Extremely motivated and well experienced fire and safety technician with 3
year solid experience. Well versed in performing installation,repair work as well as routine maitanance . specialized in fire and safety maintanace work.
* Experience work in fire fighting systems
* Likes to be a part of a strong team
* Experience work in fire alarm systems
* Excellent analytical and critical thinking skills
* Solid ability to manage multiple tasks
* Ability to conduct inspection and testing
* Ability to maitain records of fire damage and subsequent repairs performed PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Company : Hamad medical corporation, Doha,Qatar
Project :Rumailah hospital (fire and safety maintanance) System : Gent (Fire alarm )
Duration : April 2016 to till the date
Duties : Inspetion and testing safety materials.Monitering fire alarm and firefighting systems. preventing accidents and injuries in work place . monitering assessing hazardous and unsafe situations.
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place : Doha, Qatar
Date :
* Diploma in medical lab technology
(Directrate of medical education, govt: of kerala. India.)
* Higher secondery eduction (science)
( Board of higher secondery exam, Goverment of kerala)
* Secondery shool education
(General education department, Goverment of kerala ) PERSONAL INFORMATION
Date of birth : 03/03/1987
Nationality : Indian
Sex : male
Marital status : married
Languages : English, hindi, malayalam