B randon Smith
Bowie, M D 20720 US
Mobile: 240-***-****
Day Phone: 301-***-****
Email: *********@*****.***
Job Type: Permanent, Term
Work Schedule: F ull-Time
Desired locations
United States - PA - Philadelphia
United States - DC
U nited States - MD
U nited States - VA - North
Work Experience
National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke Street
Alexand ria, VA United States
06/2012 – P resent
Hou rs per week: 40
Series: 0580 Pay Plan: CU Grade: 15
D i rector of Consumer Affairs, Office of Consumer P rotection (This is a
federal job)
• P rovided leadership and direction to staff responsible for monitoring, evaluating
and maintaining NCUA’s consumer relationship management system, which entails
operating the Office of Consumer Protections consumer assistance call center,
responding to federal credit union member complaints, assisting the Office of Public
and Congressional Affairs and the NCUA Ombudsman Office in order to respond to
Congressional or White House inqui ries, and maintain the NCUA’s consumer
• Served as a key advisor to the Office of Consumer Protection Director on
matters involving division responsibilities and exercise independent
j udgment resulting in effective and efficient leadership of the Division of
Consumer Affairs while t racking NCUA credit union member’s inquiries,
complaints, and disputes to determine patterns and systemic issues.
• U t i lized my subject matter expertise and knowledge in regards to structure
and policies of call center operations and consumer protection laws and
regulations for the general public and special interest groups such as
Servicemebers, Older Americans, Students and low-moderate income credit
u nion members in order to oversee the processing and t imely resolution of
federal credit union member complaints and Congressional inqui ries
i nvolving consumer protection laws and consumer compliance regulations.
• Worked in a support and directive capacity to focus on student loans (both
Federal and non-Federal), as well as other consumer financial products and
services targeted to the college student populations and mili tary community
such as checking accounts and credit cards that are offered to international
s tudents and domestic students by federal credit unions.
• Supervised activities with regional ombudsmen, ombudsman specialists and
analysts responsible for the management and development of outreach
p rograms, problems and inquiries from senior officials at federally chartered
c redit unions and federally insured Credit Union’s, credit union t rade
associations, the public, and other federal and state government regulators.
• I nvestigated, review and resolves complex or sensitive inquiries and
complaints relating to NCUA regulatory activities with significant potential
i mpact embracing all areas of emerging community development and
economic inclusion strategies. Develop alternative and solutions for the
Ombudsman Director.
• Resolved disputes and complaints that could not immediately be resolved
requiring follow-up, usually by an ombudsman specialist or personnel in
another NCUA Division or Office.
• Advised on corporate reporting, including OO responsibili ty for NCUA
C ritical Success Measures, as well as monitor staff interaction involving OO
activities to ensure program compliance and progress towards stated goals
and objectives.
• Served as a technical advisor for the OO, determined staff resources and
budget requirements. Assisted with the development of long-range plans for
accomplishing OO objectives and determined priorities and milestones.
• Supervised, directed and prepared strategic plans establishing short and
long-term objectives for staff to include motivating staff, encouraging
teamwork, t raining subordinates, establishing performance goals, while
effecting disciplinary actions when necessary and ini tiate personnel actions.
• Communicated effectively between different offices, senior management and
s takeholders while serving as the agency's expert on consumer protection
laws, regulations and policies, as they relate to credit union members in order
to facilitate the development of strategic plans and program policies and
guidance for NCUA’s community development program.
• Established and maintained liaison relationships with relevant external
parties and represent the agency with members of the credit union
community, t rade associations and other entities involving the agencies
consumer relationship program in order to head special projects and task
forces that conduct studies and make recommendations associated with
economic inclusion and community development initiatives, while primarily
u tilizing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to establish the framework
for such initiatives.
• U tilize k nowledge of federal, state and local community development and
economic inclusion programs and strategies in order to contribute to the
development and expansion of wri t ten and public education and marketing
materials explaining complex programs, concepts, information, financial
services and products, and practices offered by credit unions.
• Supervised the division staff. Supervision activities include determining
needed resources (financial and human), planning the division’s activities
and workflow, setting goals and objectives, preparing work schedules,
assigning work, providing advice and counsel, identifying educational needs
and providing related t raining, interviewing potential employees and
performing all personnel functions.
