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Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
Olivier Rodrigues Esteves - 20 years’ experience
• FINANCIAL PRODUCTS : shares, derivatives products futures & options, warrants, exotic et vanilla products, Swaps, bonds, cash loan & borrows, bonds, Hedge Funds, CDS, Fixed Income, FOREX.
• FO TO BO CIRCUIT: FO Orders Booking FO, negotiation brokers treatment, negotiated Flows integration within the Back Office, Sending confirmations counterparties then settlement, settlement / delivery (Relit+), Clearing houses (Non OTC
& OTC), depositories in organized markets & OTC.
• FINANCIAL FLOWS: Flows Management & Data Integration within the dedicated IS. Management/Business Analyst
• Project Management, steering assistance and project management assistance ;
• Scrum Master, Agility & LEAN Methodology, Product BackLog Owner ;
• Technical and functional specifications, user needs analysis, diagnosis, specifications, recipe ;
• Process definition & Change Management ;
• Business Analyst ;
• Users Training ;
• Drafting functional and technical documentation. Technology
• TECHNICAL LANGUAGES: SQL, Transac-SQL, PL/SQL, Java, XML Binding, Visual Basic 6, VBA, Visual Fox Pro 6, J2ee, Ant, Log4j, Maven, C#, .NET 4.0, nUnit 2.6, nSubstitute, EntLib, SaS.
• METHODOLOGY: Agility, MS Project.
• ETL: Informatica 8.1.
• SGBD: Oracle 7i/8i/9i/10i, SQL Server 7 et 2000, SYBASE 15, ASA SYBASE IQ.
• SCHEDULERS: Control-M 6.3, Dollar Universe V4, AutoSys, UC4.
• TOOLS: Toad, Jira, Clearcase, VMS, Tuxedo, MS Office, Eclipse, Visual Studio 2008, Enterprise library, WorkFlow Microsoft Foundation, ReSharper. SAS, Planisware PPM, Prime.
• SYSTEMS: Windows, Swift, ClearVision SundGard, XOne, ELIOT, SAS AML. Languages
• English (fluent), Portuguese, German.
2012 Training Course Agility Scrum.
2009 Training Course Informatica.
1998 Training Course Client/Server - Point Com.
1998 Master of Materials Sciences - Poitiers.
1993 Scientific Baccalaureate - Poitiers.
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
32 months, from 02/16 to 09/17 : Société Générale PRIVATE BANKING (Paris La Défense) Context
Business Analyst consultant / Project coordinator within the teams CFT/PIL/PRIV Compliance Management ITEC: Scrum Master / Manager on the regulatory business lines (MAB2, AML & FRAUDE). Achievements
PROJECTS Market Abuses MAD/MAR2 for SG PRIV International Project Manager & Business analyst for the domain PRIV Compliance Management ITEC.
• Project Manager, Scrum Master & Business analyst for the transversal setup dissemination of information regarding Market Abuse ITEC SG PRIV ;
• Drafting of the Product Backlog for MAB NOMOS & Thomson Reuters Feeding Process project ;
• Exploration Phase with the ITEC teams for each entity, SEGL DIR, CFT, SAFE, & GTS in order to define the technical target to yield for the tactical solution ;
• Drafting & Architecture of all the different scenarios and the highlighted uses cases ;
• Studying of the Mapping between the different Flows flowing In/Out via the processes ;
• Setup of the coordination of all the impacted systems (OLYMPIC, HUBANYWHERE, MINERVA, SIGMA, THOMSON REUTERS CMC) ;
• Coordination of the switch from NOMOS to Thomson Reuters CMC BNEXT in order to build up an ETL allowing the emission of the dedicated flowsto the tool of Market Abuses detection monitoring the interfaces required for the different scenarios ;
• Business Integration test, Project follow-up (Budget, Resources, forecasts, etc). PROJECT MARKET ABUSE THOMSON REUTERS CMC B NEXT Feeding Process Project Manager of the setup of the BNEXT CMC Thomson REUTERS software for SG PRIV
• PM, Coordination & business analyst for the set Up of the tactical solution for replacing NOMOS ;
• Feasibility study / Exploration Phase;
• Scoping Note & architecture Scenario which may fit with the aggressive regulatory deadline (October 2016, i.e. three months of implementation) ;
• Backlog, Poker Sizing, Business Value with the Product Owner, agile follow-up of the technical analysts’ team ;
• Management of all the implementation for the entities Luxemburg, Switzerland, UK, Belgium & Monaco ;
• Rationalisation of the global tactical solution by driving the required changes within the Project IDEAL SGBT ;
• Testing session management & UATs with the business. RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
Project Manager on the Stream Market Abuses & Business Analyst Responsible for the Streams AML & Fraud.
