R. Shawn Williams
Senior Product/User Experience
Link to UX Samples
*UX Portfolio available upon request.
An award-winning UX consultant with nearly 20 years experience in user-centered design for desktop, tablet and na ve mobile. Industry experience covers technology, government, travel, sports, poli cs, financial services, charity, non-profit, retail, transporta on and logis cs, intranet, consumer products, enterprise so ware solu ons and most recently insurance. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY
Demonstrated leadership and accountability of cross-func onal teams with the ability to work with individuals at all levels of an organiza on.
• Develop and execute Mobile app concepts, Mobile pla orm solu on evalua on, User Experience, Informa on Architecture and User Interface design documenta on/strategy for mobile and tablet applica ons.
• Mobile Content solu on design; Mobile user experience design; Mobile device and User Acceptance Tes ng; and Mobile component integra on.
• Nearly 20 years of client/ stakeholder interac on and managing full product life cycle.
• Provide UX recommenda ons based on user tes ng, usability reports, and mobile commerce research.
• Over 16 years of experience in Web development, produc on and graphic design in several so ware pla orms including but not limited to; Adobe Crea ve Suite, Axure, and Sketch.
• Over 14 years of extensive experience with HTML, CSS, MS/Wordpress, Usability, and User Interface.
• Knowledge of the key direc onal trends and emerging technologies in the IT and UX industry. Williams Resume Page 1 of 6
Development Environments: Agile, Lean, Waterfall
Languages: CSS/XHTML/JavaScript/PHP/MySQL, HTML, X-Code, iPhone SDK, Interface Builder, and Android SDK
Opera ng Systems: Mac OS X, PC Opera ng Systems
Database: MySQL
Tools: Invision, Axure, Omnigraffle, Sketch, Android SDK, iOS SDK, CMS/Wordpress, Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, Adobe InDesign CC 2019, Panic Coda, MS Excel/PowerPoint/MS Word EDUCATION
Master of Fine Arts (May – 2005)
Specializa on: Computer Arts/New Media
Memphis College of Art (MCA)
Memphis, TN
• 2014 Who’s Who in Atlanta, 15th; Entrepreneurial Award
• 2013 White House Award for Innova on in Technology (Mobile App) (Suicide Preven on App)
• 2013 Speaker at Women in Interac on Conference (The Basics of User Experience, UX-101) Williams Resume Page 2 of 6
Bachelor of Arts in Art/Art Studio (May – 2003)
Specializa on: Graphic Design
Minor Specializa on: Digital Art
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE)
Edwardsville, IL
State Farm- Digital UX Lead (11/2016 – Present)
· Provide design and tac cal guidance for mul -disciplinary teams of Content Strategists, User Experience Architects, and User Experience Designers.
· Advocate for user-centered designs that help drive efficient, effec ve, and engaging user experiences.
· Serves as User-Centered Design (UCD) consultant and User Experience (UX) Design subject ma er expert for a business area, product line or sector.
· Works with various partners such as State Farm Digital UX Leadership, Business and Systems Analysts, and Strategic Resources UX Researchers to ensure the best use of company resources for digital work (e.g., Digital UX Design prac oners, technology and level of effort).
· Leverages established digital experience standards, style guides and pa ern libraries to create consistent user experiences, and files devia on excep on requests as necessary.
· Creates scalable site structures, user interface (UI) frameworks and naviga on elements that improve usability and align with Business, IT and Experience Architectures and Aspira onal Experience Strategy
· Creates visual assets and visual design comps that improve usability and align with defined interac on design pa erns, Crea ve Direc on and Aspira onal Experience Strategy.
· Promotes the con nuous improvement of UCD processes, UX Design opera onal strategy, UI framework and digital experience standards, templates and ar facts. Environment: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Axure, Invision, Sharepoint, Sketch, Skype
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Williams Consul ng, LLC - Senior Product/User Experience Consultant (12/2011 – Present)
· Build/Prepare Proof of Concepts
· Consult/Educate Clients on Mobile First Methodologies
· Create Website design and branding solu ons for mul ple clients (30-40) including Non-Profit, Universi es, Hospitals, Poli cal, Retail, and Commercial. (See Client Par al list below)
· Provide cost-effec ve web solu ons that coincide with client and organiza onal objec ves for outreach leveraging social networking.
· Design HTML prototypes
· Providing Mobile Architecture and developing mobile process
· Provide and present mockups and wireframe solu ons based on client consulta ons and mee ngs.
· Hire and manage consultants as needed.
· Create and develop marke ng concepts and crea ve based on iden fied organiza onal needs and target audience research.