Consumer F inancial P rotection Bu reau
Washington, DC United States
07/2011 - 06/2012
Hou rs per week: 40
Series: 0301 Pay Plan: CN Grade: 05
This a time-limited appointment or tempora ry promotion
Office of Servicemember Affai rs Lead I nvestigator (Consumer Response
I nvestigator) (This is a federal job)
Supervisor: Hollister Petraeus 202-***-****)
Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes
• Researched, analyzed and evaluated consumer financial issues from the mili tary
community. Coordinated with CFPB divisions in order to apply federal consumer
f inancial protection laws such as Tru th in Lending Act, Electronic Fund Transfer
Act and Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 in addition to applying laws specific to
t he mili tary and veteran communities such as the Mili tary Lending Act, M ili tary
Personnel Financial Services Protection Act, and Servicemember Civil Relief Act to
analyze and respond to complex consumer complaints.
• As liaison for the analysis of data in the quality assurance program at the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I oversaw the compilation, analysis, and
d issemination of annual data analysis reports. I made quanti tative
recommendations to provide aggregated data by peer groups, which enhanced the
ability of the department to distinguish performance by groups.
• Resolved complex and involved inqui ries referred from the Response Center or
f rom the Department of Education to the Office of Servicemember Affairs in regards
to student loans as well as politically charged complaints from Senators, White
House or other elected officials. I applied an understanding of federal consumer
f inancial protection laws to analyze and respond to consumer complaints regarding
banking laws and regulations as well as student loans, products and services.
• Developed standards for regulations that implemented legislation that responded
to a changing marketplace, put useful and effective disclosures in place, and created
s tandard operating procedures that prohibited unfair and deceptive acts behaviors
and practices towards consumers and members of the mili tary community including
active duty personnel, military veterans, and retired military personnel who may
have qualified as Older Americans.
• As a lead investigator I t rained staff in operations, quality control, data collection,
and survey regulations. I reviewed field production statistics and monthly reports.
• I n order to consistently perform good Program analysis I conducted program
analysis simultaneously while focusing on policy development. I analyzed current
c redit and financial data of mili tary loan applicants to evaluate the lending r isk and
p repared reports respectively in order to promote development of proposed
• Established liaison relationships with other regulatory agencies and members of
t he banking community while representing the Office of Servicemember Affairs
a long with the CFPB in meetings with t rade associations and other organizations to
exchange various viewpoints on key matters affecting the Consumer Financial
P rotection Bureau's consumer protection programs.
• Additionally, I improved the efficiency and populari ty of the organization by using
c reative approaches to data management, which led to increased use of the Office of
Servicemember Affairs.
• P rovided guidance to staff on complex issues related to the supervision of financial
i nstitutions with assets of 10 billion or more to include issues of consumer
compliance, enforcement actions and examination-based fair lending referrals to the
Department of Justice Judge Advocate General to deal with issues concerning
regulations such as Servicemember Civil Relief Act.
• As the lead investigator for the Office of Servicemember Affairs I presented or co-
presented at numerous internal quality assurance and military focused workshops,
t rainings and conferences were I presented materials I designed and developed. The
p resentations were clear, concise, and well received, as indicated by the workshop
participants, and conference evaluations.
• Responded, reviewed and managed responses to consumer complaints about
f inancial practices and issues, which includes responses to complex inquiries and
communications from consumers and/or other agencies about the financial products
and services such as credit cards, mortgages, other loans, debt collection, and credit
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett
Silver Spring, M D United States
02/2010 - 07/2011
Hou rs per week: 10
Logistics Manager
Supervisor: N/A 240-***-****)
Okay to contact this Supervisor: Contact me fi rst
• Developed, administered, and managed goals and objectives for the
S trategic Management Program (SMP); recommend and deliver policies and
p rocedures.
• T rained, monitored, evaluated, and managed the efficiency and
effectiveness of service delivery method and procedure; recommended within
commit tee policy, appropriate service and staffing level requirements and
recommended new policies as appropriate to change processes.
• Developed, implemented, managed inventory and store logistics procedures.
• T rained team members how to manage the analysis of inventory cycles; determines
i nventory requirements; adjusts material f low to meet committee needs.
• Managed work activities and projects; reviewed and evaluated work products,
methods and procedures; met with staff to identify and t rain team members to
resolve problems.
