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Houston, TX
October 22, 2013

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Jyoti Hingu

***** ********** **** **.

Houston TX 77072

Cell Phone: 713-***-****

Email Address: ********@*****.***

Objective Seeking a challenging position as a Clinical Laboratory

Technician in a hospital where my extensive medical

professional and practical experience will be fully


Education A.A.S Clinical Laboratory Science, MLT(ASCP) Certified

GPA 3.5 August, 2007-May 2010

Related Courses Hematology/Phlebotomy, Coagulation, Immunology

Immunohematology, Urinalysis/Body Fluids, Clinical

Chemistry, Microbiology, & Parasitology/Mycology.

Work Experience *Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center October, 2011 -


-Performing National Donor testing- HIV, WNV,Hep C, Hep B.

Working with COBAS Ampliprep, COBAS Taqman, and Hamilton

star instruments.

*ExxonMobile Chemical Company May, 2004-July


-Duties: Invoices, filing, organizing, Microsoft office

projects in: Word, Excel, and Power Point. Met/exceed

all expectation of the tasks assigned.

*Rotational experience in: Clinical Chemistry, Hematology,

Microbiology/Parasitology, & Coagulation: At Park Plaza


Blood Bank: At Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.

May, 2009-May 2010

. Processed patient specimens and evaluated suitability

. Prepared reagent and operated lab equipment

. Performed quality control and maintained accurate


. Communicated test results, normal ranges, and

specimen requirements to authorized personnel

. Performed routine laboratory procedures manually and

on clinical analyzers.

. Experienced in operating the following Instrument:

1. Coulter S Plus, Cobas 8000, Cobas Integra,

ATAC 8000, Vitros DT II, Mini-Vidas, Helena

SPIFE, and Vitek.

References Available Upon Request.

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