Computer Science Researcher / Software Engineer
Languages : Chinese / English / French
* *** ** ** **********, 69100, Villeurbanne, France
Tel : +33 (0)6 83 88 99 12 Email : *****.***.****@*****.***
Born 28/10/1982, 30 years old
University Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France 2008 2012
Doctor of Computer Science
Laboratory of Decision & Information Sciences for Production Systems (DISP)
University Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France 2007 2008
Master 2 (research) on international production theory and engineering
Laboratory of Material System Integration (Laboratoire de lʹIntégration du Matériau au
Système : IMS LAPS)
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Chine 2006 2007
Master in Software Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Chine 2001 2005
B.S. in Automation
University Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France
Researcher October 2008–July 2012
Research Subject: Development of methodology, architecture and digital preservation
platform for long term digital preservation in product lifecycle management area
Researches are carried out on knowledge management (methodologies CommonKADS,
MASK, AKM, etc.), digital preservation (reference model OAIS, ISO 14721:2003) and
industrial production data archives
UML, BPMN and SOA are utilized for the design of the architecture
JAVA, XML, SQL and software tool Oracle BPM/SOA suite are utilized for the
development of the processes and the preservation platform
EIGSI (Industrial System Engineering School), La Rochelle, France
Research engineer February September 2008
The R&D work is in the context of the European project SUCCESS (Smaller Urban
Communities in Civitas for Environmentally Sustainable Solutions). The work is accociated
by the Urban Community of La Rochelle and ATMO Poitou Charentes
Research Subject: development of a software tool for simulating urban transportation, in
order to analyze the environmental factors.
JAVA, SQL and Eclipse are utilized for developing the simulation software, which
simulates the city traffic flow
The software COPERT is adapted for calculating the fuel consumption and emissions
Research Center of Intelligent Computing for Enterprises and Services, Harbin, Chine
Trainee of software engineer September 2006 March 2007
Development of a Purchase subsystem under a ERP system
JAVA, SQL, J2EE and UML are utilized for the design and development of the system
The software Borland JBuilder and BEA WebLogic Server are adapted
Aerospace Hi Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd, Harbin, Chine
Trainee June July 2004
Analysis of the automatic system in enterprise
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Modeling : GRAI, IDEF0, IDEF1,IDEF3, BPMN
Design and operations of production system : ERP, MRP, SCM, PDM, PLM
Knowledge Management Methodologies and tools
CommonKADS, MASK, AKM, etc.
Computer Science and Enginerring Methodologies and Technologies
IT project management, design patterns, SOA, POO
Analysis and design languages : UML, BPMN
Reference model : OAIS (ISO 14721:2003)
Database : MySQL, MS Access, ProgreSQL, Oracle Database
Programming languages : JAVA, J2EE, C, XML, SQL
Chinese (native speaker)
English (very fluent)
French (practical in technical work and everyday life)
Experienced in communications among different cultures and team work
Creative, patient and serious in work
Interested in arts, music, psychology, etc.
Hobbies in writing, painting, photographing and travelling
Publications – Journals
Teng, F., Moalla, N., Bouras, A., “Dynamic Preservation Approach Design in Digital
Preservation Platform”, Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, ISSN : 1633 1311
DOI:10.3199/ISI.17.4.141 157 © 2012 Lavoisier, n 4/2012, pp. 141 157
Teng, F., Moalla, N., Bouras, A., “A Model Based Platform for Product Knowledge
Preservation”. INCOSE, INSIGHT: numéro spécial intitulé “AFIS Doctoral Symposium:
Systems Engineering research challenges in French universities”, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December
2011, pp. 28 29
Ion, L., Cucu, T., Boussier, J.M., Teng, F., Breuil, D., “Site selection for electric cars of a
car sharing service”, World Electric Vehicle Journal, ISSN 2032 6653, Vol. 3, 2009
Publications – International Conferences
Teng, F., Moalla, N., Bouras, A., “A PPO Model based Knowledge Management Approach for
PLM Knowledge Acquisition and Integration”, Proceedings of PLM 11: The IFIP WG5.1 8th
International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 11 13 July 2011
Teng, F., Moalla, N., Bouras, A., “A Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Long Term
Knowledge Retention (LTKR) in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Scope”, Proceedings
of IFIP APMS 2010 International Conference: Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing,
Products and Services, ISBN: 978********** / ISBN: 978**********, Cernobbio, Como, Italy,
11 13 October 2010
Timsina, P., Teng, F., Moalla, N., Bouras, A., “Classification framework for digital
preservation platforms: An evaluation approach for digital preservation platforms in long
term preservation scope”, Proceedings of SKIMA 2010, Paro, Bhutan, 25 27 August 2010
Ion, L., Cucu, T., Boussier, J.M., Teng, F., Breuil, D., “Site selection for electric cars of a
car sharing service”, Proceedings of EVS 24, Stavanger, Norway, 13 16 May 2009