· Consult with clients on site as needed.
· Provide and sold design and marke ng services, leveraging consulta on mee ngs, presenta ons and networking.
· Provide usability and user experience recommenda ons.
· Interact with developers to insure accuracy of user interface build. Projects/Agencies: Agilysis Hospitality Solu ons, ADP, AT&T, BP, Dekalb Chamber of Commerce, Emory University, Home Depot, Firethorn Holdings, Jackie Joyner Kersee Founda on, Kevin Powell; Congressional Candidate, Pfizer Animal Health, Qualcomm, Recall Corpora on, Sprite, St. Louis Language Immersion Schools, Virtusa, Worldpay
Environment: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Skype, Omnigraffle, Phone Gap
Brown Bag Marke ng (Consultant) – User Experience Strategist (4/2011 – 10/2011)
· In partnership with Vice President of Opera ons and Technology, come up with long term strategy and process for mobile, tablet and web.
· Provides and presented mobile user experience recommenda ons, wireframe and sitemap solu ons based on user analysis research and business requirements.
· Created func onality and usability process
· Prepares requirements and capabili es documenta on
· Gathered Client and Stakeholder based business requirements
· Researched heuris cs data
· Designing mobile app user experience strategies
· Make recommenda ons on latest technologies to improve website and mobile app performance.
· Workflow Analysis based on User Tes ng
· Preparing front end development and communica on with mobile developers Environment: X-Code, iPhone Simulator, Interface Builder, Omnigraffle, Adobe Indesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe Acrobat Pro Williams Resume Page 4 of 6
Firethorn Holdings LLC, a Qualcomm Company –Mobile Human Factors Engineer (6/2010 – 4/2011)
· Provided and presented mobile user experience recommenda ons, wireframe and sitemap solu ons based on user analysis research and business requirements.
· Prepared research results and documenta ons for stakeholders.
· Provided revisions and update recommenda ons for SWAGG mobile app.
· Tested and researched User Experience challenges for various mobile devices and mobile browsers.
· Designed mobile app visuals and mobile user experience strategies
· Prepared streamlined sales demo mobile applica ons
· Made recommenda ons on latest technologies to improve website and mobile app performance based on understanding of mobile industry.
· Wrote summaries of research results.
· Workflow Analysis based on User Tes ng
· Prepared front end development and communica on with mobile developers Environment: X-Code 3.2.5, iPhone Simulator, Interface Builder, Omnigraffle, Microso Visio, Briefs
(iPhone mobile app development framework), Adobe Indesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe Acrobat Pro
Home Depot –User Experience/Informa on Architect for Mobility (Contractor)- (2/2010 – 6/2010)
· Provided and presented user experience recommenda ons, wireframe and sitemap solu ons based on user analysis research.
· Provided func onality and usability solu ons for Home Depot mobile app.
· Documented User Research for various mobile devices and mobile browsers.
· Made recommenda ons on latest technologies to improve Home Depot and Home Depot Mobile app performance.
· Wrote summaries of research results.
· Workflow Analysis
· Determined end user requirements and serving as an interface with technical teams in the design of interac ve systems
Environment: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Omnigraffle Williams Resume Page 5 of 6
The Crea ve Group –Informa on Architect/Front End Designer/Developer, (10/2009 – 2/2010)
· Provided and presented mockups, wireframe and sitemap solu ons based on client consulta ons and crea ve brief.
· Organized func onality and content into a intui ve structure
· Designed, coded, debugged and managed mul ple websites.
· Used Smultron, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat Pro Cyber Duck, Ichat, Ilife, CSS/XHTML, PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL as required for the web design/development.
· Create and develop interac ve interfaces and crea ve based on iden fied organiza onal needs and target audience research.
· Develop CSS/XHTML Cross Browser Compa ble Website Design Solu ons based on proposed and approved wireframes.
· Consult with clients on site/off-site as needed.
· Modify CSS/XHTML websites to operate on Word press pla orm using Xxamp, MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript to operate locally.
· Provide usability and user experience recommenda ons. Environment: Coda (for CSS/XHTML, PHP, coding), Mamp Pro, Smultron, Final Cut Express, Adobe A er- Effects Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat Pro Cyber Duck, Ichat, Ilife
Dekalb Chamber of Commerce - Member
CHI*Atlanta – General Member
Regional Business Council-Young Professional Network Steering Commi ee Member Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.- General Member
Urban League Young Professionals-General Member
American Ins tute of Graphic Ar sts (AIGA)-Minority Ini a ves Chair, 2007-08 Williams Resume Page 6 of 6