Master Of Technology (CSE)
Vill.Dhar P.O.Darpa
Teh.Sarkaghat Distt Mandi
Himachal Pardesh 175042
Email:- ***********@*****.***
Job Objective
I want to entrench myself into a realm of possibilities where my Mind is like a Weapon for innovating new things and guiding me to be a well-organized person, who excels under pressure and meets deadlines.
Educational Qualification
Standard Institution Board/University Year of Passing %age of Marks M.Tech (CSE) Bahra Unv Waknaghat
Shimla Hills
BU 2019 8.2 CGPA% (CSE) L.R.Instt of engg & tech
HPTU 2016 63.00%
+2 ( Non Med) Minerva
HPBOSE 2012 68.56
Matric G.S.S.S. Trifalghat HPBOSE 2010 91.28
Course Done In & B.Tech
M.Tech: Advanced Computer Architecture, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Testing and Quality Assurance, Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks, Mathematics for Computer Science Engineers, Design of Experiments and Research Methodology, Computation and Simulation in CSE, Theory of Programming Language, Cloud Computing and Security, Digital Image Processing, Mobile Computing, Soft Computing, Cryptography and Network Security, Big Data Analytics. B.Tech: Digital Signal Processing, Computer Network and Data Communication, Artificial Intelligence and Expert System, Distributed Operating System, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Compiler Design, Computer Graphics, Digital and Analog Communication, Advance Microprocessor and Micro Controllers, Computer Architecture, Discrete Structure, Theory of Automata and Computation, Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming, Digital Electronics, Computer Organization Etc. Publication
1)“Load Balancing Techniques In Cloud Computing” International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018,ISSN 2320-088X,Research Scholar Manisha Thakur, Guide Parul Gazta, Assistant Professor, Bahra University, Waknaghat, Shimla Hills. 2) “A Review Paper On Cloud Computing & Security Issue” International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) Volume 8, Issue 5,May 2019, ISSN 2320-088X, Research Scholar Manisha Thakur,Guide Dr. Neeru Bhardwaj, HOD, (CSE) Bahra University, Waknaghat, Shimla Hills.
Technical Skills &Training
Languages C, C++, HTML, PHP,
Web Based Development HTML, PHP
Databases SQL
Operating Systems WINDOWS
1) In PHP from AVAP TECH Chandigarh.
2) In PHP from WEBSTRAL Mohali.
Area Of Interest
1) Web Designing & Development.
2) Airtificial Intelligence.
3) Cloud Computing. Thesis
M.Tech THESIS (2019):
Title: Load Balancing Techniques In Cloud Computing. Supervisor:
Description: Processing
Personal Detail
Father’s name:- Anil Thakur
Mob.:- 941-***-****
Date of Birth :- 26-Jan-1995
Marital Status:- Unmarried
Language known:- English, Hindi
Address :- Vill.Dhar PO. Dharpa Teh. Sarkaghat Distt. Mandi HP Contact No. (Resi.) :- 941-***-****
I certify that the all above information is true to best of my knowledge and belief.
Date Manisha Thakur
Place Signature