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PHP Developer

Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal
October 24, 2013

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Mr. Miguel Ruah

PHP Developer, Analyst and Client Handler

Full Name Jose Miguel Bentes Ruah

Address Rua Cesario Verde 188

****-*** *******


Email **********@*****.***

Mobile +351-***-***-***

Skype lobovermelho

Nationality Portuguese

Born Lisbon, Portugal

Is allowed to work anywhere in the E.U.

Summary, Skills and Key Tools

Studied in Israel and worked in Portugal, Israel, Spain and Brazil since


Managed and/or participated in projects related to Banking, Mobile

Telephony, CSM, POS, Stock Management, Sales, Accounting, Event Organizing

and other MIS areas in general. In some of these projects, managed a

development team while taking care of training, problem solving, sales and


Speak, read, write and translate fluently 5 idioms as Mother-language:

Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Hebrew.

Create sites and web platforms from scratch (ex. Home Banking), with front

and back-ends, back-office and login areas. For the last 10 years, have

been using PHP and MySQL on the server side and HTML, Javascript and CSS on

the client side. Recently, also started using with jQuery, Web Services,

SOAP, REST, Ajax and HTTP Requests, APIs, XML and JSON, MVC.

Am also comfortable with e-Commerce, payment APIs with net-exchangers (ex.

Paypal) as well as user-friendly and interactive platforms (ex. Home

Banking, real-time simulators, etc), all applications developed are cross-

browser compatible, including iOS and Android.

Have also worked with PowerBuilder, Clipper, Cobol, C++ and other

languages. Feel comfortable with Windows but have also worked in Unix and

Tuxedo. Am familiar with image processing (GIMP + CorelDraw), video editing

and production and synchronizing subtitles.

Together with another partner, created a Bank Credit consolidation Company

in Portugal. Foreseeing the financial crash in 2008, we closed this Company

slightly before that.

Currently, my main job is PHP development, but prefer working within or

managing a team.

Communicate easily, whether in trainings, presentations or meetings.

Following is a summary of my main current capacities:

Identification and analysis of client's missed opportunities;

Global view of the client's departments and a good awareness of the

information flow and bottle-necks;

Creation of good relations among the elements of the teams manage and good

motivation to give their best;

Creation of good professional relations and their spacial management (those

above and below in the hierarchy, within or outside my Company);

Launching new web companies (e-commerce, platforms, etc);

Website creation with back and front-ends, back-offices and login areas;

Newsletter creation and automatic sending, also with automatic response

management (bounced emails, remove requests, etc);

Production of trainings and presentations in Powerpoint or video;

Sub-titles translation, production and insertion in videos (synch);

Translation and retro-version, written or consecutive;

Employment History

Role Web and e-Commerce Consultant, analyst and developer

Company Freelancer

Dates March 2003 to present

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Tools Used PHP, MySQL, HTML, Javascript, CSS

Development of several sites and platforms (please see below for more

details), using PHP and MySQL on the server side and HTML, CSS and

Javascript on the Client side.

All systems are cross-browser, iOS and Android-compatible, Google-friendly

and SEO semi-optimized.

Some aspects covered / included:

capacity to create formatted HTML newsletters, with bulk-list sending and

management, automatic management of bounced emails and remove requests;

login area allowing most typical home-banking transactions (deposits,

transfers, withdrawals and investments);

sale of tables and stands in a Fair, with real-time preview of the space

available in the rooms and online sale of tables, stands and tickets with

Credit Cards or Paypal;

modern, user-friendly and Google-friendly development;

HTTP Requests used;

Back-Office systems allowing full content management and user-friendly


Following is a list of sites and platforms developed, with a short

description of its nature and functions available: (April 2013)

Multilingual site describing an organic project. All the content is

editable via the Back-Office, including the images. (April 2012)

Multilingual portal for a social network that allows searching for people

according to unusual parameters (place of birth, age, religion, gender,

profession, etc). Profiles managed via the login area, with the ability of

real-time chatting or sending internal mail. (August 2011)

Multilingual handicraft portal that allows the registration of both buyers

and artists. Capacity to sell articles in a controlled way (as described

above). In order to rate the artists as to their speed and seriousness, the

portal keeps an automatic statistic of successful sales and client

testimonials. Payments through Credit Cards and net-exchangers. (June 2011)

Multilingual portal dedicated to support a yearly shamanic gathering.

Online sale of tables and stands, with real-time preview of spaces

available in the room. Payments via Credit Cards or Paypal. Online ticket

sale for the lectures, courses and workshops. Event description, lecturer

profile and event schedule updated via Back-Office. Newsletter editing and

bulk-sending also via the Back-Office, with a very easy management of new

email registration, bounced emails and hourly sending capacity limitations

control. (February 2011)

Online handicraft shop. Posting expenses are calculated automatically in

the Back-Office depending on article dimensions and weight. Capacity to

deal with 3 different prices profit rates depending if sale is in auctions,

fairs or online. Photo gallery for each article, with the possibility to

create a price matrix depending on size, color and quantity of articles.

Back-Office also includes the possibility of adding special discounts and

promotions, together with the maintenance of a holiday table with exact

dates for the moving religious holidays. These promotions have start and

end date, so that the system returns to normal functioning with no need for

human intervention. Special landing pages can be created outside the normal

page flow in order to support mail and ad campaigns with special links. (January 2011)

Forex school, with a video gallery in the education section, a Course

schedule and a photo gallery showing past Courses and meetings. (September 2010)

Bank Credit consolidation company that later evolved to a basic financial

education school. Was one of the Shareholders for several years. In

parallel, worked here as a Bank Credit consultant and was also Bank

Barclay's promoter. Was also in charge of the content management. (May 2010)

Shamanic site, allowing the management of event description and schedule.

