Los Angeles, CA
US work authorization (green card holder)
I definitely have a passion for what I do and absolutely enjoy develop programs and algorithms, analyze data. I'm a huge team player that loves to share knowledge and listen to better ways of doing things. I'm the type of person that smiles and enjoys life. I take a look at the positive in every situation. TECHNICAL SKILLS
Python, Java
Machine learning, NLP, Deep Learning, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Statistics, Linear Regression, Neural Network, Mathematics, Physics, Research, Science
Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy, XGboost, TensorFlow, Keras, IntelliJ IDEA, Android studio, Apache Poi, GitHub, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Data Analyst GetPart LA, Los Angeles, USA 05/2018 – 12/2018
Analyzed data of engine parts using cluster analysis (k-means, agglomerative clustering, DBSCAN), increased sales of spare parts by 20-30%
Used Python, pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, Matplotlib Data Scientist Good Line, Kemerovo, Russia 05/2017 – 05/2018
Recognized intent in a text from Russian-speaking user. My pipeline uses DeepPavlov library giving the result for roc_auc = 0.97
Discovered client's intention to terminate a contract, after 20-second conversation with operator. o Preprocessing text data using CountVectorizer (min_df=5) from scikit-learn o Used Logistic Regression for prediction, Python, pandas, numpy, word2vec, scikit-learn, Matplotlib Software Engineer Kuzbassghiproshakht, Kemerovo, Russia 12/2012 – 05/2017
Created programs with GUI to automate workflow of projects release. These programs input and output data, carry out mathematical calculations of data form ready-made parts of project reports.
The programs helped to reduce the project creation time from one month to one week
Used Java, library awt, Apache POI, IntelliJ IDEA, Android studio EDUCATION
T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State
Technical University Kemerovo, Russia 09/2007 – 11/2016
Master of Science in Engineering, GPA 5.0/5.0
Calculated the temperature of smoke gases leaving the boiler furnace. This work is going to serve for regional power generating company “Novokemerovskaya” and save up to $500,000 annually. CERTIFICATES AND PUBLICATIONS
"Introduction in Machine Learning" by Higher School of Economics & Yandex School of Data Analysis; Coursera.
“Math and Python for data analysis “, “Training on labeled data”, “The search for structure in data” by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology & Yandex; Coursera. PERSONAL PROJECT
Predicted a team's victory in the Dota2 game (2016 year - present). o Data mining - Pulling data from various servers via API and SQL request o Data Analysis - Clustering, visualization and abnormality detections o Preprocessing data before building a model
o Using Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Bosting algorithms to create machine learning pipelines o Creating fully automatic way to pull out data for future prediction o Production - I developed a ChatBot in Telegram messenger, that predicts winners based on game ID o Achieved roc_auc = 0.7-0.8 for mains algorithms
o Skills used: Python, pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, telegram_bot.