Jennifer L. Shockley
j ****.********@*****.***
* *** *. ****** *** A pt. 3 - 104
A urora, CO 80013
I a m passionate about incorporating all sustainable design practices in my work. I am
h ardworking, creative, efficient, and I love to be challenged.
G oals
M y u ltimate career goal is t o work for or co - found a non - profit des ign organization to help
u nder - privileged communities become more self suffi cient a nd eco friendly.
C urrently I have b een accepted to take t he NCIDQ e xam, and w ill b ecome a licensed Interior
D esigner within the year.
R elated Work Experience
J u ly 2 012 – P resent: Lamps Plus, Inc., Denver, CO. 303-***-****. Manager: Rick Pelz. Position:
L ighting and Design Consultant.
F ebruary 2012 – J une 2012 : Pet Supply Plus, Novi, MI. 734-***-****. Manager: Rick Caruthers.
P osition: Autocad Technician.
O ctober 2011 – M arch 2012 : S3 Architecture, Farmington, MI. 248-***-****. Owner/Architect:
S teve Schn eemann. Position: Autocad T echnician.
D ecember 2010 – D ecember 2 012 : Editor: Glenn Meyers. Position:
A rchitecture & Sustainable R esearch Writer.
S eptember 2006 - M ay 2008: B D H & Young Space Design, Edina, MN. 9 52.893.9020. Project
M anager: B eth Nordstrom. P osition: Design Assistant/Cad T echnician.
* Full work history is available upon request.*
E ducation
A ugust 2012 - J uly 2013 : U niversity of Colorado, Denver, CO. M aster’s of Architecture program.
J anuary 2010 - P resent: L awrence Technological University, Southfield, MI. M aster’s of
A rchitecture program. T ransferred in 2012.
J anuary 2008 - M ay 2008: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. C ontinued Education,
D esign/Welding Class. C ompleted Ma y 2008.
M ay 2004 - M arch 2006: W estwood College of Technology, Denver, CO. B achelor’s of Science,
I nterior Architecture. G raduated 2006.
J uly 2002 - S eptember 2003: B rooks College, Long Beach, CA. A ssociates of Art, Interior
D esign. G raduated 2003.
* References are available upon request.*