Brooklyn NY I I 22(>
Ph: 718-***-****
Email : lpjspiccs(u;, hotrnai I.corn
Ohit.•ctin' : To :-- L'C tll"l' position as Civi~~ tructura I . Engineer or any other suitable position within
~\)lll" cnrnpan~· that may adequately ultlizc my skills and knowledge. E,pt, ri{'llet.' and hackgmund :
l\.farch 200X-Prcscnt I nfratech Engince ring Associates E rpcricnc<.: includes:
Job Title: Strnctural Design Engjneer/Cad Designer
-Designer for Route 1 l 0 Bridge Widening And Rehab.
-Designs for replacement of Girders and Deck Slab.
-M icrostation Design for Abutments~ Piers, Proposed Plans, Sections and all Layouts.
-Microstation Design for All Proposed Electrical Work .
-Designer for Pedestrian Bridge in Highland Park/DOT Client
-Load Rating Analysis for Route l 10 Bridge over LIE. August 2006-Dec '07 Solomon Rosenzweig,P.C., Structural Engineers Experience includes:
Job Title: Structural Design Engineer/Project Manager
-Structural Design Project Engineer for several Commerciai Residential and Religious Bujlding~.
-Designs involved initial analysis rn,ing Ran1 SBeam and Ram Advance softwares.
-Manual Check and Designs and clarification for clients.
-Design of Shoring, Underpining and Excavation Plans.
-Design of Footings, StructLu-al Frames, Floor, Wall & Roof Systems.
-Liason with Architects for client changes.
-R~view and approval of several Shop Drawings.
-Site Controlled Inspections.
Wexler & Associates, Structural Engineers
F1;1, ·1·1, ·11, '(' 111<'/11,lc·s :
Joh Tif k . ~ ln~.' ~lll~ L l)~·s1g ~1 _ I ~IJgincc r- 1! LI ild ill Structur:tl j\'slgq_l ·:11gi11ccr k>r Hcsidcntial and Commercial buildings and Parking (jaragcs 11si11,L! 1n11111:tl design calculalions, R~,m SBcam and H.isa structural design programs. l'ni_jt·c ts \\'t)rkL·d fl 111cludc Ten (10) Story and above residential buildings in Tri-State area.
- h11111tblill11 design liir ah VC projects, including Sr,read Footings and Pile design.
-SIL't'I qm111i1y lake-oils li>r tithricators, includes shop drawing review and approval.
11;tl~1s1s & Design or Momeni frames and braced connections for Seismic loads.
-l\.·s1gr1 nlTnur (4) Story Parking Uaragc using Steel and Prccast Concrete.
- I ksrgn nr Masonry walls and Prcstrcsscd Floor Systems.
-( ·Pord111a1io11 with Contractors fi.)r clarification of Construction Docwrents and on site review.
- rvkcting with Developers, Contractors and rest of project time to ensure project goals
:rnd scheduling.
September 2003 - Dcccmbcr 2004 Barbara Thayer, P.C./ Ove Arup E,pcricnce includes:
Job Title : Civil/Structura I Designer
-CTvil/Structura I Design Engineer for the Fulton Street Transit Center Project in Lower Manhattan. Worked a]ong with Senior Engineers on the N/R underpass on Church Street, the Head -House, 4/5 Subway rehabilitation, 195 Broadway rehab, Dey Street Concourse Tunnel for connection to proposed World Trade Center site.
-Extensive Strnctural, Geo-technical and Construction phasing drafting using Microstation V8 .
-Extensive coordination and interaction with many different members of the team responsible for drtforent aspects of the project.
-Estimating influence areas and volrnnes of excavation for determination of effects on adjacent buildings.
July 200 I-September 2003 Galli Engineering, P.C.
E.rpurienc<:' includes:
Job Title: Junior Designer/Assistant Auto-Cad Manager
-Jw1ior designer. includes steel design and inspection, drafting of details and preparation of steel inspcctil)Tl reports.
- Design t)f forn1dation based on boring logs and estimate of building loads.
-Design of concrete slabs on grade. retaining walls.
-Assistant Auto-Cad manager. duties include storage and coordmation of files, showing junior cn~rn1eers plotting. Cad standards and drawing according to company guidelines.
-Drafting. from prelin1inary sketches to creation of final drawings using Auto-Cad 2000.
-Coordination of Auto-Cad drawings with clients via e-mail
-Constrnction Management for site work and environmental compliance.
-Quantity estilnating.
-Project Management of design for site work, stonn water management, drainage and Sanitary systems. Includes extensive design, from grading to roof detention facilities, detention tanks, retention basins and d1ywells.
-Design for approval of S01 &S02 permits for site connection to city sewers.
-Inspection of construction methods for drainage systems. Education:
January 1997-Dember 2002
Graduation-December 2002
City College ofNewYork
Special skills : Proficiency in Auto-Cad 2010, Microstation VS, MS Excel, MS Word, Sap 2000, Risa Structural Design Software, Ram Shearn, Rani Advance Hobbies: Reading, exercise, and music.
Reference: Available upon request.