Atlanta, Georgia ***** VICTORIA JONES 404-***-****
Expected Compensation: $13/Hour
Maintain the safety of the clients including wearing their PPE (Personal Protection Equipment). Also making sure the properly trained clients were checked in and out of their work area. 04/Present04/2018 - Present UpscaleOfficer Upscale Security Officer G4sSolutions G4s Security Solutions Starting my job was to do trailer checks for truck driver. Within 2 months i was then promoted to supervisor. That included checking in tractor trailers into the system and out of the system filling paper work printing their BOL (Bill of Lading),and also making sure they picked up their right load before checking out 11/201811/2015 - 01/2018 SSuuppeerrvviissoorr SecuritasSecurity Securitas Security Job was to assist incoming client calls with their technical issues dealing with shipment or billing problems and etc.
05/201805/2017 - 10/2018 Customer Service Rep (CSR)AArriissee EDUCATION HISTORY
I am CPR first aid certified
02/202002/2020 ElaineInstitute Elaine Sterling Institute MMaassssaaggee Therapy/TherapeuticTherapy/Therapeutic
Massage,Certification Massage, Certification
05/201505/2015 MundysSchool Mundys Mill High School .School., High School CERTIFICATIONS & HONORS
06/201806/2018 CprCertified Cpr First Aid Certified G4sSolutions G4s Security Solutions SKILLS & ABILITIES
MicrosoftWord Microsoft Word EExxeell CCoommppuutteerr TimeFanatic Time Fanatic SSuuppeerrvviissoorr Advanced Advanced Advanced Expert Expert
DataEntry Data Entry CustomerService Customer Service AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee AAssssiissttaanntt
Advanced Expert Advanced