Razan Abdelhaliem Balla
Veterinary doctor
kasala S udan
worked in the Ministry o f Animal Wealth, veterinary c linic a nd veterinary
Info pharmacies. S he a lso s tudied p harmacy d iploma
Education Graduation d ate 2 016-12-01
Sudan University of Science & Technology - B achelor
Veterinary Medicine (2.12)
C lass oe Award :Third C lass
Experience 2 017-03-20 - Current
Veterinar Medicine - Minis try of Animal Wealth
Im Working in a veterinary clinic_
and im working with the vaccination of camels_
and also working with a veterinary laboratory __Veterinary Quarry
Courses 2 017-07-01 To 2 017-09-29
diploma in pharmacy
2 016-07-01
(Diagnosis Of Trypanosomiasis Disease (Juffar) - (
us ing C ard Aglutination T es t(CATT
Diagnosis Of Trypanosomiasis D isease (Juffar) in K assala S tate by using C ard Aglutination Test(C ATT)
Languages Arabic Native Language
English Professional working p roficiency
Interests Travel, research a nd reading
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