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Engineer Electrical Engineering

Allen Park, MI
August 06, 2018

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Dorian Bushi

**** ****** ****, ******* ****, Michigan 48146



OBJECTIVE: To secure a position in the field of electric engineering that will lead to a long-lasting working relationship with a reputable company. Also, to be a part of a strong team of workers in the same field.


Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 3.08 GPA University of Michigan - Dearborn,

May 2014-December 2017

-Henry Ford Community College

Major: Engineering GPA: 3.1 January 2011- May 2014


Senior Design Project

Task - To build a car that could be controlled by a computer and could compensate for the turning radius on a model city.

Contribution - My contribution to the project was all the electrical components to it. The motors, batteries and all the wiring.

Problems - Some setbacks that I had to overcome were the types of motors to use and the weight of the motors and the batteries.

Result - The car was controlled using AD HOC instead of Wi-Fi. The professor loved the car and said future students were going to build on our project.

Digital Systems

Task - 4 Bit Calculator

Contribution – I designed the full adder for the circuit.

Problem – first must design a half adder to get a full adder

Result – After working with partner we implemented my adder and his subtractor and made a calculator

Computer Methods

Task- Create a game using C or C++

Problem – First pick a game, then code the game in CodeBlocks and Open Frameworks

Result – I designed a game I called “TOPA” in C. This game was supposed to be like the game “Mario” but instead of Mario I had a soccer ball and instead of jumping over turtles you had to jump over cones. I achieved making 3 levels of this game each with a different background.


Knowledgeable of communication and organizational skills.

Hard working, detail oriented, and able to multi-task.

Skilled in basic computer knowledge such as MS office, Excel.

Adept in C programming, MATLAB, Python, MicroStation, Xilinx

Fluent in Albanian



Detroit, Michigan January 2018 – July 2018

CI for motors

Assist the plants with motor issues

Draw schematics in MicroStation

Make sure Motors were repaired to DTE spec.

Software - MicroStation, Plantview, Maximo, PdMA

Hardware - PdMA Tester, Multimeter


Farmington, Michigan August 2017 – December 2017

Helped the Engineers with all the lab testing.

Working on automotive engine components, engine controllers, transmission controllers and general automotive electronics. Performing ALSE (RE and CE), BCI, RI, CI and ESD tests.

Hardware- EMC analyzers, spectrum analyzers, waveform generators, amplifiers, power sensors and meters, and various antenna (including monopole, log-periodic, bicon and duel ridge guide).

Software used was one developed for the company.

Nuclear Systems Engineer Intern, DTE

Monroe, Michigan May 2016 – May 2017.

Programming Circuit card program

Random-Fuse failure

Potentiometer Testing

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