Missouri City, Texas
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cognate Areas: Transportation, Urban Planning,
Economic, Population, and Urban
Social Geography
1970 Master of Arts
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
1968 Bachelor of Arts
North Carolina Central University
Durham, North Carolina
1964 High School Diploma
Highland High School
Gastonia, North Carolina
6/88 - Owner and CEO of Kithcart & Associates
Present Market Research and Educational Consulting
9\76- Tenured Associate Professor and Head of the Department of
5\88 Economics, Geography and Social Sciences
Prairie View A&M University.
Phillip E. Kithcart
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A. Administrator and Co-Investigator of the
following Federal Research Projects:
1. "Returns from the Prairie View A&M
Hard-Core Poverty Training Program"
(CSRS PROJECT No. 416-15-28, 1975-78,
2. "Health Care Delivery Services in Rural
Texas" (CSRS Project No. 316-15-89,
1975-78, $240,000).
3. "Non-Professionals in Agriculture: An
Evaluation of An Extension Program with
Small Farm Families" (Prairie View A&M
Cooperative Extension Project, 1976 - 77, $10,000).
B. Principal Investigator of "Social Service
Coordination in East Garland, Texas" (Texas
A&M University Urban Observatory - Garland,
Texas and the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 1976-77, $10,000).
C. Fulbright Program Advisor at Prairie View A&M
D. Golf Coach at Prairie View A&M University 1984 - 1988.
9/76 - Assistant Professor, Research Associate, and Acting
8/77 Head, Department of Economics, Geography and Social
Science, Prairie View A&M University.
A. Administrator and Co-Investigator of three
Federal Research Projects.
B. Principal Investigator of "Social Service Co-
ordination in East Garland, Texas".
C. Fulbright Program Advisor at Prairie View A&M
D. Visiting Lecture in the Urban Studies Department
at Cheyney State University, Cheyney, Pennsyl-
vania (November, 1976).
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10/72- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography
8/76 at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
9/72 - Part-time Teacher, Cincinnati Public School System.
6/76 - Coordinator of the Environmental Rescue Corps of the
8/76 Urban Development Department - City of Cincinnati,
6/75 - Supervisor of high school students who worked in the
8/75 Environmental Rescue Corps of the Urban Development
Department of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio.
9/70 - Instructor of Geography, Department of History,
8/72 Political Science, and Geography, Tennessee State
University - Nashville, Tennessee.
9/68 - Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of
8/70 Geography, University of Cincinnati.
1964 Recipient of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Gastonia, N. C. Chapter, Annual Grant to attend
North Carolina Central University, Durham, N. C.
1967 Selected as member of Gamma Theta Upsilon
National Professional Geographic Honor Society.
1968 Awarded Danforth Foundation Fellowship to pursue
graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati.
1971 Appointed to the Commission on Geography and Afro-
America; sponsored by the Association of American
Geographers - Washington, D. C.
1972 One of the three recipients of the Excellence in
Teaching Award at Tennessee State University.
Along with the award was a $1,000 check from the
Standard Oil Company of America.
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HONORS (cont’d)
1972 Awarded a Commission on Geography and Afro-America
Fellowship to enter the doctoral program at the University of Cincinnati.
1976 Outstanding Young Man in America (Jaycees)
1977 Selected as a participant in the Third Annual
Conference on Educational Computing in Minority
Institutions held in New Orleans, Louisiana on
March 22-25, 1977 sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
1977 Selected as a participant in the Eleventh Annual
Summer Seminar on Academic Administration at
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
1978 Became an Honorary Citizen of New Orleans, La. on
the 12th Day of May 1978 for my research on the
development and implementation of the mass transportation
system in New Orleans.
1979 Selected as one of the twenty Visiting Fellows at
University of Texas School of Social Science, Dallas, Texas.
1980 Appointed to serve on Governor William Clements'
Texas Small Business Committee (Sept., 1980 - May, 1981).
1981 Inducted into the American Academy of “Who's Who
in Small Business in Texas” at the University of Texas, Austin,
for outstanding service to the Small Business Community.
1981 First African-American to be elected Secretary-Treasurer of the
Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers
at the University of Texas in Austin on October 16, 1981.
1981 Selected as one of the thirty-five educators to participate in the First Educators Conference of the Chicago Board of Trade held in Chicago, Ill . on December 8-9, 1981.
1982 Elected as the Program Chairman of the Southwestern
Social Science Association meeting held in Houston, Texas, March 16-19, 1983.
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Honors (cont’d)
1983 First African-American to be elected President of the
Southwest Division of the Association of American
Geographers at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Social Science Association in Houston,
Texas on March 18, 1983.
1983 Appointed to serve as member of the Texas A&M System
Employees Benefits Advisory Committee (9/83 - 8/84).
1984 Guest speaker at the United States Army Corps of
Engineers - Galveston District - Black History
Month Program (February 17, 1984).
