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Global Operational Excellence LSS Master Black Belt

Brevard, NC
August 10, 2019

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Project Management Institute Professional & Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

*****.*.********.******@*****.*** -- USA Cell 828-***-****, Sapphire, NC 28774


Senior executive with 25+ years of successes in facilities management, and equipment reliability; reducing costs, accelerating schedule, mitigating risks of clients in manufacturing, finance and multi-$billion projects. Total run-length transformation and readiness for increased plant efficiency by reduced down-times. International coach for facilities improvements on reduced costs, increased reliability, enhanced work-force engagement, higher product quality, safer operations, and better security.

Total Plant Management & Workforce Harmony: Maintain positive relations with staff by administering policies. Ensure conformance to rules and regulations. Administer rewards & disciplinary measures as applicable. Multi-$billion budgets, 20+ direct reports, 1000+workforce.

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems: Apply TPS & Drive CMMS and Reliability Elements. Develop individual and departmental goals and objectives to reduce down-time, MTBF & MTTR; coordinate team efforts and coach/teach/lead engineers on improvement projects.

Financial Controls and Progress Measurement: Develop, manage and execute the yearly capital plan and budget and measure progress toward established goals. Coach team members to achieve long-term strategy aligned with capital expenditure plans. Maintain the working relationship with union leadership and staff to optimize facilities cost, schedule, workforce, and product quality. Control expenditures; ensure cost containment and schedule accomplishment.

Safety, Health, Security & Environment: Protect the safety and health of everyone in and around company facilities. Lead maintenance personnel to increase operational excellence.

World-Class QA/QC Reliability, Run-Lengths, Repair Times, and Spare Parts Management: ISO 9001 Lead Auditor for risk assessments, root cause analysis, quality control, and improvement projects. Identify and develop training to promote development of team members. Coach improvement teams and teach modern quality methods for the effective use of resources.


ENERGY EXPERT & RELIABILITY ENGINEER - Have spent many years in improving plant run lengths, in some cases applying metallurgical advancements to extend machinery run lengths by 5years. Designed strategies that maximized equipment potential; minimizing down-time and MTBF, MTTR, MTTF and other critical measurements. Use advanced statistics to predict/plan any plant shutdown. Always prepared for ‘opportunistic’ maintenance. Practiced in OSHA recognitions & APICS applications.

CHEM & MFG ENGINEER - An entire career dedicated to Quality, beginning an inspector (highly schooled in codes and standards including ASME, AWS, ASQ, ANSI, API, ASNT) on the shop floor in metal fabrication and as a welding engineer for heavy fixed equipment (e.g. structures, pressure vessels & heat exchangers) and machinery (e.g. compressors & pumps). Seen all the successes and failures in Quality including, TQM, SPC, Deming, Quality Circles, TPS, George, Bossity, Welch, Harry, Lean Six Sigma, Fast Innovation, Agile, Hoshin, Kaizen, etc. Expert in employee engagement in quality standards.


MATERIALS SCIENTIST & PLANT & CONSTRUCTION MANAGER – Total accountability for multiple sites around the world. many practical years bridging gaps between the shop floor and top management, “going to the Gemba” for real/hands-on waste reduction; always involving the worker who knows the location of the problems and works with me (as coach) to find the root cause, and remove workplace frustration. Expert in using CMMS for predictive equipment reliability. Designing pull-systems.

On shop floor, using skills as an NDT specialist, metallurgist, ceramist, coatings expert and welding engineer to effect proper R&D and practical solutions to immediate technical issues and long-term manufacturing challenges. Leverage career in materials advancements and mechanical achievements to increase the performance of facilities. Perform as expert in ERP/MRP for optimal plant operations, maintenance scheduling, shut-down planning, and inventory management.

FRANK B. SERAFINI – HANDS-ON - Chronological Experience

Exxon/Shell/ 16 Years; Depts. of State & Defense 6 Years; Bank of America/GE/EY 8 Years

GLOBAL QUALITY ADVISOR (Energy & Utilities) – Ernst & Young, Shell and Independent

LEAN Operations & Continuous Improvement Kuwait, Dubai, Oman, Egypt (2011 - 2019)

Advised National Oil & Gas companies on Lean improvements. Reduced non-operating assets by 40%. Revised mechanical standards & training in order to reduce equipment down-time by 20%.

Transformed ‘Soviet-Era’ institutions into modern corporations. QA/QC (engineering & technical) audits & QMS audits & relevant NCRs and Technical deviation requests, IOC/ National/ International Standards and Industry best QA/QC practices, quality management systems. Improving advanced KPIs including Cpk, Ppk, GR&R, RPN, Z-score.

Led international workshops on Preventative Maintenance process controls, budgeting, scheduling. Digitized progress reporting on improvements in equipment reliability.

Applied Lean Robotic Process Automation for partner & government approvals--from paper to electronic so that facilities improvements were planned such that 100% compliance with cost, schedule, quality, safety, security and environmental controls were achieved.

UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN SUDAN (National Infrastructure Design)

Operations Director – Business Transformation Juba & Khartoum (2010 - 2011)

National Infrastructure, Business Assurance & Change Management. Statistically measured and assessed conditions for the Program Director, evaluating projects & programs and generating high caliber reports for the Project Director. Infrastructure & Petroleum expert. Expert in controls of suppliers & third-parties. Validated Contractor invoice sign-off and processing for payment. Mitigated waste in project controls. Highly sensitive management of international workforce.

Designed PMO for the transition from Reconstruction to Commerce while directly leading complex projects for infrastructure, contractor selection and Lean monitoring systems.

