Ehsan Gholami, M.Eng.
Email: *****.*******.*@***.******.**
Cell: 438-***-****
In progress to be a member of l’ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) PROFESSIONAL PROFILE
Material and process engineer with 5+ years of experience in materials characterization, heat treatment, welding, powder metallurgy, and process development in Ferro-titanium, steel and automotive components manufacturing industries
Quality engineer with 1+ year of experience in failure investigation, root cause analysis, fatigue fracture analysis (SEM, EDS), and interpretation of mechanical, metallurgical and NDT results for jet engine accessories
Remarkable technical knowledge in materials characterization of materials such as titanium (Ti 6-4, Ti 6-2-4-2, Ti 10-2-3), aluminum
(Al 7150, Al 7050), steel (17-4 PH, Maraging steels, AerMet), and superalloys (IN-718, IN-625, MP159, A286)
Experience in working with ASTM, AWS, ASM, AS9100, Nadcap audit standards
Demonstrated ability to quickly integrate with team, take ownership of assigned tasks, and make decisions unsupervised
Demonstrated excellent written, oral, and interpersonal technical communication and presentation skills
English and French
Graduate student researcher and Engineer Analyst
Maetta science inc., Varenne (Québec) and University of Québec (ÉTS), Montréal, Québec
Developed experimental tools to measure the impact of powder lots on properties of titanium, cobalt-chrome, 17-4PH, and superalloys mixture developed for powder injection molding (MIM)
Optimized moldability and reduced the adhesion problems in metallic injection molds
Characterized and developed the feedstocks (mixture) of metallic powder such as Cobalt-Chrome, titanium (Ti 6-4), steel (17-4 PH) for low-pressure powder injection molding (LPIM)
Experienced in the heat treatment of titanium and superalloys
Analyzed powder characteristics, solid loading, binder composition, temperature and shear rate to improve the feedstock viscosity
Worked actively with investigation team and laboratories such as NDT laboratories, Control laboratories (functional checks), metallurgical, chemical, and mechanical laboratories to investigate and identify problems arising to jet engine nacelle components
Performed metallurgical tests (SEM, EDX, electrical and metallurgical analysis) based on a thorough understanding of the problem
Prepared and presented concise technical reports Tools/Technologies: MCR 302 rotation rheometer, DSC PerkinElmer Pyris (differential scanning calorimetry analysis), TGA, Metal Injection Molding Machine, Stereo Microscopy, SEM/EDX, metallurgical analysis, metallography, microhardness testing, injection machine, root cause analysis, knowledge of wear mechanism, low and high cycle fatigue, fracture mechanics, and fracture surface analysis
Achievement: Increased 20% the moldability by optimizing temperature gradient between die and injection steps which is resulted in the selection of the best powders mixture candidate, and decreased material adhesion into the mold surfaces by modifying surface roughness with applications in metal injection molding (LP-MIM) Mar. 2017
Jan. 2019
Metallurgist and Quality Engineer
Metalliage Inc., Saint Hubert, Montréal, QC
Prepared certificate of analysis (COA) and settlement reports based on chemical and alloy analysis for the customers and suppliers
Supervised and evaluated the quality of the incoming raw materials and production line
Performed chemical and alloy analysis using a systematic approach during Ferro-titanium production in order to achieve the highest quality possible
Prepared quality specification recipe for the production line to ensure satisfaction of clients’ specifications and requirements
Analyzed and monitored oil and moisture of titanium turning and other shape of titanium alloys
Controlled quality of titanium alloys with spectroscopy analysis, metallurgical tests; metallography, hardness
Negotiated with customers and suppliers to evaluate production capacity and to prepare recipe order certifications for the production line
Jul. 2016
Feb. 2017
Tools/Technologies: Optical arc emission spectrometer (ARL), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Metallography, SEM, chemical analysis, NDT methods, Microsoft Office Suite, knowledge of different type of titanium and superalloys Achievement: Designed and fabricated a new method in order to control precisely the quality of materials and alloys during production, decreased time and cost of the production by optimizing the Argon shielding gas during the production, modified sintering process, replaced refractory materials with bricks inside the furnace Metallurgical Engineer and senior project engineer EMG Industrial Engineering Group, Isfahan, Iran
Experienced in Aluminum and Iron Casting, heat treatment and machining process
Organized installation and repair of plant machinery (CNC machines, Casting, forging, welding and assembly line machines)
Automated the fabrication line of water-cooled high-current cables specifically for electrical arc furnaces
Programmed CNC machines
Liaised between sales, purchase, quality control and production departments
Designed fixtures and molds for production lines using CATIA Tools/Technologies: ICAM Post-Processor,CATIA V5, G-code programming, Calibration methods, MATLAB, Microsoft Office Achievement: Designed and developed cold forcing adjustment process to adjust rubber isolator in crankshaft pulley
(damper pulley), established the quality control laboratory, its equipment, and work procedures Apr. 2010-
May. 2016
Metallurgical Engineer and senior project engineer (Part-time) Behkaran, Isfahan, Iran
Controlled and evaluated the quality of materials as a metallurgist
Inspected the parts allowance
Controlled the process of forging and welding by non-destructive testing methods: PT, ultrasound, magnetoscopy, and radiography conducted on products
Collaborated in performing destructive and non-destructive tests for Casted, welded, forged, and machinery components
Visually inspected the components and welded parts to ensure dimensional and metallurgical quality Tools/Technologies: AWS and ASTM verifications, VT inspection, electro polishing, cutting and mounting for metallography, NDT methods
Material and Process Engineer
Iran National Copper Company, Kerman, Iran
Provided advice to design engineers on materials and process selection
Reviewed/ approved of data for incoming and line production materials
Performed calibration and quality control with chemical composition analyzers Dec. 2008-
Mar. 2010
Feb. 2007-
Nov. 2008
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering – Special Manufacturing Process (Aerospace) École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), University of Québec, Montréal, QC 2018
Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) in Metallurgy-Welding Equivalent to a DEP in Metallurgy-Welding, Technical & Professional High School, Saremieh, Isfahan, Iran 2011
Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science University of Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Engine Familiarization Seminars, Pratt & Whitney Canada Fall 2018 Start-up management of a technological innovation project, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) Fall 2017 High mechanical resistance materials and their manufacturing process, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) Fall 2016 Fracture analysis and mechanism (Fatigue and Creep), École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) Fall 2016 Advanced computer-aided manufacturing programming (ICAM Post-Processor),École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) Fall 2016 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW, MIG/MAG, TIG), (560+ 320 training hours), Technical and Vocational Training, Isfahan, Iran 2012 Visual Welding Inspection (VT), 44 training hours, Organization for Technical and Vocational Training, Isfahan, Iran 2010