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Looking for a challenging middle level position to utilize my technical & functional expertise in power plant domain and further aspiring to learn about the latest paradigm and process while contributing to the growth of the company.
Power Engineering graduate from NPTI(NR), Delhi .Total 8.6 Years of extensive experience in thermal power plant operation, boiler commissioning & utilities O & M. Discharged successfully my duty working in the capacity of Assistant Manager, Sr.Commissioning Engineer, Shift In charge, Desk Engineer over the years.
Successfully commissioned different types of ISGEC make boilers. Individual Operating capacity of condensing cum multi extraction Turbine and multiple types of (CFBC, AFBC,TG & WHRB) boiler & executed successfully as desk engineer.
Present Company Name : Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd (EPC O&M Division)
Designation : Shift Incharge (Power Plant Operation)
Duration : 16 Jan 2018 to till date
Job profile : Operation of 3.25 MW thermal power plant having 30TPH AFBC boiler for client Saint Gobain Gyproc India Pvt Ltd.
Last Company Name : Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd (Boiler Division: Commissioning/O&M services)
Designation : Sr Enginner (Commissioning /O & M services)
Duration : 1st Nov 2014 to 21st June 2017 (2 years 8 months)
Successfully commissioned ISGEC make boilers working as lead commissioning engineer starting December 2015 to June 2017 with client site as below:
Saint Gobain Gyproc Business: 30 TPH, 67Kg/cm2(g),490+-5C,water tube, under bed coal fired, AFBC boiler
Welspun India Ltd: 2*74TPH,110Kg/cm2(g),540+-5C,compact separator, top supported CFBC boilers
DSCL Sugar: 1*135 TPH,110 K/g/cm2(g), 540+-5C, top supported, travelling grate boiler
Bala Krishna Tyres Ltd: 2*66TPH, 88Kg/cm2, 515+-5C, overbed feeding coal fired,top supported, AFBC boiler.
Auro Textiles Ltd: 1*40TPH,11Kg/cm2(g),200+-5C,Bi-drum,bottom supported, Coal/Husk fired AFBC boiler
Krishna Tiisue Pvt Ltd: 1*55TPH, 88Kg/cm2(g), 515+-5C, Bottom supported, Coal/Husk fired AFBC boiler
Krishna SSKN: 1*80TPH,109Kg/cm2(g),540+-5C,single drum, top supported, baggase/coal fired TG boiler
Shri Sai Priya Sugar: 1*150 TPH, Single drum, Baggase/coal fired TG boiler.
Indreshawar Sugar: 1* 23.5 TPH, 52.5 kg/cm2(g), 400+-10C, Single drum, Girth supported, Spent (slope)+baggase fired, travelling grate boiler.
United Phosphorus Limited-5,Jagadia, Ankleshwar:- Successfully discharged my duty working as operation shift in charge of 150TPH ISGEC make CFBC boiler at UPL-5,Jagadia,Ankleshwar,Gujrat from Nov 2014 to Nov 2015 for a duration of one year.
Company Name : Ensol Power Pvt Ltd.
Designation : : Assistant Manager (Power Plant)
Duration : 5th June 2013-27 Aug 2014 (1 year 3 month )
Client : 1) Shri Shyam Ispat India Pvt Ltd,Raigarh (C.G.) 4th June 2014 to 27 Aug 2014,2) Trimula Industries Ltd, Singrauli (M.P.) 23 Aug 2013 to 24th April 2014,
3) Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd,Mumbai (Maharashtra 5th June to 21st Aug 2013
Plant Capacity (SSIIPL) : 17MW Triveni make condensing turbine, one Thermax make 52TPH AFBC boiler & 2*10TPH Thermax make WHRB water tube boilers
Plant Capacity (TIL) : 38.5MW (26.5 MW+12 MW) Italian make condensing turbine with Thermax make 2*38TPH WHRB boilers, natural circulation, water tube boiler, & one 90TPH AFBC boiler
Plant Capacity (RSIL) : 4.5 MW Triveni make back pressure turbine with 32TPH CVL make water tube AFBC boiler with SH outlet pressure 66Kg/cm2 & temp 485C
Company Name : Enmas O & M Services Pvt Ltd
Designation : Shift Incharge
Duration : 5th Nov 2011-April 13,2013 (1 Year 5 Month)
Client : Finolex Industries Ltd, Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)
Plant Capacity : 1*43MW Power plant having 1*43MW BHEL make Extraction cum condensing turbine & 2*110TPH CVL make natural circulation, water tube, coal fired AFBC boilers.
