Diana Matei
a r c h i t e c t
****** Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Date / Place of birth: 1992-10-25 / Cluj-Napoca
Nationality: Romanian
Driving license: B
Work experience
Architect at S.C. arhiDetailS S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca
August 2018 – present
Architectural planning, Urban planning, Site supervision, 3D modeling, 3D rendering Architectural Intern at ateliercetrei S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca October 2017 – March 2018
Urban planning, Architectural planning, Interior architecture, Architectural design, Interior design, Object design, 3D modeling, 3D rendering Crew lider at Big Build 2017, Bacau (Habitat for Humanity Romania) September 2017- October 2017
Construction on site
Site coordinator/ crew leader/ volunteer for building single-family houses at BIG BUILD 2017 (36 houses in 5 days)
Architectural Intern at Hiperform S.R.L, Cluj-Napoca, Romania July 2016 – August 2016
Architectural planning, Architectural design, 3D modeling, 3D rendering, Construction authorization documentation
Architecture student in practice at CERC Boldești-Scăeni Resource Center
(OMV Petrom), Prahova, Romania
July 2014 – August 2014
Construction on site
Crew leader/ volunteer for building CERC Boldești-Scăeni Resourse Center (the first total passive house in Romania), Prahova, Romania
Education and training
Bachelor of Architecture – BArch & Master of Architecture – MArch, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2012 – 2018
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Master of Architecture – MArch,
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea 2016 – 2017
Higher Technical School of Architecture, San Sebastian, Spain Baccalaureate Diploma,
‘Onisifor Ghibu‘ High School, Cluj-Napoca
2008 – 2012
Mathematics and Computer Science
Articles / Publications
Falling into the sky
Festival des Architectures Vives 2017, Montpellier, France - EMOTION Matei, D - Higher Technical School of Architecture, Universidad del Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, Spain (2017). ‘Falling into the sky' Festival des Architectures Vives 2017. Emotion: 40-44.
ISBN: 979-10-94124-03-1
HUB - incubator de creaţie şi inovaţie (HUB - creation and innovation incubator) igloo. habitat & arhitectura 159
Matei, D. & Guranda, R. (2015). HUB - incubator de creaţie şi inovaţie” Igloo. Habitat & Arhitectură: Design vegetal 159: 24. ISSN: 1583-7688 Workshops and Juries
Crew leader/ site coordinator/ volunteer - Big Build 2017, Romania September 2017- October 2017
Construction on site, Habitat for Humanity Romania Workshop participant selected through contest at Higher Technical School of Architecture - International Congress EFIB/AEIP Soil and Water Bioengineering, Spain
9 - 11 November 2016
URA Agencia Vasca del Agua and Basque Government - Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Politica Territorial
Volunteer - CERC Boldeşti-Scăeni, Romania
July 2014 – August 2014
OMV Petrom & Sustainability Center for Built Environment, Habitat for Humanity, Romania Awards
2nd Prize [team] – ‘Space Capsule’
January 2018
Ministry of Culture of Romania, Romanian Cultural Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Union of Architects of Romania
National contest for the selection of the project that will represent Romania at the 16th edition of the International Architectural Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia 2018
(https://www.uniuneaarhitectilor.ro/rezultate-etapa-a-ii-a) 1st Prize [team] - ‘Falling into the sky’
June 2017
Higher Technical School of Architecture, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Competition for selection of the installation for ‘Festival des Architectures Vives 2017’, Montpellier, France
*built project
1st Prize [drawing] - ‘Simbolistica mărţişorului’
March 2010
Transylvania College and Cluj-Napoca City Hall, Romania Promoting ‘Mărţişor’ between the sister cities: Cluj-Napoca, Romania & Rockford,IL,USA Exhibitions
Exhibitor - project ‘Falling into the sky’ at Festival des Architectures Vives 2017, Montpellier, France
13-18 July 2017
Association Champ Libre, Montpellier, France
Exhibition competition - architecture installation Exhibitor – project ‘Lady ZAZA’ at ‘Zilele Arhitecturii’ – ZA Crossing Borders 15 - 18 May 2013
Association of Students of Architecture Cluj-Napoca (AStA) FAU – exhibition of students’ architecture projects Skills
ArchiCAD – proficient user
Adobe Photoshop – proficient user
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Microsoft Office
Artlantis Studio
Architectural Design
Urban Planning
3D Modeling
Graphic Design
UI/UX Design
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Product Design
Furniture Design
Foreign Languages
Proficient user
*Cambridge Advanced Certificate, Score: B, 2010
Independent user
Basic user
Folk Dancing – dancer at ‘Romanasul’ student folk dance group of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (2007 - present)
Society Dancing
Tennis playing
Drawing & Painting