• Project Steering for the set Up of the Stream Market Abuse within NOMOS to be in line with the last regulation & directives MAD MAR2 ;
• Audit regarding the existing components MAB in NOMOS SAS ;
• Exploration Phase & detailed product Backlog drafting with the estimates well sized for all the User Stories implementation ;
• RoadMap proposal to the Head Officers & sharing of governance on the tactical solution to build ;
• Participation to the UAT & integration testing phases for NOMOS AML & FRAUD ;
• Proposals of changes of the governance within ITEC team ;
• Setup of the solution for the reception of the Markets Data from Six TELEKURS ;
• Advises & Workshop/Workaround concerning the ETL part for NOMOS & the Feeding Process of the software SAS ;
• Participation to the workshop for rationalising et homogenize the IS by by sharing the working session & studies for the Compliance & MIFID;
• Setup of the different information flows between NOMOS & the Belgium, Luxemburg & MONACO entities for the streams AML/FRD;
• Exploration Phase & Determination of the overall test strategy regarding the teams ITEC & Business Compliance SEGL ;
• Implementation of the Integration testing strategy for NOMOS tests/UAT for each entity ;
• Implementation of the tests & User support during the UAT phases for each entity ;
• Deployment SPOC of NOMOS for Belgium (June 2018), Monaco (August 2018) & Luxemburg (September 2018). ;
• Setup of the Agility methodology within ITEC NOMOS team (First Star Agility Scale graduation);
• Animation of all the different Agile ceremonies as Scrum Master. Environment AGILITY, Scrum Master, PLANISWARE PPM, PRIME, SAS AML. 27 months, from 06/13 to 01/16: BNP PARIBAS CIB (Paris 75019) Context
Business analyst consultant / Project coordination within the teams CLM MIS Project INTEGRATION LAYER : Scrum Master / Steering of the regulatory business lines (EMIR, DFA, FATCA, MIFID) Achievements
Establishment of the various regulatory information propagation circuits within the Client management domain, between the Referential Systems and the MIS IL Customers ATP, COMPLIANCE, DFA Tools, GUARDS :
• Scrum Master as part of the transverse setup for disseminations of Information’s for the Client Management domain;
• Drafting with the Product Owners of the Product Backlog for the project ;
• Exploration phase with the teams GCARS, BEAGLE, CRDS in order to define the technical solution ;
• Drafting & Architecture of different testing scenario ;
• Study for the Mapping between the different flows flowing in / out via the process ;
• Setup of the broadcats of Questionnaires of MarkitWire for the Protocol Masters regarding Dodd Franck regulation ;
• Distribution of the Banking Secrecy data to CRDS & GUARD for the process which allows to identify the authorizations of Booking for some customers in line with their compliance with the new regulations & duties of clearing/reporting ;
• SPOC & Stream leader for all the IL providers (FOCUS, STAR, BEAGLE, CRDS, GUARD) for the EMIR Clearing OTC Frontloading & Backloading project ;
• Coordination of the switch from FRAME to REVAL in order to build a reporting tool for the customers regarding SEPA
(SDD, SCT) payments in STP way ;
• Setup of the solution of Matching process which consolidates & persists the entities referentials (CRDS) with the LEI
(Legal Entity Identifier) providing by several sources (MarkitWire, GCARS, MAOS, CRDSMCCT) ;
• Business support, Minutes drafting & Project Followup. RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
PROJET MARKET ABUSE ACTIMIZE, AML & ATP CHANGE MANAGEMENT Coordination & Client’s follow-up for the streams Compliance (MABUSE US & EU, AML) & ATP (Abnormal Trading Pattern).
• Coordination & Client follow-up for AML & Compliance domains ;
• Setup of a Follow-Up Bi-Weekly Meeting ;
• Change Management for all the CTB & RTB topics which allows the growth of the activities of the compliance, AML & ATP (Retrieving the FX & IRD order, Cartographies of the Business Lines & Products Lines allowing to achieve the goals of monitoring & setup od new Indicators (for ATP). PROJET CONTINIOUS IMPROVEMENT DES PROCESS External Application Interface MIS IL Coordination of the change management, Migration, decommissioning of the FO MO BO activities.
