Adolfo Navarro
Age **
Date of girth*, lggp
Gender Male
Living in Guadalajara, Mexico
Nationality Mexico
Email ******.***@*****.***
Language Abilities
Current Visa Status
Can legally drive in Japan
Educational Level
Career Level Availability
+52 1-333-***-****
No Visa
High School or equivalent manager (manaoer/supervisor of Staff)
English Profi ciency
Spanish Proficiency
German Proficiency
Career Objectives and
Native level
To secure employment with a reputable company, vvhere I can utilize my skills and business background to the maximum.
A highly organized and hard-working individual looking for a responsible position to gain practical experience.
Educational History
High School Degree
Graduation period
Jan, 2014 - Jun, 2017 (3 years 6 months)
Instituto de Ciencias [Website]
Mexi co
Work History
Position Title
General Manager
Em ployment period
Jun, 2018 - Present (1 year 3 months)
Almar [Website]
Mexi co
In du stry
Chemical / Plastic / Paper
Position Type
Human Resources, General Affairs, Business Planning, Project Planning,
Accounting, Book Keeping, payroll, Legal / Para-legal, Legal Assistant, ather
General Affairs, Accounting, HR, Legal, General marketing, Supervisor, Store
Manager, Store Development, Other Service Related
Position Description
Overseeing daily business operations.
Developing and implementing growth strategies.
Training low-level managers and staff.
Position Title
Autocad 2016 Designer
Employment period
Apr, 2017 - Apr, 2018 (1 year 1 month)
Liroch [Website]
Architecture / Building / Construction
Position Type
Architecture, Building Management
Position Description
Support on 3D designs for the company, working close with the clients to
provide a better service.
Personal Information
Interests I have always had an interest in everything related to aeronautics be it planes,helicopters, and satellites. The way they work and move in regards to all of the engineering behind them and the art behind the designs.
I have also always been intrigued by how computers work, since i was a kid i loved to open up computers and see their components.
Since then I have been very interested in the new technologies for the sector from PSUs to GPIJs all the way to the CPU cores and their base clocks and nano meters.