***************@*****.*** 682-***-****
****, ***** *** *****, #***, Arlington, Texas-76013.
self-motivated, hardworking graduate student of computer science looking for Full time opportunities
• University of Texas at Arlington Aug. 2017 - Current
Master of Science Computer Science 2019
GPA:3.778 • Coursework: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Machine Learning, Database Systems, Computer Networks (TCP/IP Protocols), Software Testing, Data Analysis & Modeling Techniques, Software Engineering Management.
• Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune University) July 2012 - June 2106
Bachelor of Engineering Computer Engineer 2016
GPA: 3.00 •Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms & OOPs, Operating Systems, DBMS, Networks, Linux, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Smart System Design and applications.
LANGUAGES: Python, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, C++, Java, bootstrap, Node.js
FRAMEWORKS: Tensorflow, Keras, Junit, JaCOCO
TOOLS: Star COCOMO tool, Microsoft project planner, COSTAR 7.0
OPERATING SYSTEMS: Mac OS, Windows 10, Linux Fedora, Linux Ubuntu
• Website Development Jan. 2019-Now
A complete full stack development for a website SayItRight using HTML, Bootstrap, Javascript, php, MySQL database with codeigniter.
• Stock price predictions Mar. 2018 - May 2018
A data mining project on Stock price predictions using the ARIMA model implementations for time-series data in Python3.
• Artificial Neural Networks Mar. 2018 - Apr. 2018
Machine Learning project involving Artificial neural networks project to recognize the handwritten numbers of MNNIST dataset. The ANN consisted 1 hidden layer having 100 hidden units of perceptrons in Python3. The same program was performed with Tensorflow to compare the outputs.
• Classification using Naive Bayes and KNN
A project consisting Naive Bayes classification a concept of Machine Learning, on mushroom dataset to sort them into edible and non edible class using to receive 80.77% accuracy. Implemented KNN classification to classify the categorical data in Python3.
• Secure Deduplication in Cloud June 2015 - June 2016
Designed and developed a cloud application with encryption standards such as SHA256 and AES 256 to securely store the data only once in the cloud.
• Car Rental Company Aug. 2017 - Dec. 2018
Developed an application using JAVA forms. Designed the relational database based on the client requirements and building the application and backend with MySQL.
• Software Testing Project- Sports Event Manager Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2018
The concepts of code coverage and edge coverage were used for designing test cases manually. Used JUNIT to test the Sports Event Management application in JAVA. Used JaCoCo for generation of code coverage report.
• Microsoft Project planner- University Bazaar System (Android application) Jan. 2018 - Mar. 2018
Software Management Project. Worked on management of SDLC lifecycle and plan the duration of each phase and cost estimation for each resource. Used Microsoft project planner to develop and represent the actual plan of development of software project University Bazaar System (Android app).
• COCOMO II- University Bazaar System (Android application) Mar. 2018 - May 2018
Software Management Project
Worked with a COCOMO estimation tool costar 7.0 to develop actual the cost estimations for development of software project University Bazaar System (Android app)
• Max Connect four game Aug. 2018 - Oct. 2018
Designed an intelligent system to play max connect four game using min max algorithm with alpha beta pruning in python2.7
• Scholarship Aug. 2016
Received academic scholarship during masters education for outstanding academic performance
• Stood first in Blind coding Mar. 2014
Secured First prize in “Blind coding” in the intercollegiate technical competition during the third year of under- graduation.
• Paper Publishing, secure de-duplication in cloud using convergent encryption
• Published a paper in international Journal of Advanced Research on secure de-duplication in cloud using convergent encryption