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chrome-extension://bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html 1/1 DANIEL R. RUSSELL
Cincinna, OH 45214
SONOCO RIGID PAPER & CLOSURES, Cincinna, OH January 2016 – Current Produc on Supervisor: Sole responsibility during my shi for the safety, quality, and produc on. Perpetuated safety culture of 8 years and 1mm hours injury free by achieving 100% employee par cipa on in safety program, daily emphasis discussions, layered audi ng, and data driven focus areas for process improvement. Adjust produc on schedule for on me availability. Brought the customer disrup ve index for my shi from the highest in the plant to the lowest. Reduced expenditures for customer quality claims during my shi by over 50%. Led Six Sigma Green Belt project resul ng in annual savings of $56,591. Leader of con nuous improvement team focusing on 5S, autonomous maintenance, Kaizan events, standard work, workplace standardiza on, and elimina ng minor stops for a specific area; ini al project maintaining a reduc on of over 62% in related down me events.
SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED, Anchorage, AK July 2013 – November 2015 Drilling & Measurements Field Engineer: Responsible for the real me and recorded mode measurements taken over the course of the project well. Looked at historical and current data to make decisions and par cipated in discussions towards improving the overall process and reducing non-produc ve me. Inves gated and implemented new procedures and tools for safety and quality purposes in the field. Promoted to cell manager posi on in less than a year a er performance apprecia on by client. ASHLAND SPECIALTY INGREDIENTS (ASI), Calvert City, KY Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Summer 2012 Acetylenics Division Intern: Developed changes for a batch powder process that decreased contamina on and waste product by over fi een percent. Iden fied and tracked new metrics regarding product deficiencies for dis lla on processes. Performed and coordinated mul ple design projects for dis lla on towers and other processing equipment to simulate and forecast changes to the process for future capabili es EDUCATION
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, Lexington, Kentucky Gradua on: May, 2013
Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering
Cumula ve GPA: 3.51
Honors and Awards: Presiden al Scholarship (full-tui on award), College of Engineering Scholarship, Dean’s List, Honors Program, Emerging Leadership Ins tute, Eagle Scout ADDITIONAL SKILLS/TRAINING
Microso Office Suite, ASQ Cer ficated Six Sigma Green Belt, Oracle ERP, OEEStudio, OEE Alert, Vorne, HACCP, FSSC 22000, Kronos, Sonoco Lean Six Sigma Training, Cornelius Ins tute, OSHA 10 Hour, UL Safety 101 and 201, MATLAB, SIMSCI, and Aspen