Professional S
I like to work on any tylle of machine's, I also can weld and make parts that are needed to fix machine's. I operated sranes,forklifts arrd more.
Work History
MBA buildirg supptes
*Frackville, PA
Fabricate and weld parts for machine's, maintenance and preveative maintenance otl machine's. Knowledge of hydrologic components,electrical,pneumatics,allen bradley PlC,troubleshooting,gear box's, conveyors and fork lift.
fij2015 to Current
O2/2OIO to tO/2O15
O4/2OO7 to 03/2O10
o4/2AO3 1.!'O2/2007
0811999 ta02/2003
04/1989 taOT/1999
Own business
Sparks welding *Pine Grove, PA
lVelding on containers, trailers and farm machinery. Maintenance supervisor
Concrete safet5r -Bethel, PA
Repair machine's and equipment,convayors and all tool's. Supervisor
Mobile container service - Lebanon, PA
Assign jobs and ordered materials, teach new employee's and weld and fix containers. Maintenance supervisor
Pacilic coast feather company-Lebanon, PA
Repair machine's supervised 7 other maintenance men.
Dana parish
Weld tmck frames on welding line.
I can troubleshoot electrical read blue prints,
troubleshoot PLC s,fabricate and weld. Repair
machine's gear box's,convayor$,electric motor's and much more. What I dont loow I am willing to learn.