• Worked closely with operational counterparts; created t raining materials to
manage outside subject matter experts to develop effective logistics solutions and
p roper workflow processes and procedures.
• Managed and t rained assigned staff; assisted in the selection, t raining, motivation,
evaluation and performance management of personnel.
M ontgomery County Government (MC311 Consumer Contact Center
T reasury D ivision)
Rockville, M D United States
02/2010 - 07/2011
Hou rs per week: 40
Customer Relationship Manager
Supervisor: Candice Courtney 240-***-****)
Okay to contact this Supervisor: Contact me fi rst
• As a senior manager I delivered information in board meetings, public
appearances, and discussions among senior level executives.
• Lead the contact center in consumer relationship management at the Montgomery
County Government 311 contact center in order to facilitate t raining and SOP
objectives and provided contact center management skills in order to encourage the
adherence of such objectives.
• Coordinated with the contact center Director to establish and enhance priorities,
objectives, and policies.
• I was effective in designing an "insti tutional report card" which provided each
P rogram institution the ability to more meaningfully conduct quantitative self-
assessment of their own insti tutional data, to peer group, program-wide, and t rends
f rom year to year.
• I managed the design of standardized reporting formats that substantially
i mproved the collection and quality of quantifiable data, in the oversight of analysis
for the Experimental Sites Program data.
• I conducted several major exploratory analytical studies that were complex and
d ifficult in nature, with no known established criteria.
• M y effective communication skills were necessary to secure the necessary
coordination of all information resources. Data for these studies were examined for
accuracy, validity and applicability to the studies.
B ank of America
Philadelphia, PA United States
08/2007 - 03/2009
Hou rs per week: 40
Assistant Manager/Personal Banker
Supervisor: N/A (1-888-***-****)
Okay to contact this Supervisor: Contact me fi rst
• Managed the application of consumer protection laws such as: In terstate
L and Sales Full Disclosure Act, Homeowners Equity Protection Act, (SAFE)
for Mortgage Licensing Act; Electronic Fund Transfer, Truth in Lending Act;
T ruth in savings Act.
• I analyzed current credit and financial data of loan applicants to evaluate the
lending r isk and prepared reports respectively. To further enhance my value as a
p rogram manager, I became proficient in the use of various statistical analysis and
g raphics packages, which included the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and the
S tatistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A working knowledge of either
one of these software applications was critical to the development of i terative
analytical projects, which went beyond descriptive statistics to include projection
models of potential impact of changes of the loan approval process.
• Part icipated actively in the investigation process related to consumer complaints
w ithin the banking center; and t rained subordinate bankers on how to properly
evaluate cases and apply consumer protections laws to make a fair decisions on
p roviding relief to such cases.
• Applied legal and regulatory policies required by law to prevent unfair and
deceptive banking practices. This enabled the banking center to abide by consumer
p rotections laws regulated by local, state and federal agencies and adhere to
regulatory compliance laws and regulations.
• Managed the sales of financial products and services (i.e. Credit Cards, CD's
I RA's, Loans) to both consumer and small business customers and provided on the
job t raining to others on how to do the same.
• Worked closely with operational counterparts; create t raining material to manage
outside subject matter experts to develop effective solutions and proper workflow
p rocesses and procedures.
• Managed and monitored performance of customer service representatives using
qualitative and quanti tative measures and assured all inqui ries were answered
accurately and in a prompt manner.
• Met sales and customer goals by proactively meeting and greeting customers
quickly to identify needs as they enter the banking center, created t raining material
to provide direction on how to meet these goals on a regular basis.
• A t tended, participated, and managed professional group t raining meetings to stay
abreast of new t rends.
• Assured operational efficiency by anticipating staffing needs and potential
p roblems in advance and make shift changes to accommodate. Conducted analysis
of banking center volume and service t rends
• Managed and t rained team members how to manage and approve the opening of
deposit and credit accounts utilizing and ensuring adherence to such laws as: Tru th
i n Saving Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Credit Billing Act and Fair Credit
Reporting Act.
• Managed the acceptance, completing and processing of loan applications utilizing
and ensuring adherence and compliance to such laws as Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act, Homeowners Equity Protection Act, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and
t he Truth in Lending Act.
• Managed and maintained operational records and prepared various administrative
and production reports.
