (spread)
Significant Achievements 1997-2012 Conducted industry/company analysis, due diligence
Co-developed investment philosophy/strategy Negotiated structure, terms, spread and covenants
applauded by investor media for fund performance of loans with borrowers
Increased starting base salary ten fold Conducted loan covenant amendments and waivers,
Received five promotions over approximately 15 loan restructuring, loan workouts, collateral analysis
years in the Equity Department and other loan services
Performance versus the Lipper Mid-Cap Core Completed loans across all firm capitalizations and
Universe as Co-Portfolio Manager: 2004 - 39 along the credit quality spectrum
percentile; 2005 - 9th percentile; 2006 46th Monitored diversification, quality and duration of
percentile, 2007 - 57th percentile; 2008 - 71st existing loan portfolio
percentile Made written and oral private placement loan
Rated consistently by the sales team as providing the recommendations to Thrivent Financial Exec Team
best marketing presentations while serving as Senior Recommended public bond purchases and sales to
Equity Research Analyst, Director of Equity Research Bond Portfolio Managers
and Senior Equity Portfolio Manager
Increased number of Senior Equity Research Analysts Significant Achievements 1993-1997
from 5 to 10 Received Top 1 or 2 performance rating each year as
Received highest or second highest annual a Credit Analyst from the Head of Fixed Income
performance appraisal rating each year as Director Received four promotions over four years
of Equity Research from Head of Equities Completed over $600M of private placement loans
Developed, implemented and maintained Equity Executed private placement loans and due diligence
Department’s first ever equity Investment Research in more than five foreign countries
Database as Director of Equity Research Covered successfully virtually every industry
Led the Analyst Team as Director of Equity Research Developed, implemented and enhanced an internal
through a significant merger credit rating/scoring model that proved successful as
Identified best equity research processes and a leading indicator of changes in a company’s credit
procedures of each firm and formulated an profile, which was widely adopted by Credit Analysts
integrated strategy, which was well received by Provided buy and sell recommendations successfully
Senior Equity Research Analysts, Senior Equity for a $25B public bond portfolio
Portfolio Managers and Head of Equities
Produced higher absolute total returns with a lower
Identified and achieved substantial merger overall risk profile relative to peer group as a key
integration synergies and cost savings within the member of a fixed-income team
research process as Director of Equity Research
Consistently received highest performance rating EDUCATION
from Senior Equity Portfolio Managers as a Senior MBA, Marquette University
Equity Research Analyst BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Delivered highest individual Senior Equity Research
Analyst relative performance versus benchmark by a SEE WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT JOHN HINTZ …
substantial margin in the internally funded Analyst To read what others say about John’s performance through
Fund over a seven-year period the experiences of his co-workers and clients, please visit
his LinkedIn profile using the web address below:
Covered successfully virtually every industry as a
Senior Equity Research Analyst