Turbine:- Pressure- 86Kg/cm2, Temp-510 deg c, Flow- 210 TPH
Boiler :- Pressure- 89 Kg/cm2, Temp-525 deg c, Flow- 2*110 TPH
Company Name : Ind Synergy Ltd (Steel & Power Company), Raigarh (C.G.)
Plant Capacity : 34 MW (1*10 MW & 8*3 MW) power plant having Cethar Vessals make AFBC & WHRB boilers (natural circulation, water tube) & Triveni make bleed cum condensing turbine
1*10 MW:- Pressure-65Kg/sq cm, Temp-485deg c, Flow-40TPH (AFBC)
3*8 MW:- Pressure-65 Kg/sq cm, Temp-485 deg c, Flow-38TPH(WHRB)
Designation : Shift In charge
Duration : 15th June 2011-27 Sep 2011 (3 & 1/2months)
Company Name : Gangakhed Sugar & Energy Ltd ( a sister concern of M/s Sunil Hitech Engineers Ltd.), Gangakhed (Maharashtra)
Plant Capacity : 1*30MW ICCP Co-Gen Power plant having Natural circulation, water tube, traveling grate IJT make boiler & Siemens make extraction cum condensing,18 stages turbine.
Pressure-105 Kg/sq cm, Temp-535 deg c, Flow-150TPH (season)/ 115TPH (Off season)
Designation : Desk Engineer/Shift Incharge
Duration : 2ndMarch 2010- 13thJune 2011(1 Year 4 Months)
Company Name : S.R.Industries Ltd, DeraBassi, Mohali (Punjab)
Plant Capacity : Fire tube boiler:-Pressure:-10 Kg/sq cm, Flow:-8TPH
Designation : G.E.T
Duration : 20th July-30th Dec 2009(5 &1/2 months)
Company Name : S.P. Construction, Panipat (Haryana)
Plant Capacity : Electrical Operation & Maintenance work at site.
Designation : Site Engineer
Duration : May 2008-June 2009(1 Year &1 month)
Course University Institution %Marks
B.Tech in Guru Gobing Singh National Power Training 72.8%
Power Indraprashta Institute(NR), Badarpur, Delhi
Engineering University-Delhi, (2007)
DIPLOMA in Board of Technical Govt. Polytechnic Nilokheri, 62.75%
Electrical Education, Haryana Karnal, Haryana.
Engineering (2002)
10th Standard (H.B.S.E.)Haryana(1998) S. D. High School, Jind 72%
Last Job Responsibility as Sr. Commissioning engineer-Boilers:-
Responsible for commissioning of different types of boilers starting from no load trial of equipment till commercial steam generation & fine tuning of the boiler control logics.Got involved in PG test in one project.
Meeting with client regarding commissioning input with client scope as well as vendor scope & discuss the commissioning schedule prior to start of commissioning activity. Availability of fuel, power, feed water, cooling water, instrument air, lubricant, plant operating staff, chemicals for chemical boil out, bed material, communication system, fire fighting system, PPE, lighting, commissioning spare, DM water to be ensured as per technical data sheet specifications. DCS readiness, ESP,Chimney & ash handling system readiness to be ensured.
Inspection of site status w.r.t readiness of boiler to commence pre-commissioning & hot commissioning activity of boiler & BOP area & update the same to the management team of commissioning,erection, project depatt & site erection team.
Prepare & update rigorous standard commissioning checklist before start of respective commissioning milestone such as Boiler internal & official Hydro test, Refractory dry out, Atmospheric boil out, Pressure boil out, Steam blowing, Safety valve floating, Commercial steam generation. Commissioning Protocol to be raised as per standard ISO format.
Coordination with consultants & project contractors for interface meetings to ensure resolution of all technical issues encountered during different phase of commissioning.
Responsible for commissioning of boiler rotating equipments such as fans, fuel feeders, BFP’s, HP & LP dosing system, Soot blowers which includes successful no load & load trials & protocol to be raised for each.
