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Data Scientist and Knowledge Engineer

Halton Hills, ON, Canada
April 18, 2019

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■ Business-minded data scien st with a demonstrated ability to deliver valuable insights via data analy cs and advanced data-driven methods.

■ Use of state-of-art machine learning techniques for data analysis.

■ Provide data-driven, ac on-oriented solu ons to challenging business problems.

■ Superior a en on to detail, calm under pressure, proac ve, and confident.

■ Experience in the fields of communica ons and corporate sales management. WORK EXPERIENCE

August 2016 – August 2018

Data Scien st Internship in Business Intelligence Competence Center VodafoneZiggo, Maastricht, Netherlands

VodafoneZiggo is a joint venture of Liberty Global, the biggest interna onal TV and broadband internet company, and Vodafone Group, one of the world’s biggest telecommunica on companies.

Thesis: “Bootstrapped Collabora ve Filtering Recommender Systems” applied on VodafoneZiggo products in order to provide accurate customer predic ons.

Development of an intricate algorithm using predic ve data modeling and various regression techniques to create a “Travel Behavioural Tool” for added customer segmenta on.

Analyze and process large, complex data sets to discover correla ons between customer sa sfac on and customer profile.

Iden fy and recommend strategies to improve customer Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Handling of confiden al databases.

July 2012 – July 2015

Assistant, Prac ce Development Team and Assistant, Office Manager Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Brussels, Belgium Freshfields is a global law firm who successfully supports the world's leading na onal and mul na onal corpora ons, financial ins tu ons and governments on ground-breaking and business-cri cal mandates.

Manage all execu ve level administra ve tasks including coordina ng and scheduling mee ngs and conference calls, preparing correspondence and corporate documents, and arranging travel.

Create and manage databases including local rela onship firms in all jurisdic ons.

Assist with both the Business Development and Knowledge Management worldwide teams.

Managed and designed page layouts for new intranet areas and updated exis ng content.

Entrusted with sensi ve and confiden al informa on. KALLI BUCHANAN

data scientist and knowledge engineer


(416) 523 – 2156



English: na ve language

Spanish: proficient (reading,

wri ng, verbal)

French: intermediate (reading,

verbal), basic (wri ng)

Dutch: basic (reading, verbal).



Java, Python, R, Matlab,

HTML, Javascript,

C++ (Arduino), OWL, XML,




RStudio, PySpark, MySQL,

Teradata, GitHub, Oracle,

Microso Office, Adobe,

Tableau, IntelliJ, Eclipse,


2010 – 2012

Execu ve Assistant to Vice President of Finance and CAO December 2011 – February 2012 Execu ve Assistant to Vice President of Strategy and Organiza onal Performance October 2010 – February 2011

Bridgepoint Health, Toronto, Canada

Bridgepoint Healthcare is a complex care and rehabilita on hospital in Toronto. It is a member of the Sinai Health System and affiliated with the University of Toronto.

Provide administra ve support in all func ons including organiza on of work, correspondence and undertaking of special projects.

2008 – 2010

Store Manager/Senior Sales Consultant

Bell World/Worldlynx Wireless L.P., Georgetown, Canada Worldlynx is Canada’s largest independent Bell dealer.

Responsible for the management, training, evalua on, scheduling and mo va on of a team of eight staff including performing human resource func ons such as screening, interviews and hire personnel, correc ve ac ons, and resolving conflicts.

Increased sales in store by 52% in 3 months.

Worked closely with diverse consumer and corporate clients to deliver op mal communica on solu ons. EDUCATION

Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Knowledge Engineering Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Maastricht University September 2015 – November 2018

Honours+ Student, Maastricht University EDLAB (August 2016 - July 2017) Honours+ is a Maastricht University excellence programme that is part of the Faculty Honours Programmes for second year bachelor students.

KnowledgeEngineering@Work Cer ficate, Maastricht University DKE (October 2018) Cer ficate awarded for demonstra ng excellence by carrying out 720 hours of work (= the equivalence of approx. 28 ECTS) from September 2016 un l July 2018 on top of the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Knowledge Engineering. Human Biology and Mathema cs

Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto 2006 – 2009


■ Canadian swimming “Na onal Championship and Olympic Trial” Qualifier and member of University of Toronto Varsity Swimming Team (2006 – 2008).

■ Treasurer of the Board for Maastricht University student associa on, MSV Incognito (2016 – 2017).

■ Member of Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering student commi ees in MSV Incognito; including aK E (ac vi es), tasKE (events), redaK E (yearbook) and finances (2015 – 2018).

■ Organizer and member of “Discover Your Talent” non-profit organiza on (2014 – 2015).

■ Member of annual Mul ple Sclerosis Walk fundraising team (2006 – present).

■ Member of New Age Country Entertainment (country line dancing) (2018 - present). KALLI BUCHANAN data scientist and knowledge engineer

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