I oselie perez rondon with age **, born in Cuba and a citizen of the United States, Once I got my documentation to work I started working TRIUNFOOD Saint Josehp State of Missouri, Rotated by most packing locations, Processing and chopping of the meat Obtaining thus Layeritacion de Lider, worked uninterruptedly 5 years, shortly after desidi leave it by remoteness, Working in the General Hospital North Kansas city MISSOURI state as servise desepeñandome there 3 years ending like this for economic problems working like this for Staffing Adecco North kansas city, Locating at GMC As an Inspector Quality and production, shipiing, I have worked as houskepeng at the hotel hamptom in the state of missouri,. At the Holidy Inn hotel in the laundry area, I have also worked for CINTAS CORPOTACCION in the state of Florida until today, when I decided to move to the state of Florida, I have worked for AMAZON in the state of Missouri for 2 years uninterruptedly as an operator from production to a fast and packer in the state missouri, work for the S & S activewear as a packer and pull piker and paking, I have worked for SPERTRUM BRAUM in the production area with metal and iron products, PURE FISHING American company that offers articles of fishing, I have worked for EMBASADO MEET in the area of production elaboration of carnicos foods
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