RAUL MACHADO 305-***-****
A problem solver computational mathematician-statistician, knowledgeable, trained and with years of experience in applied mathematics. Successful in coding much software, some from scratch, fixed others, in different (symbolic) languages and platforms. Derived models, simulated their properties, compared them with others and validated them with experimental data. Trilingual (English, Spanish, Swedish).
R (RStudio, knitr, Markdown) SQL SAS Python MS Office 365 Matlab Maple Mathematica C/C++ MPI parallel LATEX Linux/Unix System High-performance computing clusters Computational Flows Tableau
Oncology Analytics, Plantation, Florida, 2015 - present
Medical Actuary/Statistician, 2015 - present
Medical cost and savings in-depth analysis with hands-on experience in health insurance data and other patients' and physicians' data sources. Determine which physicians were too expensive to health plans for repeatedly not choosing the correct treatments, based on cost effectiveness analysis. Make recommendations and reporting.
Introduced statistical methods, e.g. standard testing, Bayesian, clustering, elements of NLP, supervised learning, etc for but not limited to, predict missing terms, actuarial calculations, trends, outliers.
Proposed and implemented a methodology for data-based extraction of QALY values, for cost effectiveness analysis.
Initiated causal inference and counterfactual to further analyze patients' and physicians' behavior.
Swedish Defense Research Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 - 2012
Applied Mathematician/Researcher, 2009 - 2012
Advanced probabilistic and statistical analysis, both theoretical and based on data. Use data from external contractors to do probabilistic and statistical analysis. Managed people.
Sole author of a new probability-based moment system, and its corresponding discrete distribution function (Publications [1], [2]), which is mathematically more general than an existing one, dated from XIX century. This solved a many decades old problem, linked to the tail of the distributions.
Implemented risk analysis in data, to detect which groups were more likely to relapse.
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 2005 - 2008
Researcher, 2005 - 2008
Probabilistic based analysis and calculation, theoretical and validation with experimental data.
Proposed and numerically implemented a cheap computationally feasible methodology, which matches a multimillion-dollar experiment (Publication [3]).
Comparison of some methods to determine which one was the best one, based on computational cost, accuracy, etc, which has been part of a dispute (Publication [4]).
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2003
Researcher, 2003
Research on applied numerical computation.
Swedish Defence Research Agency, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001-2002
Researcher, 2001-2002
Analysis and computations.
Master of Science in Insurance Mathematics
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Master of Science in Mathematics
KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Master of Science in Vehicle Engineering
KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
[1] Raúl Machado, Front. Phys., Vol. 9, No 4, pp 490-510.
[2] Raúl Machado, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 28, No 06, p 1450048.
[3] Raúl Machado, Math. Comput. Simulat., Vol. 84, pp 26-41.
[4] Raúl Machado, Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 69, No 1, pp 628-643.
HIPAA training 2015-2019
NOTE: The reader is encouraged to read my LinkedIn profile for more information.