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Service Data Entry

Somerset, NJ
January 09, 2019

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Gr ce Hw g

** * ********** ** *

New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Phone: 732-***-****

Em il ddress: ghw g @y


Experienced profession l with strong communic tion, org niz tion l nd computer skills. Able to work

independently or s p rt of te m.

Title: M inten nce Worker – (Dining service)

Rutgers University – New Brunswick NJ

From: 8/23/2013 – Present

- Performs gener l utility work in the v rious dining f cilities t Rutgers University, including food prep, Service nd m inten nce. Rutgers University, including food prep, service nd m inten nce. Title: Administr tive Assist nt

RWJUH – Croth ll He lthC re – New Brunswick, NJ-US From: 08/12/2015 – 10/22/2015

- D t entry on specific rel ted input P tient Q&As surveys on Computer

- M int ins filing systems for Employeesoffice rel ted t sks

- Filing nd other gener l office rel ted t sks

- Sort the Stericycle M nifestʼs invoices & Vendorsʼ Vouchers nd filing

- Add new m teri l to file records, nd cre te new records s necess ry

- Sort or cl ssify inform tion ccording to guidelines

- Such s content, purpose, user criteri, or lph betici l, or numeric l order

- Perform gener l office duties such s dministr tive

- Distributed & Photo-copies m teri l s needed

- Sc nning the documents & pictures

- Archived m teri ls nd upd ted on d t b se

- Completes B sic office skill nd Microsoft Outlook procedures t sks. RWJUH – Croth ll He lthC re – New Brunswick, NJ-US From 2/19/2012 – 9/7/2012

* Clerk

- D t entry on specific rel ted input P tient Q&Aʼs on Computer

- M int ins filing systems for Employees

- Sort the Stericycle M nifestʼs invoices &Vendorsʼ Vouchers nd filing

- Distributed & Photo-copies m teri l s needed

- Archived m teri ls nd upd ted on d t b se

- Completes B sic office skill nd Microsoft Outlook procedures t sks.

* Volunteered s clerk for RWJUH HR & EVS Offices Dep rtments bout 4 ye rs

St te of NJ: Dep rtment of Hum n Service of Division Ment l He lth Service – Speci l Tre tment Under Joule St ffing Service – New Jersey,USA

From 12/08/08 to 10/22/2009

* Gener l Secret ry/Clerk

- M int ins filing systems for in-ch rge of filing he lth records in the Correction

F cility.

- Photo-copies m teri l s needed.

- Performs d t entry on specific rel ted worksheets.

- M int ined nd upd ted d t b se.

- Sc nned documents nd pictures

- Completes b sic office procedures t sks s directed St te of NJ Division of Development l Dis bilities of Dep rtment of Hum n service.

Under: Joule St ffing Service - New Jersey, USA

From 12/23/05 to 4/5/07

* Gener l Secret ry/Clerk

- Performs d t entry on specific rel ted work-sheets to tr vel &

- M int ins filing systems for specific purch sing

- Photo-copies m teri ls s needed.

- Completes b sic office skill nd Microsoft Outlook procedures t sks. The Children's Pl ce - New Jersey, USA

From 10/15/04 to 7/23/05

* S les Associ te

- Folded, rr nged the Children's clothing nd ccessories on the shelves nd Section

Intern tion l Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),

N irobi-Keny

From 11/1/1997 to 12/23/2003

* Clerk II

- M int ined Region l ECOSEC Nutrition Libr ry.

- M int ined nd upd ted d t b se.

- Developed filing systems

- Archived m teri ls on d t b se

- F x, Sc nned m ps nd pictures

- Org nized, Photocopied, distributed mess ges SANSEC p pers.

- Controlled/monitored the lending of scientific the books from the office to borrowers.

- Completed b sic secret ri l t sks.


- Touchstone Micro Dyn mics, N irobi-Keny :- Diplom - 2001

- Institute of Adv nced Technology, N irobi-Keny :- Diplom -1999

- Reeswood Secret ri l College, N irobi-Keny :- Diplom -1990 SKILLS: Ms Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint nd d t entry nd strong org niz tion l skills.

REFERENCES: Av il ble upon request.

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