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Languages: C, Java, Python, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Node.js PWaes

Fairfax, VA
July 26, 2018

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KRISHNA 571-***-**** CHAITHANYA krishnachaithanyatelakapalli@TELAKAPALLI

**** *** ***, *** #****, Fairfax, VA 22031

GitHub: LinkedIn: Education


Relevant Coursework – Computer Network Architecture and Protocols, Mobile Systems and Application, Real Time Embedded Systems, Advanced Mobile Systems and Applications. Career Objective

College graduate with a keen sense of dedication, motivation and responsibility, is seeking employment in your esteemed organization wherein I would like to leverage my overall experience, pace-up myself with new skills & technologies, work and contribute for the betterment of organization and self. Technical Skills

Languages: C, Java, Python, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Node.js

Web Frameworks: jQuery, Bootstrap, React.js, Redux, Semantic UI, Material UI, Axios, Express.js, Passport.js, Request

Databases: MongoDB with mongoose (ODM), MySQL, SQLite

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

Productivity Tools: MS-Office

Mobile Development: Android Development

Experience Summary

Software Developer Intern – Since Apr’18 till date (3 months) - InfoGravity LLC, Aldie, VA Project # 1 - Key Responsibilities:

Develop a full stack web application using Node.js that can communicate with database and project the data to the front-end web page.

Implement REST API using Express.js.

Read data from excel sheet and process the data to store in database. Store this data in database using xlsx and xlsx-extract frameworks.

Develop routes to communicate this data with the front-end.

Authenticate users using Passport.js.

Develop a back-end API using Python and Flask to communicate with the CyberArk Web Access API.

Perform API calls to CyberArk Web Access to authenticate users, create, modify and delete safes, accounts and applications using Requests framework for Python.

Perform API calls from Node.js server to the Python server upon user request using Axios.

Design the front-end to handle the excel data, user authentication and perform CyberArk operations using React.js and Semantic UI react.


Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js, Python

Front-end Frameworks: React.js, Semantic UI react 2

Back-end Frameworks: Express.js, Express-session, Mongoose, Body-Parser, Cookie-Parser, Method-Override, Passport.js, Passport-Local, Axios, xlsx, xlsx-extract, Flask, Requests

Database: MongoDB

Project # 2 - Key Responsibilities:

Develop a front-end application using React.js and Redux to be able to integrate with the back- end.

Develop the application, integrating with the UI/UX design.

Modularize the code to reduce the use of repetitive code blocks.

Build the functionalities of the application using react.js and redux to perform respective operations.

Assist with the UI/UX design using traditional CSS and Bootstrap.

Navigate from web page to web page using react-router.

Perform API calls using Axios to the back-end.


Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js

Frameworks: React.js, React-Router, Redux, Bootstrap, Axios

Andriod Developer - Mar’18–May’18 (3 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: Expense Manager Application – Key Responsibilities

Develop an Android Application that can track expenses made by users.

Design the individual layout for each screen making use of xml.

Build an SQLite database to store the user’s data. Structure the database according to the data represented.

Integrate the SQLite database to the application and develop the functionality of the application.


Software Languages: Java, XML

IDE: Android Studio

Database: SQLite

Full-Stack Web Developer - Nov’17–Jan’18 (3 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: Feedback Web Application - Key Responsibilities:

Develop a web application that users can send email to their recipients to submit their feedbacks.

Build a back-end server in Node.js and implement the REST API using Express.js.

Authenticate the users using Passport.js and Google OAuth, which would enable the users to login through their google accounts.

Designing and building the front-end using React.js and Redux.

Navigating the web pages using react-router.

Performing API calls from the front-end to the back-end using Axios. 3

Integrating a payment method for users to purchase credits to send emails to their recipients. Payment method API calls are made through Stripe.

Integrating an email sending protocol, SendGrid, so that the users can send emails. Environment:

Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js

Front-end Frameworks: Axios, React.js, Redux, React-Router, React-Stripe, Redux-Thunk, Materialize-css

Back-end Frameworks: Body-Parser, Cookie-session, Express.js, Passport.js, Passport-Google- OAuth20, Sendgrid, Stripe.

Database: MongoDB

Front-end Web Developer - Aug’17–Oct’17 (3 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: Responsive Virtual Keyboard - Key Responsibilities:

Develop a front-end web application that simulates a keyboard using React.js and Redux.

Prepare the application with Babel and webpack to enable the application to use most of the ES6.

Design the virtual keyboard to have keys for all the alphabets and some functionalities such as Shift key, Enter key and Backspace key.

Integrate redux to perform dispatches to respective actions to update the central store. Environment:

Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js

Front-end Frameworks: Babel-core, Babel-preset, Babel-loader, Webpack, Webpack-dev- server, React.js, Redux, React-Redux

Web Developer - Jul’17–Sep’17 (3 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: Responsive Contact Book - Key Responsibilities:

Develop a web application that lists out the contacts.

Design and develop a back-end server using Node.js that can perform the basic CRUD functionalities of REST API.

Design a single web page, in ejs, that displays the contacts, using which a user can add, edit or delete contacts.

Integrate functionality of the web application using jQuery.

Authenticate the users using Passport.js.


Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js

Frameworks: Body-Parser, Cookie-Parser, Ejs, Express.js, Express-session, Method-Override, Mongoose, Passport, Passport-Local

Database: MongoDB

Web Developer - Apr’17–Jun’17 (3 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: Restaurant Order Site - Key Responsibilities: 4

Develop a web application that simulates an online ordering website.

Develop a back-end server using Node.js using which the site can be hosted.

Implement the basic CRUD functionalities of REST API.

Design web pages, in ejs, to host a menu of six items. Users can select more than 1 of each of these items and add to their cart.

Implement functionality of the web application using JavaScript.

Authenticate the users using Passport.js.


Software Languages: JavaScript, Node.js

Frameworks: Body-Parser, Cookie-parser, EJS, Express.js, Express-session, Method-Override, Mongoose, Passport, Passport-local

Database: MongoDB

Android Developer - Jan’17–May’17 (5 months)–George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Project: ‘Dude, where is my car’, Android based parking application - Key Responsibilities:

Develop an android application that assists the users to navigate to the last parking location.

Develop a back-end server using Node.js, which can implement the REST API.

Integrate the database to store the location data received from the android application.

Develop the android application to be able to communicate to the back-end server. The application would perform an asynchronous request to the back-end server.

Host the back-end server on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk.

Design the android application to support the necessary functionalities. Environment:

Software Languages: Java, JavaScript, Node.js

Frameworks: MongoDB, CO, URL

Database: MongoDB

IDE: Android Studio

Additional Skills

Hands-on experience in building:

o Single responsive web pages using jQuery and AJAX calls o Responsive web pages using React, Redux and Axios o Web APIs using RESTful API methods

Sound familiarity of Version Control using Git/GitHub

Strong Organization and Presentation skills

Adept in Microsoft Office suite

Expert Verbal and Written communication skills

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