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Scheduler/Planner, Analyst

Athens, AL
August 20, 2018

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J u s t i n S l a y

***** ***** *****

Athens, AL 35613

256-***-**** *******@*****.***

P e r s o n a l P r o f i l e

Career Goal: To utilize my business studies, knowledge, and personal work-related experiences to help a company succeed, excel, and reach optimal success.

Relevant courses and study programs completed

o Business Writing and Speech

o Operations Analysis

o Information Systems and Financial Accounting

o Marketing and Management

o Government Contracts and Law

o Human Resources and Competitive Strategy

Relevant skills

o Advanced computer proficiency skills including MS Office/Suite, MS Project, SAP, Avista, and Windows OS. o Excellent oral and written communication skills

o Experience with a variety of software programs and systems. o Experience in scheduling/planning, customer service, inventory management, and distribution/logistics. o Experience in making tough, executive decisions in stressful environments. o Experience in writing policies and procedures to solve common and unconventional problems. o Understanding and knowledge of network servers and IT systems in business settings. o Experience with forecasting, coordinating logistics, supply purchasing, and quality management. E d u c a t i o n

University of Alabama in Huntsville – Huntsville, AL Graduated May 2017

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

o Concentration in Acquisition Management

W o r k E x p e r i e n c e

International Paper – Scheduler/Planner - Huntsville, AL June 2007- current o Develops and maintains financial, logistical operations, and production performance reports. o Label, package, and ensure quality control checks for customer orders. o Manages a variety of software and applications to maintain scheduled deliveries, order management, coordinate logistics, and to research order database history. o Schedules customers’ orders through scheduling programs while balancing cost calculations, maintaining inventory levels, and controlling waste percentages.

o Maintain monthly, quarterly, and annual forecasts by analyzing operational data and trends. o Communicates, daily and weekly, business conditions to regional replenishers for managing inventory levels. o Checks and confirms customers’ orders to ensure correct dimensions, prices, and other attributes. o Helps identify and write policy procedures including those relating to safety, production, and distribution logistics. o Tracks, analyzes and interprets data analysis for process-improvements. o Researches and adjusts production data for errors, inconsistencies, and data conflicts. o Identifies and resolves software application IT coding conflicts. o Assists in project management teams for various operational, logistical, and technological upgrades and programs. o Conducts financial analysis for various business operations, raw materials, and projects. Target Distribution Center- Logistics Specialist - Madison, AL June 2003 – March 2007 o Organized, distributed, and shipped Target merchandise to its region stores o Used automation and logistics to help label and correctly match the correct merchandise to its proper locations. o Effectively helped and led small teams to reach operational production goals. o Coordinated logistical operations to meet ETA demands. Madison Umpire Association- Madison, AL March 1998 – June 2012 (Seasonal) o officiated recreational league baseball games and promote sportsmanship. Work regular season, post-season, and championship games.

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