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Technical Writer Manager

Newark, NJ
April 02, 2019

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Ayushi Shrivastav Newark, New Jersey **********.******@*****.*** +1-862-***-**** New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA Sept 2018 - May 2020 Master of Science (MS), Computer Science

Coursework in Database Management System, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Internet Higher Layers and Protocols

Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, IN Sept 2014 - May 2018 Bachelor of Engineering (BE), Computer Science

Coursework in Object Oriented Programming, Software Development, Design Analysis and Algorithm, Data Warehousing, Cryptography, Web Intelligence

L&T Technology Services, IN - Software Engineering Intern June 2017 – July 2017 Developed and designed an interactive AR mobile application that worked with motion tracking and object rendering in real- time, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy. Laisoned with a team of 5 employees, working with C#, SQL, Visual Studio in Unity3D.

Ascent Business Solutions, IN – Intern Aug 2016 – Sept 2016 Aided in creating interactive applications with the software development department using .NET, SQL and VB frameworks. Java, C, C++, Python, SQL, HTML, C#, CSS, JavaScript, OpenCV, OpenGL, PHP, VB, Unity3D, Linux, Image Processing, Microsoft Office.

ASL images to Speech Conversion

Developed an app using Machine learning models and OpenCV for processing the images and predicting the meaning of the sign. Worked on a database of 500+ images, reduced to a codeword, thereby efficiently reducing storage space. Also contained a database of words and their corresponding gesture. Dynamic conversion of ASL to Speech

Semester long research project focused on developing a method to process the sign in real time, dividing the video into frames, identifying the sign through a combination of codeword and direction of the gesture. Meeting Manager App

Developed an android office automation tool, through which a person can record the meeting and generate the summary of the meeting. Responsible for researching and developing a Java API for generating summary of the document, using StanfordCoreNLP tools.

E-Voting website

A website where the voter can register by scanning the QR code on the Identification card provided by the government, view elections and candidate details of every election, and successfully voting remotely during the election. Library Management System

Developed a desktop application using .NET to maintain admin database, Library book count and database and user’s issued and returned book, also generating late fee and receipt for the same. Startup - IGNITE, Children’s Magazine - Core Member & Technical Writer Built productive relationships with writers, sponsors, designers and other professionals to produce edition every month. Researched and wrote technical articles on upcoming trends. Sold over 5000 copies, generating 10 editions for 450+ children of age 8-16.






“A Technique for Hand Gesture Recognition on Real Time Basis” Aug 2018 International Journal of Computer Applications

“Extractive Technique for Text Summarization based on Ranking Scheme” Apr 2018 International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering

“Hand Gesture to Speech Conversion” Apr 2018

International Journal On Recent & Innovative Trend in Technology Persona - An inter-college personality contest - Student-In-Charge 2016-2018 Supervised and guided a team of 30 volunteers to execute the event for two consecutive years. ARCEON - College magazine, Co-Head of Technical Section Jan 2017 - Feb17 Prepared, rewrote, edited and proofread the articles submitted by students and junior writers to improve the readability for final publication. Wrote about the ongoing research, projects and competitions on the campus. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS


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