• Project Steering & Coordination for the Streams CI Continuous Improvement & CM Change Management ;
• Management of the new norme ISDA 2014 Analyses & Impact, facilitor for all customers MIS IL ;
• Global Merge of the Business Lines Fixed Income & GECD ;
• Switch of the loan & Deposit of STAR to FXO ;
• Decommissioning of the Back-Office application BND to Calypso for the Product lines Bonds ;
• Contributions of the Solutions for the reception of the Markets Data MTM from Reuters & Bloomberg via the platform EQD Research ;
• Advises & Workshop/Workaround regarding the hypothetical change requests which may impact one of our customers
(non regression process).
Environment LEAN, Scrum Master, Informatica, Oracle 10, Sybase, Java, XML Spy, Dollar Universe. 36 months, from 04/10 to 03/13 : Société Générale CIB (La Défense) Context
Business analyst consultant / Project coordination within the teams ELIOT Project SGCIB : Scrum Master / Steering on the project ELIOT/CLearVision Achievements
Project to set up Future Futures & Options Flow streams listed from the Front Office (ELIOT) to the software CLEARVISION via STP messages. The process, STP mode, aims to qualify the deal quality (Matching between the FO flows & the flows from the dedicated Brokers) & to distribute it to the back office & also to handle the confirmation from the clearing house, Real time & automated process.
• Scrum Master of the Project ELIOT/ClearVision ;
• Drafting with the Product Owners of the Product BackLog of the project ;
• Exploration phase with the Architect team C# & ELIOT to determine the scenario to setup ;
• Slicing of the Product Backlog as User Stories and scaled with the Business Values attributed by the PO ;
• Setup of the ceremonies Planning Poker & backlog grooming, sprint contents ;
• Drafting & Architecture of all the testing scenario via an Software Factory & NUnit (C#) ;
• Studies & Mapping between the different Flows flashing in the entry/Exit via the process ;
• Coordination & architecture of the Homologation Environments & Like Prod in line with the Infrastructures teams for merging within the existing ecosystem in order to avoid operational risk issues ;
• Assistance UAT, drafting of the project Follow ups. PROJET COSI COBALT
Project of Emission regulatory reports for the AMF & highliting take over bids, and to the Operational risk business line .
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
• Specifications & Implementation of the process of extractions for the Project COSI COBALT: those extracts allow to audit all the perimeters for the SGCIB flows and the relevance of both prices, modifications of the deals, & also the flows out bounded from the market prices ;
• Setup of the reports for the perimeter Operational RISK of the SGCIB & COSI/COBALT process “Very Significant Size” &
“Very Large Extract”: this report shows all the organized markets trades, OTC, & the Exercices trades with a very big principal/nominal ;
• Clearer Stocks: report all the available stocks for each depositary ;
• Off Market Price : report all the deals with a price gap between the market price and its value. PROJET ELIOT/ELS Vanilla & STPisation of the Coupons for listed products Transverse coordination of all the teams for the Interface on the distribution in an automatic way of the ELS Vanilla to the product referential Ecosystems & the Stpisation of the Coupons of the lited keyed in ELIOT to the products Referential SGCIB Galaxy.
• Project Steering & Coordination inter team of the switch within ELIOT of the automated distribution of the ELS confirmations enriched: Meeting & Daily Follow-up between the five involved teams which represent the workflow of the deal ELS (CASCADE, ELIOT, ENORM, EPROM, TETHYS) ;
• Studies & Scenarios testing definition of the automated feeding process in STP mode for the OST coming from the referential GALAXY in order to persist it within ELIOT system ;
• Steering and UAT Coordination ;
• Steering for the OffShore (India) Implementation of the process of sending the message xml (SGCIBML) for all the coupons issued by ELIOT n Listed contracts to feed the Referential GALAXY. Environment Agility, Scrum Master, EntLib 4.0, nUnit, C# .NET 4.0, Oracle 10, Sybase & IQ Sybase, Java, XML Binding, AutoSys.
18 months, from 12/08 to 04/10 : AXA REIM France (Cœur Défense) Context
Business Analyst BI Datawarehouse of AXA REIM France Achievements
• Functional support regarding production incidents ;
• Steering & setup of the Global Data Management Datawarehouse in order to tackle & centralize AXA REIM International ;
• Setup & automatization of the referential/mapping & Transcodifications process between the different local systems to the Global Data Management ;
• Supports for evolution & business requirements/requests in order to drive the changes& to create dedicated reports fed by the Datawarehouse (Reporting) ;
• Maintenance, process evolution and calculation engine of rental status management indicators ;
• Implementation & integration of multiples Reportings/Cubes for all the applications which fed the Datawarehouse ;
• SQL Server to Oracle servers migration ;
• Creation, maintenance and evolution of Informatica feeds between different business applications revolving around the Datawarehouse.
