Tom Ratkovic Assessment Date
Report Date
The results of The Predictive Index® Behavioral Assessment should always be reviewed by a trained PI analyst. The PI® Behavioral report provides you with a brief overview of the results of the behavioral assessment and prompts you to consider many aspects of the results not contained in the overview. If you have not yet attended The Predictive Index Management WorkshopTM, please consult someone who has attended in order to complete the report. Strongest Behaviors
Tom’s PI Pattern is extremely wide, which means that his behaviors are very strongly expressed and his needs are very strongly felt.
Tom will most strongly express the following behaviors: Intense proactivity and aggressiveness in driving to reach his goals. Actively and boldly challenges the world, his business, and even others' areas within his business.
Strongly independent in putting forth his own ideas, which are innovative and original, and if implemented, will change the organization. Resourceful and forceful in overcoming obstacles, he vigorously and directly attacks problems; fights back hard when challenged.
Incredibly strong sense of urgency; he's in nearly constant motion, putting pressure on himself and others for immediate results. Unable to do routine work.
Connecting very quickly to others, he's strongly motivated to build and leverage relationships to get work done. Openly and easily shares information about himself.
Strikingly expressive, effusive, and verbal in communicating; he talks a lot, and very quickly. Enthusiastically persuades and motivates others by adjusting his message and delivery to the current recipient.
Very collaborative, he works almost exclusively with and through others. Strong intuitive understanding of team cohesion, dynamics, and interpersonal relations.
Tom is a confident, independent self-starter with competitive drive, initiative, a sense of urgency, and the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them. He can react and adjust quickly to changing conditions and come up with ideas for dealing with them.
His drive is purposeful, directed at getting things done quickly. He responds positively and actively to challenge and pressure, and he has confidence in his ability to handle novel problems and people. He is an outgoing, poised person, a lively and enthusiastic communicator, tending to be a little more authoritative than persuasive in his style. Tom talks briskly, with assurance and conviction and is a stimulating influence on others, while being firm, direct, and self-assured in dealing with them.
His work pace is distinctly faster-than-average. He learns and takes action quickly. On the other hand, he will become impatient and restless working repetitively with routine details or structured work, will delegate such work if his position permits, and will follow up, focusing on completion and accomplishment, rather than how things were done. With an interest in other people and their development, Tom will delegate authority, limiting such delegation to people in whom he has high levels of confidence, and following up with pressure for timely results. He makes decisions about people and situations quickly. He assesses what's generally going on, and rather than exhaustively research, pulls together the information he has and takes action forcefully. He's confident in his assumptions about any missing information, and is comfortable acting even in the absence of complete information. For Tom, continual progress towards the general goal is more important than always being exactly on track; he's flexible and will make course corrections as necessary, when the time arises. Sure of himself, Tom sets high standards of achievement for himself and others and looks for opportunities to compete and to win. Venturesome, he is stimulated by new challenges and situations, and is generally driving himself and others to new horizons. He is ambitious both for himself and for the business which employs him. Management Style
As a manager of people or projects, Tom will be:
Broadly focused; his attention is on where he's bringing his team, and what goals he wants them to achieve, rather than on the specifics of how they will get there
• Comfortable delegating details and implementation plans Reluctant to delegate true authority; he will discuss ideas with others, and is open to their view points, but will only change his mind when the idea better helps his overall goal
• Quick to follow-up on delegated tasks, generally asking more whether it's finished than how it was accomplished
• Constantly looking to improve performance and ability to compete
• Inclusive and team-building
• Direct and quick to voice his opinion of how things are going. Selling Style
As a salesperson, Tom will be:
• Authoritative in guiding the process towards his goal
• Driven to keep the process moving along as quickly as possible
• Willing to take risks such as cold-calling or experimenting with a new product idea
• Flexible in working with the customer to close the deal in different, and possibly unique, ways Outwardly focused on his audience, intuitively reading them and adjusting his style to meet their needs if he feels it will help advance the process
• Comfortable and adept at selling intangibles such as ideas or concepts. Management Strategies
To maximize his effectiveness, productivity, and job satisfaction, consider providing Tom with the following:
• As much independence and flexibility in his activities as possible
• Opportunities to learn and advance
• Opportunities for expression of, and action on, his own ideas and initiatives
• Variety and challenge in his responsibilities
• Opportunities to prove himself, and recognition and reward for doing so
• Freedom from routines and repetitive details, balanced by accountability for results.
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