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Engineering Training

Pune, Maharashtra, India
August 14, 2018

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RRaahhuull PPookkhhaarrnnaa

Flat no-*, Raviraj Garden Nashik Phone: +91-777******* *****.**********@*****.*** CCaarreeeerr OObbjjeeccttiivvee

• Seeking challenging opportunity with an organization where I can utilize my technical skills. I want to contribute to the organization with hard work, sincerity, patience and dedication. SSkkiillllss

Process Synthesis

Heat Transfer Operation

Fluid Mechanics

Mass Transfer Operation

Process Design

Punctual with time.

Technically Strong.

Good communication &

presentation skills.

Working knowledge of SCADA

AAcchhiieevveemmeennttss &CCoo--CCuurrrriiccuullaarr AAccttiivviittiieess

• Certified as a photography head of the department.

• Volunteer in college fest (Sinhgad Karandak 2017).

• Game volunteer in college fest (Sinhgad Carnival 2015).

• Interschool chess championship award (2011) & selected for district level championship. TTeecchhnniiccaall SSkkiillllss

• Understanding knowledge of Programming Languages- C, C++ and HTML.

• Good Hands on Experience on MS-Word, Excel and PowerPoint. AAccaaddeemmiicc QQuuaalliiffiiccaattiioonn

Sr. No. Degree Board/University Percentage Year of Passing 1. SSC State Board Distinction (83.64) 2011-12

2. HSC State Board Distinction (73.08) 2013-14

3. BE (Chemical) Pune University Distinction (74.27%) 2014-18 TTrraaiinniinngg &IInntteerrnnsshhiipp

Hi-Tech Engineering (Nashik) Internship: I completed 10 days internship, in which I worked on different types of control loops - Temperature, Pressure & Flow Control Loop. Katraj Dairy (Pune) Training: I completed 7 days training, in which I studied the complete process of milk pasteurization and processing of different milk products. Seminar: Transesterification of oil by using biocatalyst. FFiinnaall YYeeaarr PPrroojjeecctt aatt TThheerrmmaaxx PPrriivvaattee LLttdd.. Topic: Biological disinfectant media for treatment of various effluents Summary: This project is based on an effluent treatment. In that we have analysed one media which helps to reduce maximum percent of bacteria from effluent. To analyse this media we have taken various effluents from various types of industries. We have used various methods such as TVC (Total Viable Count), MPN (Most Probable Number), COD

(Chemical Oxygent Demand), BOD (Biological oxygen demand), etc. to get the result.

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