Charlene Mongolo
Document Specialist
Summary of Qualifications
• Extensive Microsoft Access database experience
• Familiar with acquisition and due diligence procedures
• Strong clerical and organizational skills
2017 Still Manpower February thru July Data Entry for City of Reno Finance Dept
August thru October NDOT Permits Department
2015 Still Manpower, multiple part time temp jobs all year
2012- 2014 James Proctor, Meridian Advantage, Receiver for multiple Banks on Foreclosures. I go in and either close down the business and liquidate the assets or operate the business until the Bank resells.
2006 – 2012 A. Clark, Bankruptcy Trustee, operating multiple companies including a Golf Course, a Vending Company
Coates Experience
El Paso Energy
Due diligence of right-of-way files; entered and scanned data into client’s database in preparation for move from the El Paso Energy Building to Greenway Plaza (Houston, Texas). Specific activities were:
• Due diligence of right of way files in Houston, Texas
• Analyzed files; extracting information relevant to fee properties and
any properties requiring leases or other payments
• Updated database to reflect changes
• Performed quality control to assure that information was correct
CSW/AEP Transmission
Right-of-way assistance to the transmission department of Public Service Company of Oklahoma; researched easements to determine special conditions and width of easement; prepared documents to release easements; deed plotting
Los Angeles Unified School District
Provided document preparation and database support for relocation activities throughout the District; acquisition agent support; managed clerical crew