Ishan D. Ghosh
Philadelphia, PA - 19146
OBJECTIVE Actively looking for internships/full time positions in the eld of data science/quantitative research and/or econometric modeling
EDUCATION Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Ph.D., Econometrics & Quantitative Economics
Specialization: International Economics and Industrial Organization Current Status: All But Dissertation (ABD)
Expected Date of Completion: June 2020
Dissertation Topic: \O shoring, Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from US Microdata"
Committee Chairs: Andr e Kurmann
Committee Members: Yoto V. Yotov, Mian Dai and Philip A. Luck State University of New York, Bu alo, New York USA M.S., Economics with specialization in International Economics, 2014 University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal India B.Sc., Economics with minors in Mathematics and Statistics, 2011 TECHNOLOGY
Programming Languages: R, MATLAB, SQL, LATEX
Statistical Packages: STATA, SAS
EXPERIENCE Research Assistant September 2015 - Present School of Economics, Drexel University
Worked on the project \The Impact of Globalization on U.S. Entrepreneurship", funded by the Ewing Marion Kau man Foundation
As a Special Sworn Status (SSS) Researcher, I accessed con dential United States rm level microdata managed by the US Census Bureau
Tasks involved:
1. SAS and R Studio: Handle extremely large complex datasets by cleaning and organizing the data and preparing data for estimation 2. STATA and MATLAB: Implement sophisticated statistical techniques (re- gression modeling, predictive modeling, dynamic estimation and statistical inference)
Data Analyst Intern June 2014 - September 2014
Liazon, Bu alo, NY
Statistical Analysis and Inference for Quality Control
Regression Modeling using In-House proprietary data
ETL using SQL
AWARDS Drexel University Dragon Scholarship, 2014
NBER Graduate Scholarship to attend the Entrepreneurship and Research Bootcamp
(ERBC), Boston, July 2016
Domestic Travel Award ($600), 2017
International Travel Award ($900), 2017
Midwest International Trade Meetings, May 2017
XX Applied Economics Conference, Valencia, June 2017
Georgetown Center for Economic Research Biennial Conference, June 2017
European Trade Study Group (ETSG) Conference, Florence 2017 (Accepted)
Eastern Economic Association, Boston 2018
Other Relevant
Citizenship: Indian
Ph.D. degree recognized under STEM