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Medical Technologist

San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
January 30, 2019

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*** **. ******* **. ******** Corazon de Jesus

San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1500





Age: 23

Date of Birth: October 05, 1995

Civil Status: Single

Gender: Female

Nationality: Filipino


Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Centro Escolar University- Manila

9 Menidola St. San Miguel, Manila, Philippines

June 2012 – April 2016



Philippine Medical Technology Licensure Examination

Registered Medical Technologist

PRC License: 0076568

Date Issued: October 18, 2016

Valid until: October 05, 2019

American Society for Clinical Pathology

International Medical Laboratory Scientist

Certification number: 6361

Date Issued: December 16, 2016

Valid until: December 31, 2019


IELTS Total Band Score: 7.5

IELTS Speaking Score: 7.0

Date Issued: August 23, 2018

Valid until: August 23, 2020

VISA SCREEN by CGFNS International (ICHP)

Certificate number: 000*******

Date Issued: January 18, 2019

Valid until: January 18, 2024

Credential Equivalency Report

World Education Services (WES)

Course by Course Analysis

Reference No.: 3802364

Date Completed: November 09, 2018


Total years of Experience: 2 years

The Medical City- Ortigas

Department of Laboratories (Clinical and Anatomic Pathology)

Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City

Metro Manila, Philippines 1605

A Private Tertiary hospital with 560 bed capacity

accredited by Joint Commission International

February 16, 2017 to present


Laboratory generalist (Performs routine Clinical Microscopy, Clinical Chemistry and Hematology tests. Knowledge and skill in Blood Banking, basic Microbiology and basic Histopathology procedures)

Clinical Microscopy: Routine Urinalysis, Routine Fecalysis, Apt’s test, Myoglobin determination, Lactoferrin test, Rotavirus test, H.pylori test, and Cell Morphology determination.

Clinical Chemistry: POCT tests and automated procedures for routine and special tests.

Hematology: Routine CBC, ESR, PT and APTT, CRT, CT/BT, PBS reading, Reticulocyte count, Body Fluid cell counts, Malarial smear, Malarial Antigen test, POCT ACT, D- dimer and Troponin T test.

Blood Banking: Routine Blood Typing and Crossmatching, Blood preparation (FFP, PRBC, and Platelet concentrate), DAT and IAT, and therapeutic phlebotomy.

Microbiology: Blood culture and sensitivity, routine Gram stain, culture for other body fluids, microscopic examination for crystals, AFB smear and culture, KOH preparation, Rapid urease test, MIC test.

Histopathology: Assists in gross examination, with just the right knowledge, but very open to learning more about paraffin cell block preparation, cutting, staining, mounting of sections, cytology and PAP’s smear staining.

Provides prompt and courteous customer service, processes, analyzes and interprets routine diagnostic procedures in all sections of the laboratory.

Processes/Prioritizes requests within prescribed lead time.

Checks if specimens are acceptable and appropriate for the needed tests while considering the exceptions.

Performs daily instrument quality control and completing preventive maintenance requirements.

Conducts pre-phlebotomy, phlebotomy and post-phlebotomy instructions.

Maintains accurate records and reporting of data.

Conducts weekly and monthly inventory of supplies.

Ensures that pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical processes are followed.

Documents all required data needed for future process improvement projects.

Ensures maintenance of laboratory equipment.

Ensures completeness of patient’s vital information before processing the specimen.

Attends seminars/trainings for continuing professional development as required by the institution and national board for the renewal of license.

Knowledge in safety practices in the laboratory including hand hygiene, infectious waste disposal, biohazard and infection control.


Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center (Internship)


Sysmex KX-21N

Beckman Coulter LH750

Clinical Chemistry

Cobas Integra 400 plus

Easylyte plus

The Medical City- Ortigas (Current employer)

Clinical Microscopy

Sysmex UF-1000i

Cobas u 411

Clinical Chemistry (STAT Machine)

Abbott i-STAT1 Analyzer

Abbott Architect


Beckman Coulter UniCel DxH 800

Beckman Coulter LH800

Sysmex XN-1000

Clinical Chemistry/Serology/Immunology

Roche Cobas 601

Roche Cobas 701

Roche Cobas h232 (POCT)


Basic Life Support

The Medical City

September 2017 (Valid until September 2019)

Cobas h 232 Operator’s Training and Basic Troubleshooting

The Medical City

July 05, 2018

The Cost Effective Clinical Laboratory Management

Providence Hospital Inc.

May 18, 2018

Adding Value to Patient Care Using Quality Control

Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila

August 30-31, 2018

54th PAMET Annual Convention

Theme: Setting New Vision Beyond Borders

Philippine International Convention Center

December 3-5, 2018


Leilani Soriano, RMT

Laboratory OIC – The Medical City Ortigas

+639********* or (02) 988-100 loc. 6125

Dr. Charito M. Bermido

Dean of School of Medical Technology (Centro Escolar University- Manila)

(+63)2 735-6861 to 71 loc. 217


Gil P. Soriano, RN, MHPEd

Centro Escolar University- Manila (Faculty of Medical Technology)



Ma. Lourdes L. Gatbonton, RMT

Chief Medical Technologist/Laboratory Manager

Department of Laboratories

The Medical City


Email: ***********@**************.***

I hereby certify that the statement, data, information and documents stated and attached herein are the factual truth to the best of my knowledge.

Ziele Martenne Mae G. Gamotea, RMT, MLS (ASCPi)CM


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