1984 Selected as a member of the U. S. Census Bureau
1990 Census Committee at our Dallas meeting, April 10, 1984.
1984 Selected as a member of the United States Navy's Education
Orientation Visit to review and evaluate the Navy's San Diego,
California operation, April 11 - 14, 1984.
1985 Appointed to serve on the Southwestern Social
Science Association's "Committee on the Profession",
September, 1985 - August, 1987.
1985 Elected as President of the South Western Athletic Conference
Golf Association (1985-1988) at the Annual South West Athletic
Conference meeting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on April 17, 1985.
1991 Honored as an "Outstanding Educator" by the National
Women of Achievement, Inc. - Houston Chapter on October 19, 1991.
1971 Institute for Service to Education (ISE), Dallas, Texas.
Developed instructional modules for Social Science (Summer, 1971).
1976 Prairie View A&M University, Presented research strategy for
"Rural Health Care Delivery Project" College of Agriculture (April 17, 1976).
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1976 - City of Houston - Public Transportation Division,
1978 Developed strategy to implement mass transportation
in the Houston metropolitan area (November, 1976 -
November, 1978).
1985 - Cambridge Development Corporation, The Woodlands,
Texas - Market Area Analyst.
Association of American Geographers
Southwestern Geographers
American Geographical Society
Popular Culture Association
Texas Academy of Science
Southwestern Social Science Association
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
The Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC)
The Houston Mass Transportation Citizen Advisory
Frontiers International, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
"Returns from Prairie View A&M University Hard
Core Poverty Training Program" (With Walter C.
Farrell, Jr. and Kenneth A. Jordan) presented at
the CSRS Research Bicentennial Conference, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.,
November 13, 1976.
"Health Care Delivery Services in Rural Texas:
A Case Study in Waller County Texas" (With
Kenneth A. Jordan), Presented at the CSRS Research
Phillip E. Kithcart
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Bicentennial Conference, U. S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D. C., November 13, 1976.
"Health Care Accessibility in the Black Community:
North Nashville, Tennessee" (With Walter C. Farrell,
Jr., and Kenneth A. Jordan), Presented at the Third
Annual Urban South Conference, Old Dominion and
Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Virginia, Febru-
ary 17-18, 1977.
"Geography and Black Ghetto Shopping Patterns in
Oakland, California" (With Kenneth A. Jordan and
Walter C. Farrell, Jr.), Presented at the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Letters - 81st Annual
Meeting, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, March 18-19, 1977.
"Folk Reasons for Early 20th Century Black Migration
to Chicago" (With Walter C. Farrell, Jr. and James
H. Johnson), Presented at the Popular Culture Association's
Seventh Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, April 27-30, 1977.
"Health Care Accessibility", Presented at the South-
western Association of American Geographers Meeting,
Stephen F. Austin State University, September 16-17,
"Psychological and Other Factors in Black Migration,"
NEGRO HISTORY BULLETIN Vol. 41, No. 2 (Phillip E.
Kithcart, et al), 1978.
"A Historical Analysis of the Highway Network in
North Carolina - 1770-1970" Presented at the 33rd
Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the
Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, Georgia
November 19-21, 1978.
"Health Care Services in Rural Southeastern Texas"
(With Charles E. Cokes and Thaddeus McDonald)
Presented at the Southern Association of Agricul-
tural Scientists Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana,
February 4-7, 1979.
Phillip E. Kithcart
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"A Graph Theoretic Analysis of the Highway Network
in North Carolina" presented at the Southwest Division
of the Association of American Geographers, Ft. Worth,
Texas, March 28-31, 1979.
"The Economics of the Inverse Journey-to-Work"
(With Charles E. Cokes) Presented at the Western
Social Science Association Meeting, Lake Tahoe,
Nevada, April 11-12, 1979.
"Intra-Urban Travel Patterns of the North Nashville Tennessee Black
Community - 1969 & 1975," Paper presented at the
International Geographical Union Working Group on the Geography of
Transportation Meeting at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
September 23-26, 1982.
"Intra-Urban Travel", Presented at the Southwest
Division of the Association of American Geographers
Meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas, October 7-9, 1982.
"Population Change in the HGAC Area", Presented at
the Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the Southwestern
Social Science Association, Houston, Texas, March
16-19, 1983.
"Sesquicentennial Symposium on Texas: Past, Present,
and Future". Moderator: Phillip E. Kithcart,
Prairie View A&M University, held at Sam Houston
State University, April 5-6, 1986.
"The Geography of Poverty in the United States",
GEOGRAPHICAL IMPACT, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993.
"Educational Reform", GEOGRAPHICAL IMPACT, Vol. 1,
No. 1, 1993.
"Zoning - Land Use Planning within a Geographic
Area", GEOGRAPHICAL IMPACT, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1993.