Environment Oracle PL/SQL, Informatica, Control-M. RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
21 months, from 02/07 to 11/08: HSBC Global Banking & Market (Paris 8EME) Context
Business Analyst Back Office DMTC / Derivatives Products on several streams : SGS : Back Office application which allows to handle IRS Interest rates Swap of HSBC sent by the FRONT OFFICE. Management of all the swaps deals with announcements, Orders confirmations & payments (Swift distribution), accountings with the setup of the “CROS” (accounting report) & the “CRIS” (inventories report) distributed to RDJ. SGT : Back Office application which allows to handle the loan & deposit contracts of the DMTC HSBC provided by its FRONT OFFICE. Management of all the loan & deposit contracts with announcements, Orders confirmations & payments (Swift distribution), accountings with the setup of the “CROS” (accounting report) & the “CRIS” (inventories report) distributed to RDJ.
GSW : generic SWIFT Gateway which allows to transcode all the six sources (six applications decommissioned with GSW) at the entry via a SWIFT setting. GSW has targeted to avoid several HSBC IT process to handle the generation, parsing of a dedicated SWIFT. Management of the Payments confirmation. Achievements
CP/MOA GSW : Mise en place d’un Portail Swift des confirmations de paiement
• Implementation of the Stored procedures PL/Sql ;
• Creation of the database GSW SGBDR Oracle 10G ;
• Unit test session driving, Integration testing phase ;
• Setup of the architecture for Process GSW Portal Gateway Swift ;
• Feasibility studies, & setup of the architecture Process GSW Portal Gate Swift ;
• Release production coordination / production follow Up. MOA SGS / SGT : CBS/BO Dérivatives applications
• GUI & SGS/SGT components Maintenance ;
• Prise en charge d’évolutions / demandes du business ;
• Implementation of the Stored procedures PL/Sql ;
• Tuning of the behavior for Rejects/error component on the accounting process ;
• Setup of the procedures of the Follow Up & support for client ;
• Production incidents & problems handling (level 2 & 3);
• Prerequisites, Client deployment & users documentation drafting. Environment MS Project, ORACLE PL/SQL, Unix, VMS, Control-M, IBM RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
64 months, from 09/01 to 01/07: BNP-PARIBAS Arbitrage Back Office (Paris 18EME) Context
Mission on Agora, Equities & derivatives back office application which allows to integrate all the kind of flows related to the organized markets (Shares Deals & Stocks) from the front office (via an EAI) and all the dedicated flows coming from the Brokers of BNP Paribas Arbitrage (BNP CIB). Agora allow also to update those differents flows through generic trans codification modules (Referential and local mapping) relying on all back office standards. The application is also a reconciliation tool between flows of the same scope, a gap/mismatch tracking manager/monitoring tool. The latest feature of Agora is a positional discrepancy tracking module between the back office and the front office. The Agora reporting is used to communicate to the middle office the business risks resulting from the functional/ structural gaps between the back office stocks and the front office ones. Achievements
Project Manager & Business Analyst AGORA : 30 months, from 07/04 to 01/07
• Feasibility study, Explorations phase regarding back office user needs ;
• Drafting of functional specifications, technical specifications and user manuals ;
• Business requirements and SPOC between the IT/analyst team and the users (Setup of steering committee) ;
• Functional and technical specifications regarding the AGORA implementation, automated Matching Tool and generic flow integrator;
• Requirements Exploration phase and maturation, in line with the Product Owner (the sponsorship) and the technical teams.
• Drafting of functional specifications for the setup of an External Application Interface and the workflows evolution through a STP mode (real time communication) ;
• Support for Business/User Production : Advises & settings within the business analyst teams & users assistance ;
• Setup of Workshop/Trainings des différents intervenants sur le Process Agora ;
• Feasibility study and scoping note, then setup of the architecture of the Communication Process between Agora & the EAI front office : the chosen interface is a SQL Server table which belongs to the AGORA schema. Writing of all the stored procedure Insertion, Suppression, Modification of events/ STP Messages coming from the EAI. Setup of the purge process & Index updates, sanity checks with the teams DBA/IT ;
• Set up of transverse Steering committee with the different Front & Back Office speakers/sponsors/users ;
• Support Users/Production :
• Advises & setting with BA team & Users change assistance ;
• Setup of Workshop/Trainings.