Site accepts testimonials, moderated via email (each time a new testimonial

is saved, an automatic email is sent to the webmaster with publish/delete

links). (September 2009)

New-age site, similar to the previous. (August 2008)

Multilingual site that promotes savings programs, with a login area similar

to a home-banking portal. Real-time simulator, anti-hacking system that

maintains a list of black-listed IPs and emails in order to avoid unwanted

bot visits. Real-time verification of emails, usernames and passwords upon

registration (including syntax validation, duplication check and domain

existence). (March 2006)

Multilingual artist site, showing photo galleries of articles and

exhibitions. Hot-news area maintained via Back-Office. (October 2004)

First version of, now offline.

Role Development Team Leader, Consultant (as an expat)

Company Amdocs

Dates September 1997 - September 2001

Location Sao Paulo and Portalegre, Brazil

Tools Used PowerBuilder, Windows, Unix, Tuxedo

Contract Permanent, Full-Time

In 1998, mobile telephony licenses became available for private companies

in Brazil. BCP, a big company based in Sao Paulo, hired Amdocs to prepare

and support the necessary structure (human and hardware, but excluding the

antennas) and reach 1 million clients within the first year. Amdocs

gathered a team of about 20 elements and sent them as "ex-pats" to Sao

Paulo for 4 years.

Within this context, assumed analyst and programming functions as well as

training the client's team and managing half of the local "ex-pats" team,

remaining in charge of all the PC area (POS, CSM, and the interface with

Unix via Tuxedo).

It was almost a military project because we couldn't be more than 1 hour

away from the client's site and we worked up to 12 hours a day with no

weekend rest.

Given the experience acquired along this project, after a year was

transferred to South Brazil to be responsible for Amdocs' delegation with a

new client.

Simultaneously, also acted as an internal international consultant for

Amdocs' new projects in South America and the United States.

Worked with PowerBuilder, Windows, Unix, Tuxedo and SQL.

Analyzed, programmed, managed software and manuals versions, trained the

client, investigated and solved bugs.

Role Senior Partner, Analyst, Development Team Leader, Sales,


Company Mega-Matica Ltd

Dates February 1990 - February 1992

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Tools Used Clipper

Contract Permanent, Full-Time

One of the main clients was Dragapor, a national wedging Company. Although

it was a private Company, the main shareholders were public entities and so

it needed to maintain both a private and a public book-keeping.

Data was created in the Purchasing Department as stock and continued its

flow to the Maintenance Department and from there to Sales and Accounting.

Our main challenge was to make the system so user-friendly that both

workers and office employees could work comfortably with it.

Another challenge was the data flow: back then, Novell networks required

very expensive permanent (but very unreliable) telephone lines and so the

data flowed between the departments in diskettes, separated by packages in

case the data was lost and needed to be resent.

Together with that, Mega-Matica developed one of he first image processing

and video production departments totally equipped with micro-computers.

Besides being the Senior partner, acted as the development team leader in

Clipper, Analyst, Sales, trained the client, investigated and solved bugs.

Role Analyst and programmer in Clipper

Company Arthur Andersen & Co

Dates September 1988 - December 1989

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Tools Used Clipper

Contract Permanent, Full-Time

Development of the first micro-computer application in the Banks in


Bank Mello requested from Arthur Andersen & Co the development of an

application in micro-computers to simulate in real-time the value of Bank

Bond packs that were pay different interests at different periods of time.

After approval, this application should be migrated to the Bank's

mainframes and made available through the terminals in every Branch.

After testing the application, the Bank decided to acquire more micro-

computers and installed one in each of the Agencies.

Developed, analyzed and trained the client. Wrote the application manuals.

Role Analyst and programmer in Clipper

Company Computerland

Dates November 1986 - June 1987

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Tools Used Clipper

Contract Permanent, Full-Time

Programmed a core code library in Clipper while also working in Sales.

Managed and created the code for the following projects:

Alliance Fran aise de Lisbonne (Secretary and Library Management);

Medical Visits Management (Jansen Pharmaceutical);

Medical Visits Management (Infar);

Worked with Clipper. Analyzed, programmed, visited the client, acquired new

contracts, trained the client's users, wrote and maintained the manuals,

investigated and solved bugs.

Education History

Institution Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Dates January 1980 - August 1987

Institution Pedro Nunes High School

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Dates September 1971 - June 1977

Institution Charles Lepierre French School

Location Lisbon, Portugal

Dates September 1965 - June 1971


English Write, read, understand, speak, translate as mother language

French Write, read, understand, speak, translate as mother language

Hebrew Write, read, understand, speak, translate as mother language

Portuguese Write, read, understand, speak, translate as mother language

Spanish Write, read, understand, speak, translate as mother language

Other Skills

Driving Drives cars since 1980


Translation Consecutive and written translation from and to any of the 5

languages above

Video Basic video production and editing, with subtitle insertion


MS-Office Very comfortable with Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Open-Office Very comfortable with Writer, Calc and Impress

Image Creates and processes images from scratch using GIMP and


Sweat-Lodge Authorized performer of sweat-lodges since 2002

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