Jeffrey M. Cook
Mt. Pleasant, SC
**** – 2006 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Tallahassee, FL
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Environmental Studies
GPA: ~ 3.3 (Dean’s List multiple semesters)
2001 – 2003 SANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Gainesville, FL
Degree: Associate of Arts (General Studies)
Attended two years on Full Athletic Scholarship (Baseball)
2003 - 2004 APEX ENVIRONMENTAL - Cocoa, FL
Environmental Field Technician
Worked as an environmental field professional at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and
Kennedy Space Center while taking time off from school to determine future plans.
Duties included; all phases of environmental sampling, environmental assessments,
construction and contractor management, field management and project development.
2006 - 2008 ELLIS & ASSOCIATES - Jacksonville, FL
Environmental Scientist
Responsibilities included oversight and completion of Phase I & II Environmental Site
Assessments (ESAs) related to commercial real-estate transactions, environmental field
work which included; storage tank removals & well installation oversight, lithological
borings, environmental analysis/sampling, stormwater inspections (NPDES) as well as
technical writing, report compilation, business development and management duties.
2008 - 2011 DEPARTMENT of MILITARY AFFAIRS (Fl National Guard) - St. Augustine, FL
Environmental Performance & Storage Tank Manager
Duties included managing the performance of the environmental compliance and storage
tank programs for the Florida Army National Guard. Specific job responsibilities
included completing environmental compliance assessments at all National Guard
facilities, which involved interviewing personnel, inspecting facilities, collecting data,
compiling reports and ensuring proper corrective actions. Additionally, storage tank
management responsibilities included ensuring petroleum storage tanks remained in
compliance with local, state and federal regulations.
2011 – 2013 DEPARTMENT of MILITARY AFFAIRS (Fl National Guard) - St. Augustine, FL
Sustainability Program Manager
Duties included managing personnel to ensure environmental sustainability objectives
were being met and addressed at all National Guard operations. Managed recycling,
energy and waste programs for the FLARNG to ensure that environmental sustainability
practices such as energy and water conservation, waste reduction, hazardous materials
management etc. were implemented and achieved. Also worked as the environmental
training manager to ensure soldiers were receiving adequate environmental training.
Present THE ENVIRONMENTAL PEOPLE, T.E.P. (Project Manager)
Working for my father’s small environmental company in temporary status to allow my
family to complete missionary work in the southeast (Youth & Inner City Ministry).
Project History
Florida Army National Guard (FLARNG) – Managed the environmental
performance program for the FLARNG incorporating over 80 facilities statewide.
The program involved assessing each facility for environmental impacts and
compliance including: RCRA, Storage Tanks, Solid Waste, Parts Cleaning, Storm
Water, Building Conditions, OSHA etc. The assessments included detailed write
ups, personnel interviews, corrective actions, and follow up visits to ensure that the
FLARNG continued to meet and exceed all regulatory guidelines.
Accomplishments of the program over five (5) years included a reduction of
deficiencies from into the hundreds to fewer than ten (10).
Florida Army National Guard (FLARNG) – Managed the environmental
sustainability program for the FLARNG for over 80 facilities statewide. The
program involved evaluating the efficiency and benefits of most e nergy and
construction related activities at FLARNG operations. Activities involved
compiling and reporting energy data, determining cost-effective energy reduction
solutions, analyzing new sustainable technologies and determining return on
investment. Reported to the top commanders within the FLARNG on a continual
Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessments - Was responsible for
performing numerous due diligence projects throughout Florida that involved the
completion of Phase I Site Assessments following ASTM Standards. An addition
to executing the Phase I assessments, numerous Phase II evalu ations involving
ground water and soil investigations were completed to evaluate whether or not
these environmental medias had been impacted and if so to what extent. Estimated
cleanup costs were provided to assist the client during contract negoti ations.
City of Jacksonville – Was responsible for performing environmental assessment
and helping manage clean-up work at numerous City of Jacksonville sites. Field
investigations were performed to determine the characteristics of the sites.
Groundwater and soil sampling was completed to establish the amount of in-
ground contaminants. Storage tank removal and oversight work was also
performed to remediate old, leaking and corroded tanks on City of Jacksonville
Jacksonville Electric Authority – For this electrical authority provided
environmental assessment work as a scientist to address contaminated sites.
Technical field work included groundwater and soil sampling to d etermine if the
site was impacted and what remedial actions, if any, were necessary.
NPDES Monitoring, Multiuse Development – Completed National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System oversight and monitoring in several new
developments, both residential and commercial. Determined proper corrective
actions required to ensure compliance of NPDES. Made recommendations to
clients on ways to mitigate improper discharge and ensure background levels were
not exceeded above regulatory thresholds. Worked with on -site construction
personnel to properly train and equip them to stay within necessary guidelines.
Completed write-ups of findings that were given to the water management districts
to show no violations had occurred.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Petroleum Preapproval
Cleanup Program – Completed numerous jobs under the framework of the FDEP
pre-approval program designed to clean-up petroleum contaminated sites. Ensured
the timely & proper collection of soil and groundwater samples. Oversaw the
installation of groundwater monitoring wells and completed proper lithological
boring logs during the duration of the well drilling. Completed the proper reports
to document each sites progress with most sites moving toward a "No Further
Action" clause by means of natural attenuation monito ring.
Other Professional Experience; Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center (Field
work as Environmental Technician), Environmental Training Coordinator
(FLARNG), Salvage Yard Clean-Up & Remediation