Becky S helley
Sarasota, F L 3 4234
Professional P urpose
To o btain a p osition i n t he m edical f ield w here m y c urrent k nowledge o f t he i ndustry a nd e xcellent c ustomer relation s kills, c an b e u tilized t o a ssist p atients i n a n e fficient a nd c aring m anner a nd t o a cquire a dditional medical s kills t hat w ould m ake m e m ore v aluable t o t he o rganization Experience
3/2017 - P RESENT
Sarasota C ounty B lood B ank, S arasota, F L - P hlebotomist
● Perform a v ariety o f r outine b lood d rawing p rocedures t o i nclude v enipuncture.
● Prepare, p rocess, a nd s tore p atient s pecimens.
● Transport s pecimens t o l aboratory f or t esting. 07/2013 - 1 /2017
The C afe, S arasota, F L - C ook
● Prepare a v ariety o f f oods f or c ustomers.
● Provide e xcellent c ustomer s erving.
07/2012 - 0 7/2013
U.S. L ab & R adiology, S arasota - P hlebotomist
● Perform a v ariety o f r outine b lood d rawing p rocedures t o i nclude v enipuncture.
● Prepare, p rocess, a nd s tore p atient s pecimens. 7/2011- 7 /2012
Quest D iagnostic, A tlanta, G A - P hlebotomist
● Perform a v ariety o f r outine b lood d rawing p rocedures t o i nclude v enipuncture.
● Prepare, p rocess, a nd s tore p atient s pecimens.
● Stored p atient s amples a ccording t o d epartmental p rocedures u sing s tandard t echnique.
6 /2009- 7 /2011
Sarasota B lood D raw C enter, S arasota, F L - P hlebotomist
● Perform a v ariety o f r outine b lood d rawing p rocedures t o i nclude v enipuncture.
● Prepare, p rocess, a nd s tore p atient s pecimens.
● Transport s pecimens t o l aboratory f or t esting. 2
03/2006 - 0 3/2008
Sarasota M emorial H ospital, S arasota, F L - P hlebotomist
● Perform a v ariety o f r outine b lood d rawing p rocedures t o i nclude v enipuncture.
● Prepare, p rocess, a nd s tore p atient s pecimens.
● Transport s pecimens t o l aboratory f or t esting. Education
1985- 1 988
Riverview H igh S chool, S arasota, F L
2003 P hlebotomist C ertificate
R eferences A vailable U pon R equest 3