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Skype: live:honamliogluozan
-About Me-
Hello, my name is Hüseyin Ozan Honamlıoğlu and I am a so ware developer experienced since 2008. Before we start, I am a TypeScript and JavaScript developer. So I contribute JS packages as much as I can on the npm.
Here is my NPM link to see my packages.
I love to be an opensource JS Developer.
-My Work History-
Malpas Casino: I have been developed online bet systems at Malpas Casino with JavaScript for front- end. (September 2016 for 5 months)
NCMAS / İSVİÇ İle şim: Worked as Swi dev. and full stack web dev with NodeJs, ReactJs, ElectronJs, TypeScript. (February 2017 for 1 year 3 months) GUNSEL: I am currently working in Electrical Vehicle car research and development. (May 2018 un l now)
also you can chek my linkedin account linkedin
-My Skills-
I will categorize my skills like so.
Mobile Development
React-Na ve
Objec ve C
Web Development
React Technologies with TypeScript
Google Cloud Func ons
Travis CI
Embedded Systems
C, C++
Kernel Compila on with Yocto & Buildroot
Systemd & Busybox
Fast boot op miza on
Raspberry-Pi, IXORA boards
imx6 SOC
Database Knowledge
Version Control Systems Git: Gitlab & Github
-Explana ons of My Skills-
React Na ve
With React Na ve I develop cross pla orm mobile applica ons for about 2 years. Objec ve-C & Swi
I am primarily a Swi developer but by the way knowing Object-C gives me more control over the coding skills and also I create Objec ve-C libraries for React Na ve framework. GraphQL
I prefer to get benefit from GraphQL technology which makes faster queries. ReactJs & Redux & Redux-Saga
I develop my web sites with always React technologies. TypeScript
While I create a web or mobile applica on I always make my scripts type safe, so typescript makes my development process easier and professional.
Google Cloud Func ons
Cloud func ons are makes my backend & Api development easier, easy to manage and secure. NodeJs
Before NodeJs I was python-Django and PHP developer. So I have knowledge about different frameworks and currently developing with NodeJs.
I use Python on any project, especially on pla orm specific(armv7, x86) projects. Also some me I need to make tools for EV project tes ng purposes, than python takes the big play at that mes. C++
Currently I am working in an electrical vehicle company and me and my team develops applica on for car with C++ and Qt.
Yocto & Buildroot
While developing any of my C++ car projects, most of the me I sould have a custom kernel. Because of it should be a custom kernel, I compile my own kernel with Yocto or Buildroot. Also I am able to compile a fastboot kernel for RaspberryPi which boots up under 2 seconds and runs a Qt applica on.
To be able to make a fast booted RaspberryPi kernel, I have knowledge about what is RaspberryPi's boot stage and which modules and services should I included in my custom kernel.
Personal Projects
“guitargit.com” this project already removed but it was aimed to be guitarist’s social media. (Back- End: Django, Front-End: AngularJs)
“linuxis.online” it was online desktop project, but it charged more me and money and just removed by me. (Back-End: Django, Front-End: AngularJs)
“adailan.net” never published, but done coding on python Django. I built a facebook bot with javascript & electronJS. Aim of the bot to grap different profiles’ shares. It is s ll working and the project name is FSpyder. (Back-End: ElectronJs, Front-End: ReactJs, Redux, NightmareJs)
I built a facebook bot again with Python. Aim of the app was to grap pages shares and parse them into JSON object. (Terminal Interface with Python) I built a bet website bot with Python. Aim of the app was to grab rate of the playing games con nuously. (Terminal Interface with Python)
Cypchat is my mobile chat applica on developed for Northern Cyprus. Right now you can download it from Apple Store and Android version will be available in next weeks. Visit cypchat.com Freelance Projects
* I can't count those projects because since 2010 I con nuously working as a freelance developer. So there is too many usefull or startup projects based on web or desktop. Projects by Companies
MALPAS Casino Company Projects
I have developed malpas casino’s online bet website’s front end. NCMAS Company Projects
“10totravel.com” I think it is currently running. It is aimed to be North Cyprus’ booking page. I developed both front & backend.
“kibristurktabipleriodasi.org” both backend and frontend developed by me. KKTC Panik Butonu is a Panic bu on for helpless people. It is developed by me via SWIFT.
“Employee Trace” program for desktop. Also developed by me with ElectronJs + ReactJs. GUNSEL E.V Projects
I am currently developing DIC (Digital Instrument Cluster) with Qt. I am able to use Qt 3D Studio & Qt Creator.
Also as a child projects I am currently developing different kind of Python based applica ons to make my Engineering friends’ life easier.
I tried to hack TESLA DIC which is ordered from USA. Just for research purpose. I am working with CAN BUS and RS232.
Also I developed Custom CAN BUS Simulator for DIC to test CAN BUS Signals via Peak Systems. I fast booted raspberry pi with developed custom kernel via both BuildRoot & Yocto. So I have knowledge how kernel works. (Kernel & Device Tree & Initramfs etc.) Also I am currently working with Toradex Boards with SoC: imx6 CAN BUS Telemetry project with Shell scripts and NodeJs, Socket.IO server to ReactJs using clients that can debug CAN signals.