• Documentations drafting :
• Users;
• Documentation for Client deployment & pre-requisites for PC Windows 2000 IMAGE ;
• Technical Specifications & Implementation for all the different process within Agora ;
• Process Mapping of Agora for all the environments (Implementation, Reception, Pre-Production, UAT, Production) with all the transverse actors communicating with Agora (EAI front Office, Calypso, UBIX, et other inhouse software of BNP Paribas Arbitrage).
• Setup of the communication architecture between Agora & the new Back office systems Ubix et Calypso :
• Study & setup of the interface communication architecture between the Front Office Processes & Business Objects systems;
• Enrichment of the existing procedures of Data recovery for Ubix & Calypso ;
• Enrichment of the existing referential with the implementation of an automated & generic process for retrieving the Master Data for the listed derivatives products (Futures & options) for Ubix.
• Planning & tasks assignments for the technical analysts. RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
Technical Analyst AGORA : 36 months, from 07/01 to 07/04
• POWER AMC Setup of the database SGBDR MS SQL SERVER 2000 ;
• GUI & Client application implementation (Feeding/Transcodifications/Mapping) with Visual FOX Pro 6 : Use of the Object/Class layer of VFP with heritage & polymorphism ;
• Development of all the stored procedures (SQL Server) regarding the consolidation module : all the matching process is completely driven via stored procedures which are built up with the same skeleton, only the criteria and the netting part are different from each other. The client part allows to choose which matching scenario is about : the scenario gives the choice which reconciliation to play in line with the functional needs. Each object « Consolidation » may contain N objects Stored procedures ;
• Implementation of the Crystal Report objects for printing the Rejects/gaps after executing the Consolidations/ Mappings/ Sanity checks. Following the same architecture, a Report object, self-catering allows to launch the Build of the reporting. Via the settings, the user chooses the reporting which suits him for each level of the application workflow ;
• Setup of an internal referential which allows the process to clean by itself the incoming flows from external system
(Clearers, Brokers, Middle office) : Equities, Bargaining Agents, Clearers, Bookings, derivatives contracts, etc ;
• Implementation of automated process for Integration & Reconciliation with VFP6 : the automated process runs 22 hours
/ 24. Each of the launchable process (Files & SQL regarding the Integration-Transcodification part & Consolidation one) belongs to a workflow/state diagram which can evolve only and only if all the prerequisites for each step are completed and OK. When one of the step considers that there is an error, a message is sent via des SNMP hatches to the IT Production support team. The automated jobs keep on by handling the next flow and tries later to launch the defected flow when the next following cycle will start ;
• Développement de Batchs en VFP6 d’Extraction de Données Statistiques puis Mise en Place de Documentations fonctionnelles/Pré Requis pour la prise en Charge des Chaînes par DOLLAR Universe en corrélation avec les jobs/batchs de BackUP à froid de la Database et des Jobs d’extractions de Données Statistiques à Destination des Responsables d’Equipes Back Office & Middle Office ;
• Setup of the architecture of the communication between Agora & the new back office systems UBIX (derivatives) & Calypso (Shares & Warrants). Some Workshops handled with the different team BAPI, EAI, UBIX, CALYPSO, Organized Markets Back Office Managers, to establish the Communication protocols and the interfaces between each system. The interfaces is between those intermediairies : AGORA, the EAI, the dedicated target system : UBIX or Calypso. Via SQL Server tables belonging to the same database schema & a set of conditional triggers, the flows are sent through the EAI which dispatches the deals until CALYPSO or UBIX (Options/Futures). The process works on an opposite way when the Back Office systems provide to Agora the generated stocks by the Back Office ;
• Improving SQL Server Performance (Tuning) 30% Gains, for the client queries & the stored procedures. Porting Transcodifications Treatments Clients through process driven on the server. Setup with the DBA/IT team of purges & of the Database jobs (Calculation of Index scheduled with Dollar Universe) ;
• Drafting of the user documentation. Documentation for the client part deployment & prerequisites for PC Windows 2000 IMAGE. Drafting of technical detailed specifications & implementation of all the components of AGORA. Drafting of the Cartography of AGORA (EAI FRONT Office, Calypso, UBIX, et other inhouse system of BNP PARIBAS Arbitrage) : All those documentations have been published on the internal WIKI/FAQ ;
