This letter hereby certifies the applicant of official registration with the Assistance Dogs of America registry. This registration applies to applicant and service animal, supporting their rights and accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA II & III) Service and support dogs are protected under federal law. ADA II & III has a specific definition of a disability, and it states essentially that a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual. As such, these people are to be afforded rights and.freedoms outlined in the ADA II laws.
1111111 11111111111111111!11111 111*******!111******* ISSUED 2018 These Legal Assurances Include but are not limited to: Dwelling, Renting and Housing Rights
ADAREG9 4995-3-0002992017
_ of federal fair housing laws that reguire landlords _ to allow reasonable accom
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disabilities, the followmg apply: Landlords may not prohibit a service arumal or compa Jr J;,v,-9Y, mg m the unit. Landlords may not charge the tenant extra "pet" rent or "pet" security deposit. A landlorcl-'rie':rsmg agent is not generally permitted to reguire a deposit for the emotional support animal. Landlords must agree to a reasonable accommodation reguest if the disability claim is true and if the reguest does not create a hardship on the landlord or other tenants. If your reguest for a reasonable accommodation is denied by the landlord, you have the right to reguest that a government agency investigate your claim that the landlord is discriminating against you. Restaurants, Events and Public Areas
Generally guide, hearing and service dogs are permitted to accompany their disabled owner everywhere members of the public are allowed, but there are a few exceptions. Service cannot be denied, illegal guestions cannot be asked and documentation demanded that is, by federal law, unnecessary. In addition, the health code pertaining to pet dogs supersedes federal law allowing service dogs full public access. The American Disability Act, as enforced by the Department of Justice, specifically states that all service dogs must be allowed into any and all types of businesses and public spaces, whether they are markets, restaurants, dry cleaners or theaters. Failure to comply can result in a federal lawsuit claims and are punishable by federal law. Airline Travel, Public Transportation
Airlines do reguire some form of assurance that your dog is indeed a Service Animal and not a pet. Identification, such as cards or documentation, the presence of a harness or markings on the harness, or other credible assurance of the passenger using the animal for their disability is reguired. This registration letter can serve as notice of your dogs role as a service dog. Federal regulations must allow a legitimate emotional support animal, travel on airplanes in the cabin with the owner, outside of a carrier, and for free if the owner has proper documentation. www.adlaregistry