Alette P Ciallella
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Metasource- Bristol Pa 19007 Phone 215-***-**** Supervisor Cathy Shields Processing Clerk Prepared, organized, and sorted grocery store super cards applications so that they could be scanned. January 2008-January-2010 Laid off
Sculptz,Inc, Bensalem Pa 215-***-**** Supervisor-Sean Broderick Mail Processor September 1992 – October – 2005 Operated mail-opening machine(OPEX) Accurately, sorted, invoices and checks into 21 categories under strict time frames. Job was outsourced.
Tabs, Inc. Bensalem Pa Mail Sorter Phone – Phone Disconnected Supervisor Bill Henn Sorted mail for 10 corporate clients by hand and machine for post office delivery. Applied address stickers to mail trays. Bundle and labeled mail according to zip code categories. Adhere to established procedures and deadlines. Company Closed.
Bensalem Pennsylvania Attained High School Diploma Major-Business
Skills and Abilities
Additional skills and Achievements 15 years experience as mail processor and sorter. Strong attention to detail-noted for thoroughness and accuracy. Hard-Working and dependable team-player who is sensitive to co=workers needs. Consistently, demonstrate willingness to whatever is necessary to get the job done.
Available upon request.