Michael Yousrie Youssef
Full Stack PHP Developer.
Ambitious, determined and self-taught.
I’m an experienced self-taught Full Stack Web Developer with more than 7 years of practical experience creating different kinds of web sites and web apps. I have moderate design skills & excellent coding and problem-solving skills with the ability to convert customers’ needs into real life web sites/applications.
I’m a huge fan of TDD ( Test-Driven Development ). KEY SKILLS
I have different sets of skills which can be presented as the following: Front End Skills:
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Materialize CSS
- jQuery with knowledge in implementing plugins.
- Low to Intermediate Photoshop.
Back End Skills:
- PHP (5 and 7 ) ( 5 years ) with excellent skills in PHP/Laravel framework.
- Python ( 3+ years ) of coding web apps and scripts.
- Python Frameworks:
o Flask
o Django
o PyGame
- The basics of Node.js ( still learning )
Database Skills:
- SQL ( language )
- SQL databases
- No-SQL databases
Operating System Skills:
- Windows ( 10+ years and present with Windows 10 )
- Linux ( 5+ years with Linux in general )
- Terminal/CMD skills
Extra Technical Skills:
- Application Deploying skills
- Server management skills
- Object Relational Mappers ( ORM ) skills
- Version Control skills ( Git )
- Testing ( Unit and Integration testing ).
Personal skills and traits:
- Exceptional ability to learn Languages and Technology
- Sense of humor ( or so i’m told )
- Calm and collected under pressure to a great level
- Like loneliness with the ability to communicate with people just fine
- Huge challenge lover to a dangerous level
- Problem solving skills with extraordinary methods (or so i’m told as well )
- Dedication and Honesty to a dangerous level
- Curiosity about how things work ( especially electronic things )
- Teaching skills ( Taught interns at Fawaterk LLC )
- Team management skills ( Led a team of intern developers at Fawaterk LLC ) Extra Skills:
- Proficiency in speaking, writing, reading and listening in English
- Table Tennis
- Goalkeeping in Soccer
The following are an example of key projects I worked on. Please check my GitHub account for more information. (link can be found at the bottom)
Key PHP Projects:
- ExpandCart development: An E-Commerce SaaS company that provides the means for a customer to build and manage his own online store. I worked as a PHP developer with responsibilities to upgrade existing features as well as create new ones. https://www.expandcart.com
- Fawaterk: A payment gateway built in Laravel which is the foundation of Fawaterk LLC. it basically is a system where users can sign up to create, manage and pay invoices sent to or by them.
- SchnellLiefer: A customer’s E-Commerce website made in Laravel 5.2 which was handed to me to fix bugs and maintain.
- Pyramid: A cool custom mvc framework built from scratch with the following features:
- Routing system.
- Middlewares System.
- Implemented Laravel’s template engine ( Blade )
- Basic ORM system which deals with the database records in a fluent intuitive way.
- Session management.
- File handling.
- Form validation handling.
- CSRF protection.
- XSS protection.
- Unit tests implemented into both the core and the application built on top of it.
- Popular libraries integrated like PHPMailer and Carbon.
- Composer autoloading.
- Thanwya Amma Science Branch
F.S.A School ( graduated in 2015 )
- Spent 1.5 years in dentistry and 1.5 years in pharmacy but I dropped them and still searching for a good bachelor’s to obtain.
- Different types of music and English songs ( dubstep, rap, violin, flute and any song that has good words with good meanings )
- PC Video games ( with interest in military video games – snipers in particular - ) ( PUBG mostly now. )
- Languages
- English/Arabic translation and interpretation.
GitHub: https://github.com/m41kdev3lops/
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Michael-Yousrie HackerRank: https://www.hackerrank.com/maikdevelops StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/7091942/m41k-dev3lops Twitter: https://twitter.com/MYousrie
That’s all, Thank you for reading :)