• Use & Creation of BUSINESS OBJECTS Universe. Regarding some markets where the activity was becoming too important (one million of deals daily), the FRONT systems sends an netted version of the dedicated business date instead of the use of the EAI Front with all the detailed orders. The BO universe offers a disaster recovery solution for the Back Office operational in order to be able to check the detailed orders instead of the netted deals in case of discrepancies and other problems/incidents ;
• Migration of the consolidation automated component as Windows services : JAVA implementation (via IDE IntelliJ Idea) with the use of the API POI for generating excel reports by the end of each Log4J treatment(Logger component), and the use of ANT for building the packaging & the service deployment. Environment SQL Server 2000, Transac-SQL, Power AMC, Visual Fox Pro6, Business Objects, Java, POI, Log4j, Ant, IntelliJ Idea, Jira, Visual Source Safe, Dollar Universe. RODRIGUES OLIVIER
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
6 months, from 01/01 to 06/01: Orsyp – Editor Professional Software Dollar Universe (Paris) Context
Dollar Universe software Consultant under Dynix/Unix environment. Achievements
Mission Ministry of Finance and the Economy: Project ACCORD
• Dollar Universe Software products solution Installation on the Production sites ;
• Technical documentations for the Setup of the standards, Settings for Dollar Universe(Scheduling of backups, stop & Start Oracle bases, CFT services, Tuxedo).
Mission France TELECOM
• Dollar Universe Software products Solution Installation/Support/Maintenance on the Production sites for all the applications;
• Setup of Referential documentations “Dollar Universe” for France Telecom. Environment Dollar Universe, Unix, Dynix
5 months, from 07/00 to 12/00: COFACE (Paris)
Technical analyst on a client/server application IT of a Management of the Client part of a managing application(progicial) which relates all the clients of the COFACE to recover some business information from any kind of company (order and receipt of the asked report on the right company), public entity and/or worldwide company. Setup of a workflow in order to express the life cycle of each requirement.
• Pricing and drafting of functional specifications ;
• Application development of the GUI/Client part (VB6) linking all the COFACE customers to recover some business information from any kind of company (order and receipt of the asked report on the right company) Environment VB6, Oracle8, Unix, Tuxedo
2 months, from 05/00 to 07/00: First Telecom (Paris) Context
Background jobs development of Orders Messages & Acknowledgement messages Integration & Distribution. Achievements
• Setup of a process of mediation/preselection of a CLI (creation of a Database MPD) : background tasks of Reception/Sending of orders via Outlook, FTP ;
• Detailed specifications, Validations & Reception. Environment VB6, SQL Server 7.
138, rue de Courcelles Paris 75017
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 63 95 27 06
4 months, from 01/00 to 05/00: Orbyte (Paris)
Technical analyst on a client/server application IT Tool of Management All business Orbyte, from prospect/client module, procurement, Legal (via a Order’s Workflow/blotter), deliveries and After Sales Services. Achievements
• Implementation, Integration test Session and acceptance testing from End to End ;
• Bugs correction ;
• Set up of the technical process, customs naming nomenclatures and Tables typologies / stored procedures in order to rationalize and generics/homogeneous Services subscription and queries ;
• Detailed specifications and amendments.
Environment VB6, SQL Server 7.
6 months, from 06/99 to 12/99: LEVI Strauss EMA (Brussel, Belgium) Context
Technical analyst on a client/server application IT inhouse system (EPAC), tool which allow all the orders from the originator for LEVI’S Europe & Africa to their différents textile suppliers. Indeed the providers can validate the orders and their disptach through all the Stores Center LEVI’s. Achievements
• Development & support of a downsizing application from HP3000 to Oracle database (via VB5 and oracle stored procedures) ;
• Support of Client EPAC (VB5) ;
• Development & support of background tasks which generates txt files via Access database et sends it by Email (With the use of MAPI).
Environment VB5, Oracle 7.
4 months, from 01/99 to 05/99 : CEE – Social Development Fund (Paris) Context
Technical analyst on a client/server application of Management for a European Community governmental agency dedicated for social development, which allows to follow up all the missions of the agency regarding the feasibility of the different projects driven by it, plus a financial/banking module. Achievements
• Drafting of specifications /detailed specifications
• Implementation/ testing/ Unit maintenance.
Environment VB6, Oracle 7.
6 months, from 07/98 to 12/99: EASI (Paris)
Technical analyst on a client/server