Dr. Mahesh Bhat T.
MBBS; M.S.(General Surgery); MCh.(Neurosurgery);
Fellowship in Pediatric Neurosurgery (UK)
Mob: +44-742*******
e-mail: ************@*****.***
1. MBBS- Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India
(September 2002 — April 2008)
2. MS (GENERAL SURGERY) - Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India (June 2009 — June 2012)
3. MCh (NEUROSURGERY) - Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India ( August 2012- July 2015 )
4. FELLOWSHIP IN PAEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY - B J Wadia Hospital For Children, Mumbai, India (January 2016- January 2017) 5. FELLOWSHIP IN PAEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY- Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK ( March 2018- Present)
01/06/2009- 30/06/2012 (3 YEARS): Resident, Department Of General Surgery, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
01/08/2012- 31/07/2015 (3 YEARS): Senior Resident, Department Of Neurosurgery, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
11/01/2016- 23/01/2017 (1 YEAR): Fellow, Department Of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital For Children, Mumbai, India
01/04/2017- 15/02/2018 : Consultant Neurosurgeon, Valliyath Institute Of Medical Sciences, Karunagapally, Kollam District, Kerala, India
15/03/2018- PRESENT: Clinical Fellow, Department Of Paediatric Neurosurgery, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, U.K. Page 4 of 4
Member, Neurological Society of India
Member, Indian Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Member, International Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Member, Association of Surgeons of India
Member, Neurotrauma Society of India
Member, Neurovascular Society of India
Over 6 years experience in neurosurgery.
Trained under Prof. C. E. Deopujari, Dr. Uday B Andar, Prof Jacob Alappat, leading neurosurgeons in India and under Mr. Guirish Solanki and Mr. Richard Walsh at Birmingham.
Actively participated in academic programmes and research activities.
Proficient in managing all types of cranial trauma and have operated more than 400 trauma cases including EDH, SDH, contusions, hematomas, depressed fractures.
Assisted and performed over 200 cases of cranial tumors including paediatric brain tumors- meningiomas in various locations, gliomas, metastases, CP angle tumors, posterior fossa tumors,pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas and orbital tumors.
Performed surgeries for spine and CVJ disorders - Degenerative Cervical and lumbar spine- discectomies and fusions, Chiari malformations, anterior and posterior cervical and occipitocervical fixations as well as intra and extramedullary tumors and spinal trauma.
Adept in the management of all kinds of spinal dysraphisms- Meningomyelocoele, cord lipoma, tethered cord, split cord malformation,
Adept in Endoscopic treatment for hydrocephalus-ETV as well as VP shunt, VA shunt.
Worked at a centre providing supraregional craniofacial services and adept in the management and surgery for craniosynostosis- fronto-orbital advancement Page 4 of 4
and reconstruction, Calvarial remodelling, Posterior distracters, calvarial augmentation.
Trained to perform surgery for neurovascular diseases including aneurysms, AVMs and moya moya disease.
Trained to perform stereotactic surgeries including biopsies as well as frameless stereotaxy and robotic surgery (Renshaw robot).
Trained in a centre providing Epilepsy Surgery Service (CESS), including Temporal lobectomy, Extratemporal epilepsy, Stereotactic Depth electrodes. RESEARCH WORK
Autograft- a novel technique in the management of Growing skull fracture
Ventricular lavage in neonatal intraventricular haemorrhage- methods and outcome
Management and outcome of antenatally detected arachnoid cysts
Institutional review of shunting in open myelomeningocoele
Diagnosis and management of discitis in children
Management and outcome of syndromic CVJ disorders
One hour post total thyroidectomy intact PTH as a predictor of symptomatic post operative hypocalcemia- A prospective study
Clinicopathological analysis of triple negative breast cancer. PAPERS PRESENTED
1. Os Odontoideum - A case series
2. A rare case of combined supra and infratorcular encephalocele 3. Multiple Mycotic aneurysms- A case report
4. Complications following pancreaticoduodenectomy- an institutional experience 5. Triple negative breast cancer- A retrospective study Page 4 of 4
Paediatric Neurosurgery
Craniofacial Surgery
Epilepsy Surgery
1. Name : Dr. Mahesh Bhat T.
2. Correspondence Address : 27, Carpathian Court,
Augusta Street.
Birmingham, U.K.,
B18 6JP
3. Permanent Address : 5-109-2
Bellare Post
Sullia taluk,
D.K. District,
Karnataka, India - 574212
4. Date of Birth : 21.08.1984
5. Marital status : Married
6. Nationality : Indian
7. Languages spoken : Kannada, English, Hindi, Malayalam 8. Contact Number : Mobile - +44-742*******
9. Email : ************@*****.***
Available upon request