Sharon Barron 440-***-****
Orlando, FL, *****
Motivated, organized, personable business professional with extensive hands-on experience analytical problem solver with history of improving corporate performance, accomplished leader, negotiator and project manager. Vast experience within the Long-Term Care industry; highly skilled in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and documentation audits/survey compliance. Attracts, selects, and retains high caliber, diverse talent able to successfully achieve or exceed business goals.
Microsoft Office Insurance Billing Paperless Methods
Workflow Processes Marketing & Sales Electronic Med Record
Project Management Accounting/Bookkeeping Regulatory State/Federal
Magellan Rx Pharmacy, Orlando, FL 2016-2018
Billing Supervisor, 2016-2018
Analyzed and accomplished the accuracy of daily stats for the department and individual billing specialist. Focused and monitored daily orders are processed in a timely manner for delivery promised date. Manage four billing teams for the pharmacy; specialty, traditional mail order, Astoria NY office (Emblem), and the Patient Assistance Programs (PAP).
Achieved department budget stat since March 2017.
Implemented Magellan and Patient Assistant Programs (PAP) online portals
Created and implemented Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Job Aides
Aetna Specialty Pharmacy, Orlando, FL 2013-2016
Pharmacy Operation Supervisor, 2013-2016
Ensures department is meeting service metrics to provide excellent customer service to members regarding turn-around time, aged orders, dispensing accuracy. Assess individual and team performance on a regular basis and provides candid and timely feedback regarding developmental and training needs; includes completion of development and scorecard discussions. Ensure end of month close for account receivables/payable.
Managed the commercial/government collectors, cash posting, member pay, and patient advocate specialists.
Achieved to recover 60% of bad debt revenue for 2015.
Introduced and implemented primary insurance carrier website to eliminate the increase call stats for researching the rejected or reimbursement of claims.
Implemented the electronic submission of credit card disputes through Merchant Services.
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Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Orlando, FL 2012-2013
Regulatory Affairs Associate, 2012-2013
Preparation and coordination of Adverse Drug Experience Reports for regulatory submission. Assure the completion of internal periodic Product Compliant/ADE reports for management review. Preparation of all establishment and licensing/permitting applications as required per
local, state, and federal regulations. Maintains renewals in a timely fashion to ensure compliance with regulations.
Overhauled and organized the renewal of licensing/permitting applications with timely reminders and electronic storage of applications and license to eliminate license being suspended.
Organized the Adverse Drug Experience Reports to ensure following FDA requirements.
PharmedCorp, Westlake, OH 2003-2012
Long-Term Care (LTC) Pharmacy/Medical Supply/Nursing Homes
Site Manager, 2005-2012
Focus and manage all aspects of day-to-day operations. Finances: accounts payable/receivable, invoicing, insurance billing, budgets and end of month close for account receivables/payables. Manager of 30 employees: new/readmission coordinators, billing representatives, medical records, customer service, delivery. Maintained and operated within the Compliance and Regulations of all governor agencies.
Business growth of 100%
Consolidated/collaboration of the pharmacy/medical division for 6 days delivery to eliminate cost to the facility for medical supplies.
Design and educate nurses and administrators in quarterly meetings with on procedural/law/compliance changes occurring in the LTC; spear-head the set up of an all day educational healthfair annually, providing Continuing Education (CE’s) for LNHA, Nurses, and Therapists with no financial impact to the organization.
Organized and accomplished the implementation of the transition of Ohio Medicaid coverage to Medicare Part D coverage (2006) for nursing home residents.
Analyzed, compiled, and introduced a standard formulary for each facility prescribing habits to reduce unnecessary cost of medications.
Billing/Medical Records Manager, 2003-2005
Prepared and presented training on Point of Sale (POS) adjudication function in the pharmacy operating system.
Designed and implemented standard operation procedures for billing and medical records.
Restructured the pricing structure for each facility, medication therapy, and dispensing class.
Improved and increased margins by ensuring the inventory file is maintained accurately.
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NCS Healthcare, Eastlake, OH 1989-2003
Long-Term Care Pharmacy
Regional Billing Manager, 1994-2003
Travel to 11 states from Illinois to California to analyzed, implemented, and devise more effective ways of processing Insurance/Medicaid clams. Managed 33 billing departments to ensure end of month close for account receivables/payables
Associate of Arts in Accounting
University of Phoenix, Rockside, OH
Rapport Leadership Breakthrough
Professional Affiliations
Orlando Area Council of Beta Sigma Phi