My Resume will be
included in my cover
letter nd supplement l
inform tion bec use of
technic l issues
uplo ding file.
My n me is R j ndr
Singh I live nd work in
the United St tes
Syr cuse New York nd
I m citizen of this
gre t n tion of ours I
h ve been working
security for securit s
USA for seven ye rs
now my position w s s
senior officer t
he lth clinic de ling
with ll types of
situ tions clinic l nd
none clinic l. Now Iʼm
posted t st te site
the st te office building
in Syr cuse New York
s n un rmed security
officer my job is security
protection not only of
property but ll st te
employees nd visitors
some of those
employees re two st te
sen tors nd
ssemblym n nd
district court. Iʼm well
tr ined t different
types of fire rms
bec use Iʼm owner of
multiple I h ve my
conce led c rry permit I
h ve cle n driving
record my high school
diplom I did t ke some
cl sses for forensic
science, crimin l justice
cl ss in high school ll
under Syr cuse
University but I never
tr nsfer my Credit to
ny university bec use I
never ttended for
profession l reference
you c n cont ct
securit s security
services in Syr cuse
New York for more
inform tion on my work
ethic th nk you.