A very hard worker very easy to get along with everyone I love fishing
hunting playing baseball softball and do a little golfing I love working overtime when needed I'm a father of one son I'm in my second marriage I have two stepdaughters
802 mace's Lane
Heat treat operator
Black and deckers
August 1987 - September 1993
He treated Deere parts and make sure maintain temperature and hardness CNC machine operator
Rockford Powertrain
January 1993 - February 2002
Setup and operate machinery make adjustments to parts and the machines change tools if needed change dies if needed make adjustments to the program change programs forklift all parts to different departments and clean up station Daly
CNC machine operator
Haldex Inc
April 2002 - August 2008
Setup and operate the lathe and Mill machine make changes if necessary to the parts and clean up parts clean up work area change programs if needed forklift parts to different departments Food processor operator
Food swing
December 2009 - October 2015
Setup and operate the food processor and temperature as directed clean machine and clean all tubes do small repairs and change all new programs and old programs move product with forklift if necessary Grain Mill machine operator
June 2016 - June 2018
Transfer grain from trucks to tanks clean out chains and then sweet all tanks do some small repairs operate tractors and skid steer transfer grain from tanks to trucks This resume is made with Free Resume App
CNC machine operator and set up certification
Rock Valley College
1993 - 1995
Learn how to do setups on CNC machine and do some programs how to make changes to the machine Coronary Arts
Belford High School
1981 - 1985
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