To check & ensure that boiler static parts such as furnace, pressure parts (super-heaters coils & eco & modular bank tubes), APH, ECO, ducts erection has been done as per drawing.SAR (site action report) to be raised for any deviation observed. To ensure coil supports, baffle plates, lance supports, sleeve installation are done properly & as per drawing & all loose items removed from internal parts.
Conduct leak test of air & flue gas circuit comprising furnace zone, APH zone, ECO zone, Evaporator zone, air & flue gas ducts.
To check & ensure that all integral & non integral piping erection has been done as per drawing. Direction of valves & NRV are as per flow direction. All spring support lock to be removed before start of hot commissioning. Safety valve hydro test plug to be removed & assembling to be done after fixing of seat.
To ensure that all permanent supports installed for integral, non integral piping, ducts & temporary support removed. Expansion bellow lock to be removed after installation of all permanent supports.
To ensure that there is no restriction for thermal expansion of boiler & that buck stay & seismic supports are installed & gap maintained as per drawing & protocol raised before start of hot commissioning activity.
To carry out hot commissioning activity like Refractory dry out, refractory inspection post RDO, Chemical Boil out & flushing post ABO-PBO, Steam blowing of main steam line & auxiliary PRDS station. Steam test & setting of boiler safety valve as per IBR norms.
Boiler Interlock & protection checking, control loop checking & tuning of controller
All fan dampers, MOVs, Control valve freeness & readiness to be ensured. Lubrication of all rotating equipments as per lubrication schedule.
Past Job Responsibility as power plant Operation Engineer/Shift In charge/Asst Manager:-
Ensured reliable & efficient operation of power plant leading a team of power plant engineers & operators. Scanning the parameters on the boilers, Turbine, balance of plant, optimizing the parameters for efficient operation & to control deviations if any in the shortest possible time.
Ensures safe & systematic line-up of unit & its auxiliaries, changeover of equipments, routine testing of Interlocks & protection system. Start-up & shut down & stabilization of boiler in case of emergencies like tripping, grid failure, Black out etc .
Maintaining of daily shift activities, record keeping, performance monitoring and controlling of auxiliaries effectively to achieve targeted power production minimizing losses. Monitoring and controlling of auxiliaries effectively to achieve targeted power production in shift minimizing losses.
Inform to the Plant Manager about status of the plants, generation & consumption patterns, deviations from prescribed norms, any plant abnormalities and unidentified problems, adopting the changes required and communicating the necessary information down the line.
Ensured the smooth operation of BOP equipment such as coal handling & ash handling plants,ESP, DM plants, Air compressors, Sea water pump house, Main & Auxiliary Cooling Towers.
To meet the max. generation target of the month as well as reducing the auxiliary consumption to minimum by optimizing the parameters & also ensuring uninterrupted supply of quality steam & power to process plant with required temperature and pressure . Keeping a close watch on critical operating parameters
Executed safe load shedding as part of schedule, Co-ordination with TG & process section as well as well as guide, assist desk engineer & field operator in day to day operation optimizing the parameters for efficient operation. Assign, schedule and oversee the work of plant operators and others to ensure trouble free of manpower
Preparation of daily shift reports, defect list, record keeping, running hours. Prepared monthly boiler efficiency, turbine efficiency & plant performance reports. Developing database by updating of documents, SOP’s, manual for future reference, maintaining history cards.
Review the equipment under maintenance and the work permits in force, Issue & cancellation of PTW, ensuring safe isolation, personnel safety & equipment safety are being adhered to.
Ensuring that all the consumption of raw materials are as per norms and are available, if any shortfall of raw materials exist, bring to the notice of concerned immediately so that the resources are available well in time i.e. chemicals, coal,bed materials etc.
Adhering to pollution control norms by ensuring the effluents & stack exit gases from the boilers & plants are as per norms in terms of quality & quantity .i.e Sox/NOx/SPM etc..
Coordinating with maintenance departments to ensure that critical jobs apart from regular preventive maintenance jobs are carried out without delay. Coordinated with maintenance team at the time of annual shutdown. Coordinated in planning & doing preventive, emergency & breakdown maintenance of machines & auxiliaries so as to ensure trouble free working of the plant equipments.
Monitor loading of the machine & co-ordinate with load dispatch, SMS, SID, Blast Furnace & regulatory body for control of power generation.
