Practitioner Name :
Phone number: 002**********
E-Mail: ******@*******.**
Educational Qualifications :
Bachelor degree of sciences in public health specialty: Medical Imagery and Radiotherapy from the high School of sciences and Technology of Health –Monastir, Tunisia.
From September 2001 to Juan 2004.
Internship: A* from 2003-2004(3rd Year)
-Training while studying at the university Hospital of Fattouma Bourguiba, Monastir in : general Radiology, CT scan, Emergency sector .
- Training while studying at the university Hospital of Sahloul Sousse in RMN/ Nuclear.
- Training while studying at the university Hospital of Farhat Hached Sousse in Specialized Radiology, Radiotherapy.
B* from 2002-2003 (2nd Year) training in imagery
-At the university Hospital of Fattouma Bourguiba, Monastir
-At the university Hospital of Sahloul Sousse.
- At the university Hospital of Farhat Hached Sousse
C* from 2001-2002 (1st Year) nursing training.
-At the university Hospital of Fattouma Bourguiba, Monastir
- At the university Hospital of Farhat Hached Sousse
Training courses
16/17 November 2018 The 16th Maghrebien and 4th of ?Mauritanian Radiology Society held in Nouakchott Mauritania
*From 25 to 28 April 2012: the 5th Arab Radiological Congress (ARC 5), of the Pan Arab Association of Radiological Societies (PAARS) & the 6th Annual Meeting of the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society (PAIRS) organized by Tunisian Society of Radiology And Frensh Society of Radiology and Maghrebine Federation of Radiology, held in Hammamet-Tunisia.
18-19-20 November 2011: Seminar: 59th session of Radiology : Hotel delphin el habib Monastir
Quality control.
Juan 2014 : 2 weeks voluntary training in MRI Center of Sahloul Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia.
Clinical Experience:
*From 1/02/2013 to present Radiology technologist in SADAKA HOSPITAL IN NOUAKCHOTT MAURITANIA
Certificate in General Radiology
Certificate in Dental panoramic
Certificate in CT SCAN
*From 11/06/2011 up to 29/01/2013: Radiology technologist in the RMN Center of Sahloul Hospital.
Certificate in RMN GE 1.5T
*From 01 /11/2004 to 04/06/2011: Radiology and MRI technologist polyvalent and leadership in the Imaging medical center of “The Olives Clinic” of Sousse
Certificate in General Radiology
Certificate in Specialized Radiology: Digestive, urinary, pediatrics..
Certificate in CT SCAN (GE 4 detectors and 64 detectors): Coronarography, Arteriography and all other CT exams.
Certificate in RMN GE 1.5T
All routine plain and contrast MR studies.
MR Myelography, MRCP, MR Urography, Diffusion Studies, and Spectroscopy
MR Breast imaging Dynamic + Parametric imaging + DWI + Spectroscopy
MR Angiography (arteriography and venography)
I make a night guard of medical and chirurgical emergency.
References: *The Ministry of Health in Tunisia, in Tunis phone number0021671577197/002**********.
References are available when needed from clinic managers and Sahloul Hospital officials
●Sahloul Hospital in Sousse Tunisia, phone number 002**********/002**********.
●The Imaging medical center of “The Olives Clinic” of number 002**********
Declaration: I hereby declare the above mentioned information is true and verifiable to the best of my knowledge and I bear responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.
Date: 09/October 2018