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Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
July 25, 2018

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Curriculum V itae o f L etlotlo F loyd


* . * ******* * **********

Home a ddress 45 L impopo s treet

Three r ivers



Contact n umbers 073-*-**-*-***

First n ames Letlotlo F loyd

Surname Sehloho

Title Mr

Identity n umber 870**********

Drivers l icence Code 1 0/c1

Date o f b irth 04 M ay 1 987

Gender Male

Marital s tatus Single

Nationality South A frican

Home l anguage Sesotho

Other l anguages English Afrikaans Zulu

Spoken Good Good Good

Read Good Fair Fair

2 . A cademic Q ualifications

High s chool Matric

Collage Maths N 3

Science N 3

Motor m echanics N 1

Technical d rawing N 1

3 . Q ualifications

Highest q ualification RED S EAL



SERIAL N O. 1 7/GP/176244/00


1.Grinker-lta a pprenticeship w hich w as m ainly a m ining a nd construction d ivision o f t he

aveng g roup, w ere k nowledge w as w ide s pread f rom c rane maintenance t o m ining

equipment m aintenance, i n 2 008 t o 2 012/03

hydraulic s ystems

bearing m aintenance

alignment o f e gitators

installation o f p umps a nd t heir d rives

crusher a ssemblies

2. A fter q ualifying i n 2 011 w ent o n t o w ork o n s hut d owns i n 2 012 f or Foskor i n P halaborwa

on t heir V RM s hutdown a nd S andvic m ining b riefly b efore i s tarted a permanent p ost f or

Atlas C opco a t S outh d eep m ine a s a s ite a rtisan, w ere I w as responsible f or d rill r iggs.

3. A tlas c opco i b egan i n 2 012/10 t o 2 013/11(Site A rtisan)

Based a t s outh d eep m ine i n w estern a rea t his h ere w e f ocused on c ustomer s atisfaction p osted a s a s ervice c rew o n t he m ine looking a fter d rill r igs u nderground w ich

mainly i ncluded h ydraulic s ystems a nd k nowledge t he o ff

Reading a nd i nterpriting h ydraulic s ystems d rawings e xtensive knowledge t he o ff a s a tlas a ccredited t raining w as p rovided.

Changing a nd s ervicing o f h ydraulic c omponents f rom v alves t o pipes i ncluding d rives, m otors a nd p umps(fixed d isplacement and v ariable d isplacement h ydraulic p umps).

Minor m ining t echnology u nderstanding a s y ou a re e xposed t o the m ining e nvironment.

4. I s tarted a t P PC c ement i n P retoria i n 2 013/12/01, w ere i h ave r emained t o date.

Here p osted a s a F TTR n T URNER w e p erform d aily i nspections, maintenance a nd m odifications w here r equired.

That i ncludes w ork r equest s coping a nd c ontrol i .e p lanning o f manpower,spares a nd c o-ordinating m aintenance w ith p roduction schedule.

Bearing m aintenance a nd i nstallation o n c onvayor b elt p ulleys, g earboxes, fans,coriolus w eigh f eeders, h ammer m ills, o verhead c rane l ong t ravel a nd cross t ravel w heels-applying c onserned s afety p recautions t he o ff, o n a ll abovementioned e quipment.

Gearbox b ox r efurbishments o n D avid b rown g earboxes(older g eneration gearboxes,with i nternal h oldbacks b sw)

Screw c onvayor m aintenance, i nstallation a nd a lignment.

Elevator m aintenance/replacement f rom c hain e levators t o b elt e levators

Overhead c rane m aintenance a nd i nspection(two w inch r ope s ystem,one for c losing a nd t he o ther f or h olding)scoop m orris a nd d emag c ranes

Vertical r oller m ills { loesche h ydraulic s ystems m aintanance a nd g eneral mechanical m aintenance a nd m onitoring}

Horizontal b all m ills ( fault f inding a nd m aintenance)

Cement t ransport l ine p ump c onvaying t echnology C laudius P eters PUMPS

Star/rotary f eeders.

Hydraulic a nd w ater p umps r efurbishment a nd m aintenance

FMCG – r otary p acker 1 2 s pout-related b ag f eeder.

Kiln t echnology, n o o fficial t raining j ust e xperience,ridding r ing c ondition monitoring, r oller c ondition m onitoring a nd a djustment,thruster replacement a nd a djustment.

Rigging, a pplying s afety b est p ractice.

Scrapper c onvayors, m aintenance.


Dust c ollector, d onaldson c ollectors a nd r elated t echnology a pplication.

Senior A rtisan a nd f oreman a id,working w ith a pprentices a nd a rtisan aids,tasked w ith c oming u p w ith l earning t opics i n o ur m orning m eetings

Certified s afety r epresentative ( under t he M HSA 2 9 O F1996) 5. R eferences f rom P PC.

1.Engineering M anager. Nyiko M aimele 0-839****** 2.jnr E ngineer. Fred M oatshe 0-721****** n ow w orks forEskom

3.Foreman Henk V n H eerdin 0-798******

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