Wayne G. Leslie
Quincy, MA 02170
[617] 481-1402 (Home)
[781] 718-1856 (Cell)
Citizenship: United States
Most recent positions:
Lead Technical Editor - Journal of Physical Oceanography, Lead Technical Editor - Meteorological Monographs; American Meteorological Society (AMS), Boston, MA
Editorial Experience
As Lead Technical Editor at AMS served as the professional link between authors and the publisher and was responsible for reviewing copy editor markup; proofreading for spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax and context; determining necessary technical modifications (especially math, figure captions, and tables) and other text markup; and handling figures (sizing, content, layout, and quality) for both manuscripts and page proofs. In fewer than five years edited over 2000 manuscripts and proofs. Established and maintained a comprehensive knowledge of both AMS in-house style and practice and the Chicago Manual of Style. Oversaw the compilation, final editing, ordering, pagination, preparation of cover material, and other material for individual issues within defined deadlines. Worked cooperatively and interactively with authors to ensure that an optimum balance was struck between meeting the needs of the publisher and achieving the scientific and esthetic goals of the author in terms of presentation and content. This process involved proactive communication via e-mail and/or telephone to review and clarify editing requests, resolve disagreements, address questions and problems about figures and mathematics/variables, and handle incoming and outgoing author queries. At Harvard University was the technical editor for two volumes of The Sea – Volumes 13 and 14 – The Global Coastal Ocean. Author or co-author of 49 published manuscripts. Developed and prepared PowerPoint presentations for professors at MIT and Harvard University for academic conferences and research evaluations by funding agencies.
Technical Experience:
Scientific writing, Adobe, LaTex, MathType, Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPress, Printshop, physical oceanography, scientific computing, numerical ocean modeling, Fortran, Matlab, GMT, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Linux, Linux sysadmin, Windows, Solaris, c-shell scripting, TSM, system integration, backups, data analysis and quality control, data collection.
Research Background:
Observational program management; data analysis, management and software development; physical and interdisciplinary ocean forecasting and modeling; web-based dissemination of
analysis and forecast products.
1980 - M.S. in Physical Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Thesis: A Harmonic Analysis of Pacific Seasonal Sea Level Variations
1977 - B.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Employment History:
American Meteorological Society
Lead Technical Editor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Scientist
Harvard University
Senior Project Scientist
Harvard University
Project Scientist
Harvard University
Associate Project Scientist
Harvard University
Applications Programmer/Research Assistant
University of Hawaii
Research Assistant