US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (War Fighting Acceleration, Speed, and Waste Elimination)

Accenture, Digital Transformation Pentagon, Saudi Arabia & Kuwait (2006 - 2010)

Merged 138 accounting systems into one digital enterprise with hierarchy of searches, controls, alarms, artificial learnings; therein build predictive models for budgeting and scenario analysis over a range of training, deployment, combat operations, reassignment, and decommissioning. Reduced overhead by 28%. Digitization, automation, streamlining and waste reduction of electronic manufacturing. Accelerated critical equipment overhauls for accelerated deployment.

Using level loading predictive models, with balance ‘takt-times’, built new digital payment system for contracted work. Converted fragmented HR instructions into single-flow wounded-warrior pay process. Established workforce management system for 46 different nationalities.

Accelerated cycle time by 70% for conversion of Hellfire Missile from rotary wing platform to drone. Reduced critical war-fighting down-time/repair-time by 60% by materials advancements.

US DEPARTMENT OF STATE – Iraq Reconstruction Projects (PMO, National Infrastructure)

Director – Project & Construction Excellence Baghdad (2005 - 2006)

ERP Business Improvement & Project Management. As Major General Equivalent, working for the US Ambassador, and the Commanding General, merged the entire $800billion US Oil & Gas reconstruction mission affecting 144,000 US personnel. Resigned manpower planning, ensured effective Lean control measures, coordinated with Finance for budgeting & designed, developed, refined, and advocated strategies, tactics, programs, processes, initiatives, and actions to support

BANK OF AMERICA – SVP (HR Outsourcing, Operations, Infrastructure - Business Efficiency)

Systems Life Cycle Development & Transformation Charlotte (2002 - 2005)

Built the PMO for Quality Management & investment controls for the $42billion integration of Fleet Bank’s HR, Project Management, and IT groups affecting 170,000 associates. Led the Six Sigma (Business Quality) approach to the world’s largest HR outsourcing contract. Cut $350million by actuarial analysis and redesign. Designed new workforce hiring processes.

Built Corporate Compliance Program from scratch; reducing fines and penalties by $150million per year. Held employees accountable for performance and designed disciplinary action management.

Designed processes for HR Shared Services & Outsourcing - Specialized in motivation/contribution of staff. Maintained a non-solicitation program so that workers were structurally represented.

MBB Tools customized and refined for advanced applications: Process Excellence – End-to-End Business Transformation – Customer Delight - Reliability - Process Automation - Outsourcing - Software Lifecycle Development

GENERAL ELECTRIC/Black & Veatch – O&G - Integrated Plant Improvement (Digital Energy)

Multi-Site P&L, MBB & Operational Reliability Kuwait & Atlanta (1997 - 2002)

Direct control of $3billion portfolio of 55 operating production Sites, 20 major customers, 47 direct reports, $300million annual sales. Instilled a control & quality culture into an organization of 1300 employees. Achieved OSHA VPP status at all facility, ensuring total safety compliance.

Certified as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Certified 268 Six Sigma Green Belts; Mentored 400 Quality Projects; Taught 17 Courses. Booked $130million in productivity (Cost Reduction) improvements. Taught advancements in computerized maintenance management methods.

Built new Operations and Maintenance Division; gained $40million in consolidation efficiencies.

MBB & PM Tools customized and refined for advanced applications: Scrum – PMI – PMP – Project Controls – Cloud Migration – CoPQ (Cost of Poor Quality) – A3 – Equipment Reliability (MTTR, MTTF, MTBF) – Leader Standard Work – Gemba – Heijunka (level load) – Judoka (build in quality) – DFSS – DMAIC – DMADV - Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Root Cause Analysis (RCA) - Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) – QFD for Breakthru Design – RPA/AI

EXXON – Petrochem Maintenance & Construction Efficiency Houston, TX (1990- 1997)

Managed 27 large manufacturing facilities; received awards from EPA and OSHA. Overcame regulatory hurdles to design plastics extrusion dies, screws and barrels for FDA-grade polymers. Performed upgrades to critical equipment to increase run-lengths by 60%.

Materials advancements including alloys, carbides, coatings and surface modification techniques for polymer extrusion, pneumatic transfer, storage, packaging and shipping equipment.

Corrosion Engineer specializing in Project Quality plans / Engineering Quality plans, QA/QC Procedures, welding, corrosion, materials, NDT testing, painting / coating, certification requirements, supplier quality assurance, cathodic inspection, alloy selection, heat treatment.

demonstrating increases in run length, reduced plant outages, safer operations, and lower maintenance costs. Published newsletter to share best practices on equipment maintenance.

Merged European Engineering Quality centers; directed 250 engineers in 12 plastics processing plants. Taught courses and gave seminars on advances in materials research for plant reliability.

Joint research process improvements with Shell in Holland. Improved extrusion equipment reliability.

MBB & PM Tools customized and refined for advanced applications: Operational Readiness - Predictability - Waste Reduction - Employee Engagement – Regulatory Compliance - Shareholder ROI - New Product Development – Value Stream Mapping – Value Chain Organization Design- Lean Master – Six Sigma Master Black Belt – Hoshin Kanri – Kaizen – Minitab - Agile –

Published author of numerous articles in NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers).


Project Management Inst. (PMI/PMP), Society of Six Sigma Professionals (Lean & Six Sigma Master Black Belt)

MSc, Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science, Cornell University, USA

BSc, Economics and Ceramic/Nuclear Engineering, University of Washington, USA

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