Curriculum vitae of londiwe phindi mbeje
Personal details
Surname : mbeje
Name : londiwe phindi
Date of birth:16 October 1995
Identity number: 951**********
Nationality : south african
Gender: female
Marital status: single
Home language:isizulu
Other language: English
Health status: excellent
Criminal offence:non
Contact details
Residential address :196422 maphephetheni location bhekuphiwa area inand,4309
Contact number: 084*******
Educational qualification
Last school attended :khamangwa high school
Highes grade passed : grade 11
Subject: isizulu
Life orientation
Year obtained : 2014
Work experience
Name of company: work force
Position: general worker
Duration:2 years
Reason for leaving : end of contract
Contact person : sandile
Contact number : 067*******
Personal atributes and competences
. I am easly trainable,confident,succes-driven, self-motivated and enthusiastic
.good time management
.i can work well with minimum supervision
. I am attentive to details
.i have developed good troubleshooting skills
. I have good communication skills and also a friendly person