Commerce Bank
Philadelphia, PA United States
01/2003 - 06/2007
Hou rs per week: 40
Customer Service Specialist/Consumer Lender
Supervisor: N/A (1-800-***-****)
Okay to contact this Supervisor: Contact me fi rst
• A nalyzed current credit and financial data of loan applicants to evaluate the
lending r isk and prepared reports respectively.
• Adhered to federal protection laws (such as Truth in Lending Act, Electronic Fund
T ransfer Act, and Homeowners Protection Act) while managing and/or recommend
approval of real estate or commercial loans
• I n conjunction with the Regional t raining manager I monitored t raining cost to
ensure the organization did not exceed t raining cost.
• M y primary goal was improve operations, streamline work processes, and work
cooperatively and jointly to provide quality seamless customer service.
• Worked closely with operational counterparts; committed to collecting facts in
order to create t raining material to manage outside subject matter experts to
develop effective solutions and proper workflow processes and procedures.
• Oversaw orientation and t raining of new employees and provided ongoing t raining
to staff on new or revised operating procedures.
• Managed mortgage loan advising and answered all questions posed by the
borrowers. Counseled account holders and team members on loan information and
account managing techniques.
• Acquainted with all type of loan products and was able to advise clients and team
members on loans that best match the interest of the customer and financial status.
• Developed and implemented policies and procedures to determine the proper way
to apply financial consumer laws such as, but not limi ted to: AMP Transaction Act,
Fair Credit Billing Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Home Owners Protection
• Developed and taught customer service/soft skills, Customer Relationship
M anagement, understanding of banking departments and the bank customer
service environment, knowledge of the standard operating procedures, policies,and
t he compliance to federal regulations/laws assured fair banking practices.
• Managed client’s accounts and helped clients remain in possession of their homes
and get them back on t rack with their loan payment plan, or assisted team members
on how to identify these factors, and create a successful plan that best worked for
t he banks clients.
• A nalyzed data from customer service operations and performance of customer
service representatives and developed appropriate responses and programs to
achieve employee development objectives and customer service performance
Thomas Edison State College Trenton, NJ United States
B.S.B.A, Financial Institu tion Management
Temple University Philadelphia, PA United States
Major: Legal Studies
H igh Point H igh School
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
H igh School Diploma 5/2001
Language Skills
Language Spoken W ritten R ead
English A dvanced Advanced Advanced
P rofessional References
• Holly Petraeus, Assistant Director, CFPB Office of Servicemember Affairs
• David Dubois, Deputy Director, CFPB Office of Servicemember Affairs 202-
• Pamela McClelland Financial Education Specialist, Office of Servicemember
A ffairs 703-***-****
Executive Core Qualifications
Leading Change - As liaison for the analysis of data in the Quality
Assurance Program, I oversaw the compilation, analysis, and dissemination
of annual data analysis reports. I made quantitative recommendations to
p rovide aggregated data by peer groups, which enhanced the ability of the
B ranch to distinguish performance by groups. I was effective in designing an
" institutional report card" which provided each Program institution the
ability to more meaningfully conduct quantitative self-assessment of their
own institutional data, to peer group, program-wide, and t rends from year to
year. Additionally, I managed the design of standardized reporting formats
t hat substantially improved the collection and quality of quantifiable data, in
t he oversight of analysis for the Experimental Sites Program data. I
conducted several major exploratory analytical studies that were complex and
d ifficult in nature, with no known established criteria. Effective
communication was necessary to secure the necessary coordination of all
i nformation resources. Data for these studies were examined for accuracy,
validity and applicability to the studies. I conducted comparison analysis of
various default rates for the Institutional databases, comparing default rate
f luctuation between fiscal years. Working closely with contractors, I made the
recommendation that data collection procedures be documented. This
p rovided the Department with the knowledge of the procedures and processes
used by the contractor in data collection efforts.
L eading People - As a Bank Assistant Manager, Logistics Manager,
Customer Relationship Manager and currently as a Federal Director at
N CUA, I monitored staff and operations for large regional and national
surveys and identified factors, which impacted staff and designed system
supports. In previous and current management roles I t rained staff in
operations, quality control, data collection, and survey regulations. I reviewed
f ield production statistics and monthly reports. Additionally, I improved the
efficiency and populari ty of the organization by using creative approaches to
management, which led to increased use of the facility. Fur thermore, I
developed t raining materials, conducted staff t raining of new staff and
supervised staff and operations for mail outs, data collection, and receipt
control for large regional surveys. Finally, I am skilled in establishing rapport
w ith individuals using verbal communication to persuade individuals in the
d irection of organizational goals. I became a vital member of several research
teams because of my ability to adapt my skills to diversified tasks, and to
t rouble-shoot and find immediate solutions to various problems.