Successfully operated & worked on DCS as boiler & turbine desk engineer individually during boiler & turbine cold & hot start up, performed day to day parameter monitoring & controlling of various operating parameters e.g. pressure, temp, flow rate etc.Successfully operated power plant having CFBC,AFBC & WHRB boiler from field & DCS
Detect abnormal condition in equipment, deviation in parameters & take on spot decision for restoration of process & equipment within the scope of operating instructions.
Performed routine water chemistry analysis & maintained log. Overlooking the analysis of water samples reports
O&M of Plant Utilities, which included Fire Tube Boiler (8TPH) & auxiliaries i.e. FD & ID Fans, Feed Pumps, Valves, wet scrubber, Heat Exchangers, Cooling Towers, Air Compressors, ETP as well as Transformer, Feeder & Control Panels, Electrical Machines, & other related auxiliaries.
Coordinated in Inventory control, procurement of spares, fuels, required materials for day to day operation & maintenance.
VI weeks Summer Training at Indraprastha Power Generation Corporation Limited (62.5MW*3+60MW, IPGCL) ( June-July2005). at Delhi.
VI weeks Summer Training at Pragati Power Corporation Limited (2*104 MW(Gas Turbine) & Studied the Operation of BTG and Auxiliaries of a Combined Cycle Power plant (1*122MW-CCGT) plant at Pragati Power Station, Delhi(June-July 2005)
III weeks training at Gas Turbine power Station (GTPS) (6*30MW (Gas Turbine)+3*34MW(Waste Heat Recovery Unit) at Delhi. (June-July 2004)
6 months Rotational on job Training for Boiler, Turbine & Generator in Badarpur Thermal Power Station 705MW(2*210MW+3*95MW),NTPC,Delhi.
1 year Scheme Tracing for Power Plant (Boiler, Turbine & Generator) in Badarpur Thermal Power Station 705MW(2*210MW+3*95MW),NTPC,Delhi
Proficient in Thermal Power Plant Operation. Hands on experience in operating CFBC (ISGEC make), AFBC(ISGEC,CVL, Thermax make),Travelling Grate (ISGEC make) & WHRB(Thermax make),Slope(spent) fired boiler & multi extraction condensing turbine(Siemens, BHEL & Triveni make).
Proficient in pre-commissioning & commissioning activity of different types of boilers. Successfully commissioned 7 nos of ISGEC make boilers up to 150 TPH (4 nos AFBC boiler & 3 nos Travelling grate boiler).Partly involved in commissioning of another two boilers (one CFBC & other Slope fired).
Proficient in executing both planned & emergency power plant unit (STG & BOP) start up & shutdown & successfully executed a no of times working as a shift In charge of the unit.
Able to do performance analysis of power plant (Heat rate, plant efficiency,turbine efficiency, boiler efficiency, Heat balance, specific generation & consumption ).
Hands on operating experiance with various DCS operating system such as Yokogawa, ABB, Siemens, Sofcons & SCADA operating system such as Schneider Electric, Valmet.
Ability to work as a team leader as well as a team member. Good communication skill.
Nice theoretical power plant background toned further during practical hands on field experience .
Good analyzing & organizing skill.
Sincerity & dedication towards target job.
Represented college cricket team in state level cricket tournament organized at BVP college of engineering (GGSIPU), Delhi. Lead the college team to runner up position in Cricket Tournament at UCMS, Delhi, scoring 2nd highest run in the tournament
Stood 1st in class 6th, 7th & stood 2nd in class 8th at school level.
MS-Office, Internet
Playing Cricket
Listening Music, net surfing
Nationality : Indian
Date of birth : 11 June 1983
Marital Status : Married
Present Employer : Isgec Heavy Engineering Ltd (formerly known as Isgec John Thompson)
Current location : Bharuch, Gujrat
Last CTC : 7 Lacs /annum
Expected CTC : Negotiable
Total experience : 8.6 Years
Notice Period : 1 month
Passport : Yes
Permanent Address: : # 705/18,Near Golden School, Shiv colony, Jind (Haryana)
I declare that contents mentioned above are true to best of my Knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed herein. If given an opportunity to serve in your organization, I assure you that I will dedicate myself to meet company goal.
Date- 07/08/2018
Place- Bharuch, Gujrat