R esults D r iven - I have applied in the conduct of various analyses and
t he concept of multivariate analysis. I have interfaced statistical applications
w ith Access, Excel and graphic spreadsheet applications. Data for these
s tudies were examined for accuracy, validity and applicability to the studies
by conducting frequency counts, investigating outliers, aggregating variables
and merging database files. I have the viewpoint that analysis and policy are
conducted simultaneously. I t has always been my goal, prior to and after
coming to the federal government, to acquire as much technical and computer
k nowledge as possible. For this is the only way I feel one can consistently
perform good Program analysis. I analyzed current credit and financial data
of loan applicants to evaluate the lending r isk and prepared reports
respectively. To further enhance my value as a program manager, I became
p roficient in the use of various statistical analysis and graphics packages,
w hich included the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A working knowledge of either one of
t hese software applications was critical to the development of i terative
analytical projects, which went beyond descriptive statistics to include
p rojection models of potential impact of changes to particular regulations.
A dditionally, I am knowledgeable of multivariate analysis techniques such as
Business Acumen - I p resented or co-presented at numerous regional
Quali ty Assurance workshops, t rainings and conferences were I presented
materials I designed and developed. The presentations were clear, concise,
and well received, as indicated by workshop, and conference evaluations. As a
p rogram manager, my abili ty to adapt my skills to diversified task, t rouble-
shoot and find immediate solutions to various problems was essential, when
t here was difficulty encountered in conducting various t raining exercises for
major data collection efforts. Language barriers and survey participant fears
of outsiders are a few barriers that I addressed to achieve success in the data
collection efforts. While working in the County government, private sector
and currently in the federal government I have had plenty of experience
developing, implementing, managing and evaluating correspondence control.
I n many instances I have had access to very sensitive information through
w ri t ten or verbal communication. One of the most important factors working
i n a banking and or financial institution is to keep all information private. I
have worked in the Montgomery County Executive offices where a lot of
i nformation is kept very confidential. While handling information at the
E xecutive offices I was enabled to analyze/evaluate and reciprocate
i nformation at meetings and presentations. I have had many opportunities
and experiences to deliver information in board meetings, public
appearances, and discussions among senior level executives. Communication
t hrough wri t ten and verbal skills, have been extensive in my experience in
p ublic and private sectors. I have promoted new programs, ideas and goals
amongst a vast number of coworkers and senior level executives. I have
worked hard to implement many new policies and new SOP procedures that
have encouraged great success among programs and task. While working in
t he private sector one of the main focuses was to follow a very r igorous SOP
policy and to maintain a contact database for all customers that were under
our direction. Fu rthermore, being an employee who was responsible for the
i mplementation of the above duties, I was responsible for t raining others on
how to perfect these skills.
B uilding Coalitions - Communication is one of the biggest factors in
regards to the facilitation of cooperation across organizations. Being a
p revious employee of the private sector, and a current employee of the federal
government, I developed many ways to facili tate cooperation among
organizations. When communicating, i t is very important to listen; this is one
of the main factors of encouraging cooperation among others. L istening
enables one to hear others thus enabling the link of communication and
cooperation. I t is very important to use such skills to enable the
i mplementation of advanced projects and goals. I have always been very good
a t communication, whether i t was through oral or wri t ten communication.
Working in the government and private sectors, I have had to communicate
memorandums, take on the task of implementing procedural manuals, as well
as hearing synopsis. On countless occasions, I had to perform activity reports.
Activity reports were a major part of the private sector; this was very
i mportant to our organizational success. Understanding multiple, highly
complex and multi-faceted issues comes naturally to me. I have had the
p leasure working on many diverse and important tasks, in the past and the
p resent time. Previously while working for the Montgomery County
Government I implemented and perfected the new 311 information system
( Montgomery County Government consumer center), this has been one of my
major accomplishments. I have vast knowledge of customer relationship
management software (CRM software), investigative process and the
management skills to oversee the Office of Consumer Protection unit at the